o-Sbu' $arts7 P.-I TON IGHT's PICTURE VICTOR cLAGLE SATURDAY. DEc. 131 CHARLES ROGERS end IHELEN ICANE Pathe Esview Aebos Fables Matins. Ouliff-OTh Ilians Are C,»ingo"-pS<de No. 4 Satumrday, MstinePries. te S:WP. 7N. xbidInlner 12, 14 enuts Adits, 8 u ets SUNDAY aend MONDAY, DEC. 14-15. Ç'Idyaboy awgim -Tâe xnookont"-LetOTlUsherS ,'Ecss -!~scente JUnivsnSi Taling e w& TUESDAY end WODNESDAY, DeC. 16-17 "IROTHIMM BERT LYTELL "Coflege EouuglV'-DogT1li5Conisdy -«"ong Ser'rle"-LeS Noria Ast xinograui Nsw§ THURSD)AY end, FRIDAY, ME., 18191 Yes, this is John' Barrymore, 'but he's an entirely different Barrymore when he lives the part of Ahab, the daring and romantic sailor of anotber century, in the whaling epic, "Moby Dick," at the Wilmette. theater on Monday and Tuesday, December 15 for foreign versions as el as for English-speaking producions. Af ter finishing "'The Easiest Way," Menjou immediately went to work on the' French version of "Let Us Be Gay." Lily Damnita, who is finding 'her na- tural French accent profitable, is play- ing the role in the French version of the taîkie that Norma Shearer niadeý su celightful for the English-speaking screen. ,novie fans who sec the efuliy se- Iected pictures that not only have gleaned a harvest of thrills f rom the E~ast, the West, the South and Africa, but have also reached into the past century for the "0mance, of wrhaling *vessels, seaports d many- skirted ladies. Today's (Friday's) attraction at the Wilmette is IlLast of the Duanes," Za.ne Grey's great outdoor story with George O)'Brien, Lucile Brown, Myrna Loy and' Walter McGrait showing outstanding ability. 1Every- one will njoy this picture of an heroic young outlaw and. the, girl whom he daringly rescues f romn the. leader of a dangerous band of cattle .thieves. Later he is instrumental In lexterminating thé rustlers. "Af rica Speaks" will be -the Wil- mette theatre's mighty educational film on. Saturday only, December 13. Vengeance and: triumphs, the lives and the 'loves of the peoP of, the, trackless. Congo will ,he',depied, i a panioraa of cruelty,. sensulity ait, amazing feats of beroisin. Wonder- ful pictures of wild beasts and close- ups of duclc-billed women of Af rica are fascinating glimpses afforded by thie movie. ludiaus Are Comimg At the matinee on Saturday after- noon, there will be even more excite- ment than usual, for the first episode .of the serial,' "The Indians Are Com- ing," will be seen, Episode Number Six of the interesting serial, " Son of Tarzan," will keep the audience corne to life in -the- persons of Sally Starr and Elliott Nugent in the crisp- ly entertainîng taîkie, "For the Love 0' Lil," at the Wilmette theatre on Sunday, December 14. jack Muihal and Margaret Livingston also con- tribute to the sn ap and sparkle of this film which fairly crackles with the perplexities,. gaieties, loves andý triumphs of modern hf e. This is up- to-date and cleancut entertainmeiit. John Barrymore-actually lives the BILKINOSMITH, Eoernags Doeng Wek, KiNG BILL