Aivance Y... OUU7ULaay !JnoA p. "ae. -s . ; glts wiil be brought for the orphan chîîden of the MayWood Recelving Home. We Invite the unchurched ef the cern- munilty to worship with us. Holy Comforter Kenilworth Rfev. Leland Hobart Danforthi rector Trhe Christmas services of this parish *111 be as iollow: Èhe"Childlreh'a services for the Church sohôoo wil1libe held for them on Christ-' mias eve, Wedneuday, December 24, et 4 o'clock.- The Christmas servilces ýfor the Communicants and friends eft this parish will be a celebration ef the IIoiy Communion. commonly called "The Midnight Service," beginning Christmas eve, December, 24, a t il P. M. Preced.j ing this service, and beginning at 10:*45, the' choir utinge Chlrstmias carols wth the church darkèned- except. for, the light from candies. Due-te-l affi nature o f .the, Midight service, te music for which bas been prepared for rendition 1»' the choir as ls the custom. the sermon will be omitted. A. second service ot the »joly Communion wIll b. celebrated at il o'clock on Christmas Day, for those who wilI net be able te attend the Midnight service. Tht, serv- iee *Ill be ene without any music. The Woman's Auxillary and the Rec- tor's Aid society have discontinued their weekly meetings for the Christmas sea- son and wii resume their work for charitable purposes on the firat Mon- day of next mnonth, January 5. lbe. sent to diocesan headquarters to be used ili the welfare' work ef the poverty strieken children et this area. Kenilworth Union Kentlworth avenue and Warwteck read Dr. Herbcrt L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subjcct for Sunday, De- cember 21, wiIi be, "The News from Bethlehem." Alil dnartments of the Sundaey etchool, - - -sai.-S--~w I make a date for Saturday .afternoon or .Sunday to be spen t in the woods. Leave the auto at home. Tramnp the eleven miles to the Cabin carrying your. food and bedding with yrou and spend the night, or take. the trolley to Braeside aind hike froml there on the County Line road, only about six. miles that way; or get up a party. to take your lunch at the Cabin, and tramp fromn the Cabin overý to tbe Desplanies River, for a skate, or north along through the Woods. Authority to use the cabin and the keys are obtainable at Cômmunity :House,. also information as to best routes, and, other engagements, for the cabin is, apt tobe busy on spécial holidays. Walter P. Berminghom Funeral Held Thursday Walter P. Bermingham, 718 Laurel avenùe, 'vice-président of the Ber- mingharn and Prosser Paper com- pany of Chicago, died on Monday ai the Michael. Ree 'se hospitali in Chicago after an. illness. of three months. He was 50 years old. Mr.ý Berininghamn was well known in -the, paper industry in both Chi- cago and New York. He was a mem- ber of the Columbian Country club and of the Society of Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in New York. He had lived in Wilmette about nine years. Kansas City was his birthplace. Besides **iis~ widow, Mrs. Aifreda Berminghani, he is survived by seven children, Walter, Arthur, Mary Maude, Gertrude, Catherine, Edwin andý Frances, ahl of Wilmette, his mother, Mrs. 'Catherine Bérminghamn of Kansas City, and tbre~e brothers, Arthur T. and. John t. of Chicago and joseph P. of Kansas City. The funerai services were helld Thursday mornïng at 10 o'clock f rom bis late residence. 718 Laurel avenue,, to St. Francis Xavier church in Wil- mette at1 10:30. Burial was -at Al q;iitq rempfprv.. inNoTt or 15 y.or trmnu renewaU retev 'i CODY TRUST COMPANY aW l 105 tiLSlleStreet ; ce. Renolh660 CICAGO. YOUR.$0 At.uscarl y sls ________________ _Mon__tihe law fui ié Loamnm are dto husbmsand dw i o othe sinatresor endorsersare required.i- as long as a year ani eight. >ot o répae. *Lsm .0 o 1009cme SpeclalS"oeforthe .Noah*Sb et Our Ilowrd S&mut OS. on. Fresh Creamery Butter and~ 9ggS, steurized MiIk and Creana-Batter and Ri Phon~es Glenco. 606-HighMand Park 1581