Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 54

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Moard Monday niorning and, naa the sun not shone and melted the lée, the skating would have been itady Wednesday morning. As it is, the skating will probably flot get amder way until this week-end, Daniel M. Davis, director of.recrea- doan announces. Two public' skating Ponds will be run b>y the Playground and Recrea-. tion board. The largest. pond will be.at the Village Green, just back oi Howard school, and the- smaller ane will be operated on themuipa golf links, at the. foot oi Greenleaf street. Bath ponds .will be' open from, 9 o'clock in the morning*until 9 o'clock ini the evening during the Christmnas, hofidays and on Saturday'and Fri- day evenings, they w"I be open until 10 o'clock. After the holidays, the .pondswill be operated iromf 3 o'clock i the aternoon until 9 o'clock in the evening, and main 9. o'clock in the mnorning until 9'o'clock in the evening during week-ends. Friday and Saturday nights will have*' an extra hour ai, skatinig, the ponds being kept open until 10.o'clock. The culmination. ai the ice skating season is the annual ice carnvai Open championship, and iast year drew entries irom every north shore town. The S*ixth annual carnival will be staged january lth this year. Model AirPiane Races tofBe Flown Tonigkt Harrison Storins, jack Miller and Paul Kruppa are three mernbers oi thçIcWilmnett-e Acro club who- will try, for the :highest honors offered for model airpiaàne flying in their organization, a transport license, during the. irst Indoor Air Races ineet this evening at 7 o'clock a'the Stolp gymnasinin. The three bôys were the first ai their club to, win the Junior Indus- trial Pilot. license bestnwed to nwn- :age wu Mundy, referee Robert Wolff Raiph Weleh' George, Salter Herbert Wolff Walter Barton Presbyteian (28>, Jack Cassan Jack Kaîkurst Joe Joyce Joe O'Ne'ill William. -O'Neil AI. Bows, referee Schultz & Nord (38), State Bank (15) Robert MeLean Tony Varney Engene Hart Carl Clifton John Boirncanip Toni King Marshall Ling Bal Robinson Robert Nord Robert Smithi Joe Berol Gathercoal, re(eree Homnes :(34) Bruine 1,(33), William Webster Winfild Rogers Robert Bemfidsten ClareBne Stefféns Arnold Lindstrom Tonm Sullivan Russell Horn AI -Bows Charles Meginniss Harry Sierens Simonds,. referee Teani Standings' Schultz & Nord.. 5 0 1000 Hornes ........... 5 0 1000 State Bank .......... 2 800 Wolff-ariffis ........ 4 331' Ptesbytenfià. ....... 2 4 333 Bruine II .. 2 4 333 Mthodlit.." .........1 4 200. Bruiné I ..............O0 6 000 MENI'S IASKETBALL (Bi League)î Lynian's Texacos (18) H-offman's (10) Adamn Bernardi August WallowItÉ Clarence Steffens Done Chape Walter Schnitzem- Jamnes Hôffman Henry Specht Alex Hoffman Dick I*uck Ray. Hoffman Art Cramer George Harris Harold Johnson R d PlIips Todd, referee. SFC's (23) Bruine 111 (34) Charles Lamner Lloyd Onion Tom Thursby Lawrence Langdon Otto Lonz Donald Langdon Joe. Gathercoal John Moore Dlcçk Ganger George Stone Leongrd Schnitzer: -Arnold Thorsen Todd, referee Igast Sideme (14) John Davideon George Jones John Ouse Bryan Moran Charles Leonard Muni St Josei>h ( 'Victor Deinlein Peter Wagner Tom Hopkins George Eaton Jack Ryerson. referee Hloffmaun loiete vs. Optimtistu. Bruins va. HBF's DPW's vs. Ridge Confectionery Hornes va. Lyman's Texaco Thursday, Januury 8 Roffmab Flôrists vs. Brui!nu DPW's vs. Optimiste H~ornes vs. HBF's, Ridge. Confectionery vs.. Lyman Texaico Thersday, January 16 Hoffman 'Floriets vs.. DPW's Hornes Vs. Bruine Lyman's Texaco's vs. Optimias Ridge, Confectionery vs. HBMs Thiirsday, Jauuiary St Hoffman Florists Va. Homr'es Lyman's'Texacos vs. DPW's Ridze Confectionery va. Bruina HB' v.Optimis ta Hoffman Florists va. Lyman Textaco Ridge Contectionery vs. Hornes. HBF's vs. DPW's' Optimiste vs. Bruitu Tburoday, Februa.ry Hoffn)an Florist va. Ridge, Confec-. tionier y HBF's va. Lyman's Texacos Optimiste vs. Hornes Bruina vsa. DPW's Thursday, ]February 12 HoWftnan l'Igt'savu. FHB7' Optimiste vu. Ridge Confectionery Bruina vu. Lyman 'rexacos DPW's vs. Hornes Henry Specht Don Mcelntyre, 1 Todd, Charles Wililame Howard Herbon reefree N. T. B.'s (63) . Freshmen (18> Sherwood Palmer Bob Hemmanson Charles Hall George Green Sher wood Nelson Henry Hotfmeyem Bob Koenan Phil Hoelz David Hendemeon Ed Homne Todd, referee Teani Standings Won Lost Pet. Bruine IV .....1,......... ô 16000 Irish ................... 4 1 800 East Siders .:........3 2 600 Roasters ... ........ ..... 3 2 >£00 Junior A C.......32 2 800ý Bruins-V..............i 4 200 N.T . ....... 1 4 200 PWreshmen...............o0 5 000 Mx]RiVOLîi YBLI MethodIst (15, 15) GiÀ Clase I11 (6, 6) F'rank Getman Joe Converse Dewýev Anderson Arthur Garis Staver enitildfing Warren F'ifl' Walter Lindblad Jack Stein Otto Geppert Walter Foslund Leslie Hannawalt* AI Christie Gathercoal, referee tion Board's .chess tournament to be conducted during january, came an announcement from a group ai Wil- mette residents, beaded by Mrs. Rollo Gullickson, 908, Greenwood, avenue, oi a chess*class' to be formeid in the ,near future. T he new class is nat té be limited ta beginners but ýchess players who desire practice and, stronger competi- tion will formf a separate group fo thé begfinners ýwho'areÏ'leàrning the gaie and those who know the fun- datnentals but wish to perfect their knowledge of attack and defence. Additional to the groups mentioned above, it is the. plan to enroîl boys and girls of high scbool age, who do flot belongto the New T rier Chess club .and boys and girls under high sechool. age., Each group has* its secretary, and prospective chess players who wish ta affiliate with aine of tbem will please telephone one of the ioliowing: George Stone, Wilmette 768, secre- tary of group for experienced play- ers desiring campetitive practice.- Mrs.. H. L. Beach, Wilmette 1619, secetary group stud-ying attack, and defence. Ross Bl aylock, Wilmet te 4162, sec- retary ai group for high school age boys and girls. James Kingery, Wilmette 2254, secretary group for boys and girls un- der high school age. Although the chess tournament and the class for chess players are being spansored by different organizations, leaders ai bath groups are ooperat- ing in making a success ai bath yen- tures. The Playgiound and Recreation, board, sponsor of the. chess tourna- mnent, endorse the.proposed class and wil give out any information rTe- garding its mee tings, and. purpase. This informatio ma be hadb telephoning theý Recreation office, Minmette 468. In turn, the chess class will enter its experienced play- ers in,,the tpurnament. nes vllebal eages vl.ct ynLe ' aLiII JoIlnonArt Cramer le, oicyal eaueEd Mooney 1Grdon Ruft effles, gylanasiain ciass- Bob Meter LowelI ,Johnson Hornes soclub, for boys will be John 0' Xeil T<15. ere Bau duriug ftie two weeks c i I&odreer. ran 22 and 29, Daniel M. Junior, A. C.- (63) * B ruine V. (9) S no icto ofroceaton n.'Cecil William.e ecxW'o eceain n.Bob Waters Paul Suole REF, AI Brown (5 6 .Y. orerSheldon Fox iH. TorD ,pi.uex j- . c . aa.Art Cmi itUdge Confectionery Team Stgiudas i (1 6)1Won Lest Iver Burhanui DPWs .......... ....... 3 0 Ar't Haeker Hffl s ...... ............ 2 1 BriInn........ idge Confectionery Homos......t........ 1 2 (5,5)........................ Iver Burbana Ridge Contectionery......O0 8 HBF (3, 1 1) H. Toms; ramer " pet. 1000 667 607 $39 333 000 1

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