Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1930, p. 71

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auction, anda mcuae L.ouise i'yres uar- nett (Mrs. Eugene Garnett.). Lucy Fitcli Perkins (Mrs. Dwiglit Perkins), Editli Lobdcll Reed (Mrs.. Earl Reed), Whio wilI be assistcd by Emmy Brady, brilliant yoÜng. pianist; Mrs. Dehnis Granit, Hadassali MeGiffen, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, and: Eleanor, Perkins. On the walls*of the clubroomn will be a remarkable display of' original illus- trations and cover' designs b y fm ïllustràtots, also books and rnusic: for young, people. This will be'a rare pre- Christmas programn for'the whole f ar- ily. Thé fôllowving program wil1 be given: Faeries Dancei Frorn . "Master WIll Dac o~ f Stratford,- Wltches Dnc i Louise.Ayres Oarntt Eccentric Dance) Bridges çEihLbelRe Emmy Brady, pianlst Songe from. "JoIly Jinke Song Book"........ Edlth Lobdell ReeO "Our Old Hore "Mary Maiore «'A. Coper Down a Crack" Veres from '"Peter Patter" book by Leroy P. Jackson Songe from "Ring-Go-Round"., .............Edith Lobdeil Reecl *Dlekv Dlcky Dandy" "'There In, An Old Granny", "PkyParsonh- *Look a& Irene" Verses from "Riniskitte" .,>by. Lroy F. Jackson Mrs. Dennls Grant Hadassah MoGiffen, at the piano., III Had a Dove". . Louise AYres Garnett "Out of the Mornlftg". ......... ......... Louise Ayres *Garnet *'When Phyllig Takes lier1 Vocal Lesson" .-.-Louise Ayres Garnett Mv.. Glbert Smith Hadassah McGlffen, at the. piano Reading, "IWhen the. Dlsh Ran AwaY Witl, the . ....... .. eau.r Prkns Eileanor Perklns "'Remlnscnce'-worde and mpusic by ý Idith . Lobdel Reed "*Swans"-<Sara Teasdale)-words and music by Edith 1Lobdeil Roed "Jack-a-Bed" (adapted.from a4-story by Louise Ayres Garnett)-Edith Lobdell *Reed Mrs. Dennis Orant *Mar -Song (Gran acco............ 'y .ýloui».Ayres ant "Dresses" "lEverybody Says" 'Night and Mornlng". Verses from Dorothy A1di!4' "EVery-, thlng and Anythlng . music by grs., wsenuniveri tAy cnapte ot eI raC i- ternity, lias about nine members at New Trier, and forty men teacliers. f rom New Trier, attended the meeting. Most of the noi-tl shore granimar- scliool principals and superintendents also were in attendance. Dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock in thé, faculty dining room. at the Evans- ton Higliscliool and the, program f oi- lowed. Supt. -William j . Bogan of tbe.Chi- cago Publicschools was the speaker., His subject was "Education for the Future." 'He stressed the- point, that çvery boy and girl is entîtled to an éducation-, if not an academic educa- tion, then a vocational one. A *similar meeting is sponsored, eacli year by Upsilon ciapter of Phi Delta Kappa. Being an 'educational -f rater- nity , Phi Delta Kappa wislies to bettes' identify 'itself with educationàl imove- ments and to foster sucb movernents. Another reason for the bolding of the annual open meeting to which scbool men of the entire Chicago district are invitcd is to sponsor f ellowship and f riendliness among tbese nmen. Ex-Service Group to Cheer Invalids Withi Holiday Treat The ex-service committec of the Woman's club of Wilniette held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. P. Teneher, 828 Ashland ave-. nuc, on Monday, Deceniber 8. Plans for the.Cliristmnas celebra- tions were made. On Monday, Deceni- ber 22, inembers of the comniitee will. meet at the Red Cross bouse at Great Lakes at 10 o'clock in the morning and, iil lielp f111 the seven bundred tarIatan stockings for t hé men at that hospital. The ýhusband.of one of tlie nembersý li given seven liundred chocolaté bars for the stockings. At 1 o'clock the committee will go to its unit,, 31 East, and after lielpîng tbe men decorate their tree. a little Lauerman was a Wlnett;e. pioneer' away back in the 70i). Dolly left on Saturday November -19 for a nine-t months' dancing 'tour wbich will take her f rom coast *to coast. À brief summary of Dolly's risc ,to dancing, fame is -as follows: When Dolly ýwgs, 8 years> oli Mrs. Erma Paul, noted :singer and dancer, was. visiting ip1 Wilmettce and, sceing Dolly capering. about said,: "That child should'study dancing. She bas a emarkably limber back." T 1hen and there the seed, wa s sown, a nd later. Mdrs. Bell' took DoIly to- the Gladys HIigbt Dancing school in Chi- cago. -It wasn't long before sfic was a special protegé.of, Mrs. H1iglit and learned 'ail the> fundamentals, of acrobatic, toc and tap dancing there.- During this period she did consider- able social andcbarity work. About a year ago, Mlecrill Abbott of the Abbott Scbool of Dancing saw Dolly perform and madlelier an offer. of à- scliolarship, wbich she accepted.* 1Folowing that Dolly wis rbosen with twelve of the most promising young dancers of the class and now,. after months of rigid practice, the, group lias embarkcd on a 'c.untry- wide tour, dancing in the leading vaudeville bouses in every 'arge city, witli Mrs. Abbott and a tutor in at- tendance-the tutor to kccp tble girls up on their higli school studies. Volly is the specialty danicer caf the troupe and in ber letters borne ays: "0 mother, I had no IDEA New York was '50 big." So Dolly is earning more now than moit of us and is well on the road tô- fane. We who remember ber as tbat long-lcggcd, fair-liaired >youngster wbo did ail tbe fancy stunts on ber ice skates every winter over at the Northi Western station pônd, have every reason to be.proud. If she just keeps the same unsophisticated sim- plicity she took -along with berý to New York ... . well, it' won't be long before Ziegfeld'ps disccrning eyc ýwill discover Dolly and lier naine will be blazoncd aniong the white lights 'of Broadway. .Mrs. Frankç Cheeseman of the Qr- rington hotel is, enterlàlning the. Kenilworth luncheon club at the. hotel today. 0o' The Wopma's guild of the Kenil- worth Union church lias suspcnded its mein ,gs until the first Monday in January. Mrs. L. G. Bratton of 1500 Wash- ington avenue has Mms. Milton Wrigbt, of Suminit, NI. J., as her guest for several weeks. Miss is thé Piraux P hyllis. Ellerton of* Detroit bouseguest of Mrs. Joseph of 714 Forest avenue. Normian E. Dally is seriouslyr illI at bis homeý, 1031 Oak street, Winnctka. LuGE-lNt PERFUME. FRC>M Pâris.corne kegon, Midi., wbere tbey spent sev- Mr. and Mrs. M. V. K~earney "w'l' strike when he retilrned fr eral days visiting, with friencis. entertaini their bridge club at dinner motor trip and wanted gaso ____ 1tomorrow cvcnifig at their hiome, 905 was flot a dro>p to be bad, a Mrs. M. V. Kearney of 905 Green- Greenwood av~enue. lüs îettei, as al liops were wood avenue entertained tic alumnae ---0 laborers burnd the = chapter of Omega Upsilon cf North-. Gilbert Keitb of 222 Ninth street trains, and private matoin western university at luncheon on spent last week-end'in Grand Rapids, were f urtber incited by ir Wcdnesday aftern oon.Mi.datiase whnt.c 28ao 29 ijune dn civil guards M pho»S:

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