Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1930, p. 68

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or, 25 cents a. lino In any two pap ers. e papers. MINIMUlM CHARGE $1.06. oblack face type used. 10% discount 's when brought toour office ai 1232 Ave., Winnetka, or 341 Park Ave., upon requeut. Deadline for. Insertions ýcm"ed avertomtente, will .be. for tbe WIlMWurTE Lira or all' three papers; Thursdaiy 9 o'clook for 'the WINNurTA TALK and Frlday 5 u'clock for thé GLmNogU Nnwa. Téléphones: Wlilnetteo 4800, Winnetka 2000j Wlineîka 500 or Glencoe 1484, dfeetileat 4300 or sheldrake $687. ~8. .LOST AND FMOUND LOST BOYS WHITE- GOLD. ELGIN wrist watch, -silver meuh stra.p. 'Locker room New Trier.Dec. 3rd. Re- ward, nu questîôion.Ph. Wilmette369. SLT32-ltc IAMOND BRýACELET L O ST IN Kenil*orth or No Man's Land Dec. .3rd. Liberal reward. Ph. Kenilworth 3440. L32lte LOST MALE AIREDALE, NAMIRD O.Spooks." Phone Cooper. Giencoe 1682 Reward. 2LTN3Z-Itc LOST - WHITE GOLD HOOP EA]R- rings. F¶uter pieus eall Wilmetite 1761. Reivard. 21LTN32-'ltc S ANTIQUES Always ini Perfect Taste, TE CHOICE OF SILVER, ARTIS- ticaiiy designd, antique period pat- terum, suprlor by virtue of its beauty, worth and performnance. 01<1 pleces restored to original ftnish. PAUL DAVEY JEWeLER 1165 iWlhette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 6 6LTNI9-tfe YVONNE1 SOHN la announelhg the. reupoval of her col- lection of antique furniture to 12 B8. Walton Place, Chicago. Liquidationi maie continues until everythtingla sold. Ph. , Whltehall 4786. OJ.'TN27-tUC Ail Kinds et Carpenter Work bons JOHN BOBSCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 9LTNI9-tfc Dressmaking -1 COLLETTE SoElURS- WIRE HAIR PUPPIES ALSOI BOSTON Bulls some'exceptional puppies. mak- Ing a fine kift., Also other breels. ScbIldberg Brou., Mendota, 111. 30 REPAIRINO AND RIINISHING, IF TOU NEED A CARPENTER, telephone Cari Bengaton! He; odees ail kinds Of carPpter work, and re- pgalig. Wfinn. 2480. 30LTS15-tfc 33 WEARINe APPAREL -FINE HEAVYT VT!Ef oIERdÔÂT $10, dark blue suit $5. Large doli buggy, dark blue, creain wheels $5. Write A-103, Box 40, Wilmétte. 33LT32-Ite FUR CLOTH COAT TRIMMED) WITH mole, ln perfect condition. Aise 2 évé- ning dressés, 1 spori dress, and ne- ligee, sizes 34 to 36. Phone Winnetkýa 1667. 33LTN32-ltc EXTRA WARM WOOL INNERLINED ladies' tailoréd coat, sizé 40-42, exe. condition. $25. Ph. Wilmétte 3226. 33LTN32-ltc FOR SALE - BOY'S TUXEDO SIZE 17-18. Phone Wilmette 3094. 33LTN32-lte J3OY'S1 OVERCOAT, 10 YR., LIKE new, bargain, $10. Books, etc. Pli. Wilmette 2152. , -ý33LTN?2-lte 33.A WATÇHES IN THESE MODERN. DAYS MODERN GIF'TS ARE IN ORflER- new principles, smart désigns iii our présent sélection of watchéu and dlocks. Whatéver your demand, cestly or Inexpensîve, wie cari show you Just thé thing at any IwIice you wish te pay. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 61 FRENCHGIRL, EXPER IN HOIJSE- Ikeeping, wishes position ln private l amil on forth shore. Can speak I Feh Ge3rman, -and English. Write I A-100, Box 40, Wilmette, >I11. f 4ILTN32-ltp EXP. MIDDLt-AGED, LADY -WANTS posItion, gênera'i hous3ework and care of chlcren. Winnàetka 3212, ask foi Miss Sheffer for. inform.ation. 41LTN32-3te EXPERIENCED W H I T E WOMAN wants laundry or cléanlng Wednes- day, also every other Saturday. Ref- erence If required. Cail Wilmette 4288 after 5 :30.> 41L32-1inc EXPERIENCED GIRL- WISHES 2NDý or waitress work. ýBéat of North Shore Référenices. Write. A-loi.* BOX 40 Wilmiette. 41LTN32-lne GIRL.WILL STAY IN EVENINGS IN exôèhanigé for room and board or roem- alone. Write A-102-Box '40 Wilmette. 41LTN32-lnc GENERAL, HOUSEWORK. N. S. REF- erences. Experlénced. White. Fond of child4ren. Tel. Winnetka 1847. 41LTN'32-lnc SWtEDISH GIRL ÂGE 30 WANTS second Or chambér work 2 yr. local ý,ef. Pauliné's Agéncy. Ph. Winnetka. 2662, 41LTN32-lte EXPERIENCED SORTER WTSHES position ln laundry. Caîl Wilmetté 3206 Monday and Wednésday between 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. 41LTN32-lilc OOOKING .OR SERVING LUNCH- coius, dinners, and paltiés. by' the heur or day. Expér. waitréss. Winnelka 1920. 41LTN32-2tp GERMAN GIRL ÂGE' 21 WANTS genéral. 2% yr. local réf. Paullné's Agency. Ph. WInnetka 2662. 41LTN32-ltc NURSEMAIDS, 3 WITH VERY GOOD réf each, have hospital training. Pauline'si Agency. Ph. Winnetika 28669. 41L;TNS2,lto EXP~JIENED MAID - OUSE- wor-~xéllntCook, ne laundry. Colored. 'Wilmette refences. Ph. Greénleaf 1130. 41LTN32-2tp EXPER. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS laundry, cleaning. Cooking and serv- ing for parties, Winnetka -3325.-- WANTED WASHING. WILL CALL, for and deliver. Ph. University 7181. 41LTN32-1n'.. MARRIED WOMAN,*CARE 0F CHIL-, dren 'or light hoUsework. Phone Win- netka.3130. 41LTN32-lnc WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK or go out by thé day. Ph. Dou4glas 2921.41LTN32-ltc WANTED WASHING OR:CLEANINO by the day. Ph. ýWiImette 1891. 41LT32-lnc WANTED GENZRAL HOUSEWORK, experlencéd couic. Réf. Cali Univer- sity 4096 evenings. 1 N3-t GENERAL HOUSEWORKC, LAUNDRY -or cleaning, by the day. Phono Win- nétkaca 3291. 41L32-ltp, WANTEOD - DAY WORK W.ASHING, iruning: and cieaning. Phono Kenhl-. werth 4730. 41L[TN32-1lc WANTED -HOUSE WORK 0F ANY kind byday or "week. Ph. Wilme tte 937. 4ILTN32-lnc PRAC ICAL NURSE, CARE 0F IN-. valid or companion to elderly lady. Ref. University 4357. 41LTN32-ltp ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE LUNCH- eons or dinners? For experienced cook call Glencoe 271. 41LTN32-lnc EXPER. LAUNDRlESS WANTS DAY workc. Cail Winnetka 1823. 41LTN32-lne EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS laundry to do at home. Tel. Winnetka 3248. 41LTN32-ltc SECOND MAID, Ge2RMAN GIRL AGE 32 have 3%j yrs. local réf. Pauline's Agency. Ph. Winnetka. 2662. 41LTN32-lte 42 SITUATION WANTE.-MA4LE OALL OUR SERVICE DEpT. FOR wlndow washlng, cleaning, floor wax-« ing and 0<14 jobs. Exp. worlcmen. .PAULINE'S .EMP. AGENCY 748 Elrn St. Ph. Winnetka 2662 42LTN32lte NORWEGIAN YOUNG MAN WSE housecleaning, wIndow washing or any odd Jobs around the house. Good Références. Ph. Winnetka 2477. 42LTN32-Inne PARTY GOING TO 1'LORTIDA FOR 1Wilmetee*4300 or Winnegtka.2000 ÇGERMAN, ÂGE 45 Wenoes. Pauiline' AI nnetka. g66g. J. l'ece.k7. uiveiy 8111.. F32-ina 42LTN32-Inc ;T 0F HOUSEWORK WASHING WINDOWS. Pb-. .Butl6r wor7k anàd uerving. N. A. Refer- r88-ltC .o nce. Ph.. Wlnnetka. 7 42LTN32-lnc 1 - , Il m

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