Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 56

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"ÀIelta"'by Feuikes. The Christmas prograin of tire Church »CBhool wil ire held sunday atteruoqu ut 4..30. Miss Marie Briel wiil give a fifteen-miPnte organ recital preceditag this service. Tire prograin will constat of a sertes of cajola, brief eadings, sudwlill conclude with "'Tii. Comlng of tre KIne" by Dudley Buck, sung bry the choir.- A "Croche" iras been coinpleted ln tire nortir transept efthtie church. Tis Witt be ope» for observation for the. liret thme bfore and atter the. churcir scirool profrran Sundsy atteirneon.. It lsa a exoeedinuly attractive and revereirtial plece of work that ail wili wish to see sund studY.' ire ciudren of thé La«ko Bluff orpiraiage wiii ire ontertaiued lu thre homos of tis cirurcir and of thé coin- n>unIty on Christmnas Day. (Jet lu toucir wlth MmS. Roy Haskifl.,Wilmette Thre annual offering . for the Lake Bluff orpiranage ls being taken. Eight irundrod dollars sbiould be received. Tihe Book 'Revlow club will àet'hold Its meeting uext Monday moming on ac- celnt of tire ioliday séason. Tire nert ueeié%IMWitt be thre seconid Mouday in Janu5ir7. Thre Friendly Circle will not hold Its usnal meeting tris Tuesday evening, * but the. ladies of tis clase will serve i'ef'e5imente aitirhe Watcir-Night serv- te an sd participate lu tihe fellowsip of tiret service on December 31. A. Watch-Night service will be held on Ne0w Year's Eve. Keep thie- date tréc frein othor engagements In order tiret tir elciung hourseofthtie old yeair way7 ie spent lu the. churcir. À4 group of men plan te play shuffle- board4 eaci Tueuday evening. The Wesleyan Service Guild met last Tw %I*day evenlng *t tire. churcli. "Tire RoMance ofthtie Christumas C'arol" ws §pruented lu a most effective. mSriner by iembors of the group. The Piiluthea clas met on Thursday nlgirt at tire cirurch. sud énjoyed a very hrappy, Christmnas party. Presbytersan Church. Wemau's Club .'Teith street and Gréenleaf avenue ]Rev. Clyde Raudolpir Wieeland Ministel' tbrureir Office-State Bank building Phono Wilmette 0064 Wilrn*tte aud Forest aveniues George D. Ailison, pastor "A Cirureir That Cares" Ciristmsas *eçk wIll b. ushered là next Bunday by tire Churcir sihoôl White Glft service and . arol dramiatlsa- tien at 10 A. M.' Music *111 be fur- nished by the Young People'sorchesétra. Eseir pupil wlll have. oppoftuiiity te, take part lu tire service which ls eut- lined as. follow$: "Biglent Night, Holy Nigir"..... .... ...Young Peoile's Orchestra Cail te Worship Primary Departmeut Proyer. Mr. Sutherland, Superintendeut Thre Christmnas Story........... ..... . ..Junior-Itermedlate Departmen.t Dramatisationi of tire Christmas story: Angels .,,...... Beginers' Departinent Mary . ............».. Marolle Rader Joseph ........ .....owland Davis Shepherds- BIlly Millard, Arthrur Yeungberg,' BIlly Boberts, David Kéndrick. Wise Mn- Howard Joues, EeetPhiips, Min Lambi Duet: "ÂWay lua Manger" .......... . . . . . . ..Ru t ir P h e l p s , O r s P h e l p s White it Service..AU1 Departinents Prayer luItinison aud Benedîction Tire uoming cirurcir wrorsliip service will bce ai il o'cleck Dr Allison willl preacir'on'.Tire Sacramental View of Life" Tuhe specljal ChiTstmas mnusic will Include: Authem bv tire Senior Choir: "ing, O IHeavenB" ...... ........... ýB. Toure Trio: "lCradie Song".;........ Megarey Grace Parruéle, Cytirera Guthirdge,, Pearl floose Anuirei bv tire. Junior Choir: "«While SiiepherdÉ Watched" .. . . utchmnson Solo :- "No Candie Was Theré snd Ne Flre" .................. L. Lehrmanni Madame Gilderey Scott Sunday aftéflioon at 5 o'clock tire Senior sud Junior ciroirs wIll proeut lire uatIvity Play. "Tire Flndlng ofthtie King.# 'iThecomplet. cast le printed. elsewhere ln tis palier Couic aud Iu- vite otiiers te corne with yen. Dr. John Timotliy Stone will preacih at tire Sunday Evenlng club at 7:30. Tis cirurcir cooperates with tirat service. Tis year we are te have a Christmlas Eve -service ou Decemiier 24, ai 7:30 olecelç te lasi eue heur. It wifl ire a turne et rejolcing, anut. ng&thering, et new meuibers. Se verai *111 ire bap- tized. A most beautiful service Is r- Ing plauned, that we may receive tire true spirit efthtie Ciristmnas day fol- lewlng. At 8:30 thre yeuug -péople willi go carollng lu varleus homes. Tire Chure cirhiool will meet n four depairtrueuts as follews: Primary donartmneut (gradés ,2 ) 9.:30 te 12 a. m. Junior 4onvartuiont (grades ,5 9:ý30 te 1Q.:45 a. m. Intermedllate departinent (graýdes, 7 aud 8) t 9:30 te 10:45 a. mn. Beginners departinent (pro-scirool): 10:45 te .12, a.- m. On acceunt efthtie spécial Christmnas prograin. uhere will ire ne meeting of tire Higir Scirool group tis Sunday. A Vesper service will ire héld ai 4:30ý o'clock Sunday afternoun. At tis turne a Christmas, pageant "Why tire Cimes. Rtang,"' wiIi ire presented by thé mein- bers of tire Cirurci scirool sund thé Jun- ior sud'Seplor >choir.. Dr.- John Timotry. Stone, former pas-j tor of tire Fourtir Presiryterisu cirurcir CJtlce,..asd président eoftiré Presby- tertan Theological semiuary. will brlng tire Christmas message t toire Suuday Evening club wilh meets lu this churci at 7:430 p. in. on4 Suuday. St. John' s Lisiheran Wilmette sud Park avenues, Wilmette1 Herman W. Meyer, M. A.. Pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 13969 Churcir telepiorie 3111 SERVICES Fourtir Sunday lu Advént P 9 a. n.-First service sud sermon. 9:30 a. m.--Buflday scirool sud Bible classes Il a. m.--Second service and sermon Sermon: Preparing tire Way for Christ CUIISTMAS SERVICES Christmnas Eve, December 24, at 7 .o'cloek-Cildre'à'uservice "Tiré Prince ef Peace," s soug and1 reeltatiori service Address- "Iffow Cod Broadcast tire First .Chrristmnas Message" Christmas day at 6:30 s. m.-Early Morniug service Sermon: "Making Room for the Christ- cild" Christmnas day st 9:45 s. r.-Secoud1 service, Sermon: ."Tire Mystery ôt (iodliness,1 Qed ln tire Flesh" Meetings Friday, Decémber 19, at 8: Christmas party given by tire Junior Young People fer ail the young people et tiré churci. Menday at 7:45-Choiùreréharsal Recitation: The 014, 014 Christmias Story Carol -Mark the. (iad Sound, the. Savior Cornes Recitation: Peace Prorulspd ifymu: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates RecItatieli: Wa.tchnran, ýTeIlUs8 Carol: Littie ChIldren Can You Ton, Recitatiofl :peace Incarnate Carol: Corne Hither, Y. Cidiron Rlesonive Reading: Luke 2. 14 carol:-! As Mach Happy Christmas Recitation: Chirstmas Carol:- Tii. Firet Noel Recjlýttoii Epipirany' Carol: Bilenit Night RectatontPeaco Proclaimed Caro: W.Hall Tiré With ReJolcIng Rectaton:The Guidini Star Carol. Oh Jeaus, King, of Glory Reciatieli: Corne and Bring a Gift. to Jesus Offeriug for Needy -Cilîdren, Hymu: To Un a Cirild of Hope la Borni Prayeor d Beuediot'ion Distribution oet Gitse Tireowlll ire speclal messages, spe- cial -organ musie and. special, choir munic durlng. the Christmas Services. Ameng tire choruse. te be Sung .bY tire choir are twe from' MJe ndel's Messiair, "Flor tihe Glory of thi.Làord" aud d"For U1ito Vsa ChIld is Born." The. rgan muste wilI Include such beautiful sea- seonal selectienq as "He Shall Feed His Flock Llke a Sirepheýrd," "Rejoice Great1Y, 0 Daughter ef Zion" and tire Pastoral Symphony frôm- the Messlah. tire Offertery on, Christmas carols, La Creche and, Christmnas Postlude by Gulirnant. Christmas ia es;entliy a Chrristian festival Witireut Christ in It It loses Its essential mark, and meaning. With Christ ln it manklnd accepts God's gres.t gît t te thre world, welcouies thre Savior into thre worjd, Into ireart and. home and chrlrcir, and manifest again tire spirit of that firot Christmas day when arrgjls sang tire Gloria aud shepherds kneit lu worshlp at thie cradie, 0f GoG'8 Son 11) Bethrlehem lat John'* Lutireran churcir eordlally Invites eevryone te ifs Sei-vices. St. Augustine's 'Sunday, December 21, wlI be tie foturtir Suwday In Advent. There will ire Holy Communion at 8 o'clock la the. mornlng.Church ir scrjls and Bible classes ve111 commüence.t 9:45 and Moru-, Ing Prayer with, address wllirbe at il o'clock. Monday, Decemnber 2 ls tire day set apsrt te houer tire memory of St. 1%homas the Apostie cailel St. Thomas' day. There.wll be Moly communion at 8 o'clôck. tire. Christian enduca- Prday, Deceruber 26j St. St.Pirén's wlll b. suspended dur- day. thero wlll ire Holy comuniuon at ýeks from Dec. 21 to 8 e"oek lu the morunhIg. Thre canvans be resumed on Wed- etftVu parilàla irg.ly completeil It 7 at 4 o'clock. New wlt prbably ire fntohed next Sunday qnolle.1 ptthat. tA>». afternoon. next

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