Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 3

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on. Ci.nrstmnas day were assigneci to volunteer hosts since announcement of, arrivaI of the forthcoming children' appeared in last, week's issue of WrJL- Sponsored by the Philathea class of young 1.womnen in the Wilmette Parish Methodfist cliurch, the trek oôf the little tots will be early Christmas morning with'arrival in the village scheduled for 10 o 'Clock at the Wilmette avenue, sta- tion of thé. North Shore liue. Dis tribution of tbe. children to assigned homes wifil be made at a clearing bous e established in the Village hall. Trhe youngsters will be returned to the Vil- lage hall for the howe journey at .5 O'clock. 1 ake Bluff children have been brought. te Wilmette homes at Christ-, nmas time for miany years.: It is an- ticipated that ail will be assigned again this season. Those desiring te entertain an or- p han, or orphans, on Cbristmas day have been asked to scan the appended. Eist 'of littie "guests" and communkate promptly withMrs. Roy Haskin, Wil- mette 700-M, .The list follows-, Namie Age AngeS, Billy...... ........... 18 Ange], Leslie ........ .............. 0 Angel, Bertha. ...... 10 Bordeaux, r-ayimond ....... Bordeauic Verrnon ..... ......6 Bordeaux, Charles ....... Oeegan, Ellis .... Deegan, Donald ...... ..... GIanôndes. Helen ......... G ianondes, Katherine, ..1.... (la nondes, Angelo .. ....... 16 Halpenny,, Virginla..... .........._.12 Halpenny; Loren ............ ....i11 Maipeflny, Donald ........._9 Kehier, Elmer .............12 Page, Roscoe ....... ......13 Pýage, Bernice .. .. .... ;141 ]Page,- Erma Lee .. .... Pera, Erena 1 Stewartý, Neil il.. ....... ýStewgrt, Betty, .... .... 9 t Stewairt; .Helen Walcott, Hylma ..... 13 Walcott, Evelyn il..0 ..... walcott, Warren ...........10 Walcott, Fred ......... 8 Walcott, Calvin G Watt, Lowell....... .............8 Yesenke-rich, Albert . ..... 10 Yesenkertch, Roy..........6 Young, Francis .................... 13 Young, . Harry ...................... 7 Photo by Mabel Sykes J. fi. Swif t Teal of 1017 CeStral aVeNie, - Wilrnette~, tva: *inted as msaster of Wihnette Masonic Iodge No. 931, A. P. and A. M., oit T/sursday evenin9 of this ueek, int/se Wilmette Masonik temple, Members of .thse frdKerny ansd 1 u'omnen guests wvere present at this1 annual 'installation Of off icer,.s,. Harper to Attend Aranual Convention of Teachers Soon Supt.. J. R. -Harper of the WîlnietiteI Public schools will attend the seven- ty-seventh. annual meeting of thel' mlinois State Tealchers' assQcation atj Springfield December2, 0and, 31 as one of thé. delegates from 'the Lake Shore division of the associa- tion and also as the representative of1 the Wilmette Public schools. 1 M r. Harper is a member of the executive, comniittee of the Lake Shore division. a part of the new north shore high- way running parailel and adjacent to the Chicago and North Western railroa4 tracks. Village Manager F., L Streed of Kenilworth, in .a commùunication to thé Wilmiette Village* board, -states that on December, 1 the Kenilworth board «went on, record' as -favoring the name Green Bay road provided that other, north shore mùnié.ipalities also adopt this.:namne for the néw highway. Mr. Streed asks'th4t' the Wilmnette 'board advise Kenilworth as to its, attitude in the. matter.* .the Kenilworth' board. plans to change the name ofWest Railiroad avenue in Kenilwort h withinthe next few.monithsbefore any new business- es become established along the new- l.y pavred. roadway. Memnbers of, the board feel that the street is deserving of a. better namfe than West Railroad avrnue and that, if 'possible, it.;sho*uld have the samne name ini ail of the, north shore municipalities. The name "Green, Bay road" is favored by the Kenilworth board be- cause of its historical background, [ and because that name is used in jHighand Park, Lake Forest and Lake Bluff for the streets which will form a part of the new higbway in those towns. After discussing the matter Tues- day night the- Wilmnette Village board voted to refer it to the street and alley committee. Trustee, E. C. Cazel is chairman of this comniittee. No Fée for Collection 0f Rubbish and Ashes Village Manager C. M. Osborn re- ports that a* number of Wilmette, residents have been sending in'fees for 'the collection 'of rubbjsh, and ashes by:the Village. The ord inance providing for. a fee for ýthis service was r epealed several weeks ago and the collection is made, free of charge now. early I/th century carois by 1X. R. Broome, will be given at the. Wil- mette Baptist church Sunday -after- noon, December 21, at 5 o'clock, byý the Senior and Junior choirs of that parish. The play is dîrected by Mme. Gil- deroy Scotti director of msusic at thé Baptist church. Others identified with the production. are:, redBorgfeldt,- stage manager, designer, of stage set-- ting' and electrician; Lydia Koch, organist;.Mrs. J. C. Blaylock, wardc. robe mistress; Mrs. W. A. Mc- Keighan, assistant, wardrobe mistress; Mrs. Fred. Borgfeldt, props and make-up.. Authentic mecieval. cos- tumes. have been executeà. by. the women of the parish. The cast 'for -the production. i$ announced as folows:- (In order of their appearance). T he ýMessenger. Mme. Gllderoy SLoti The Innkeeper of Bethlehem. ............George Williêm* A Vagsabod.. ........IGibert R#r FIrst Shepherd ........... Walter Haas Second Shepherd .......A. Hetemi T~hird Shepherd .....William BurnS ,A Soldier of King flerod .......Firank Guthrfdge ThreeWIse lien Melc~hior.....ejmnRichardâ Gaspar......Z A. Parkhprit. Balthasar .~. .E. A. (lebert T'he Virgin Mary.. .Mmr. George Lamb St. Joseph.ý............C. P. . Dubbs Train of ileralds and Gift .Bearenq ............. Junior Choir Quire of the Heavenly Heet................. Senior Choir There will be no admittance charge, but a free-wil ffering "iI be talcen to cover the icost-ýof production, it ýis announced. Kenilworth P. O. Open' Till 9 P. M. Tomorrow The Kenilworth postoffice 'will be open this, Saturday night, December 20, until 9 o'clock for the mailing of par- çel .post and for the sale of stamnps,. Postmaster Douglas, S. Crooks an- announced this week. "Buy your stamps for Christmas cards in Kenil- worth" is the slogan which Postmaster Cronks is nre'tniz pnilwùrth residents was awaruuaea VIT week for wînning pionship at Ward also awarded hérc she won the highc letic points whicl to,.the silver cup. st nUmber "ot atfl- entitled her club, b een cnangcu d oj anuaT D, wUVU Mario Chamlee, tenor, wiIl siuig lin the auditorium at New Trier IHigh school. The date had been .peioul non as january me vinae5 use of tn

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