Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1930, p. 20

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A. magician will wave his- wand next Tuesday afternoon and many #ýysteries will unifold before the eyes Of Walmette children -wbo "I be uests at the annugal Christinas and bOlisday Party of theWoman's club Of Wilmette. Any. child in the village may 4ttènd,' withoùt charge, if bis or ber iother is a member of the club, witlî i. small admission fee if bis or b er Mother is not- listed in the metnber- ship.' At 2 thé program of magic tricks will commence, and after the, last goose bas comne f rom an empty ppcket and the Iast of. the bowls and flowers and doves and girls have been. conjured from ' "out of the everywbere into the here". taffy apples will be served to: the little' guests. Reëno, "master of magic," as'be is callëd, has- been ai magician for thir- ty-flve ycearÈ, and ln that tiuie has trv eled over tbe world, to India,. gyria, and Egypt, as well as to other- spots on the globe. He is constantly inventing 'newý things in magic and illusions, and ini toreign lands he picked up numerous ihihgs not. known to many prof eï- sionals. Magic, it is said, like every- thipg .elae, "bas progressed with rapid îtrides and Reno's program is a'- *ays Up to the minute.'" The itality, the strengi)., the, uraçe and, beauty o9 compostion and design, and Ih intangible, mnood-haunting s> frit that distin- guis). the work of )Emile Zoir,ý notec* Swedish artist, ail have becn caught into his "On the Coast," one of the etchings included in. his e.r- hibit current at the Woman's club of Wilmette. Give "Oliver Twist"> .h 1 for N. S. Chi14ren Te immortal Dickens' story, Dr. Fred Eastman Speakexr' long bas been one of the mast notice- Meig r rd-Shë able and attractive. features ofeeig;DrtheeSboI stage. dolor is so versatile and yet man., in Lecture Course so definite in its effeet that it enters, into every theatrical achievement, Thie Neighbors of Kenilworth are, whether heightened or subdued, o.an-nin hefollowing *varied maintain perfect. harmony.. With the activities for their first Januar.y club- fourth programn for -the Civic, Opera day' and their homne and education club of Wilmette,1 the central- coin-- department lectures. mittee of, the assàociated,,opera clubs is On, January 6, at. a regular club a~nnouncing a program fuli of color dymetnDr1 rd atanwl in, two.*ofý its gr.eatest uses on Our be the speaker. He Will talk on"The opergý. stage,chàaacte.rý and scenery. Drama and'the inner Lif e." In. his_ MissLaVonne Field, wbo made lier disusin of the drama Dr. Eastman first- appearance in the. Chicago dis- deals with the two types, of dramna, trict recently at *a program at ~th-e one .which s'uggests the escape Kenilworth club, with lightning f rom life, and which offers the cheap, strokes will draw favorite characters tawdry, superficial. play; the other and -familiar scenes f rom hier canvaswihistedaaoteinr1fe andbrig tem o lfe n br 0WRand, which leads« into the plays of vivida. With a soft, musicalIbeShwadONilDrEst background,, ilting verse, and swift mbsn, wanso dis O'Ne teibll.D.east- strokes,. Miss Field, will present ~a lodsusstebti hc choice bits of the .Most famous isso poignant now between 'the comn- me rcial owners of the, theater and operas. lier programn will be giventh real loyers. of . the draina. at 'a dinner meeting of the club atý Dr. Eastman isprofessor of'relig- Shawnee on the evenin.g of Janu- ary 12. ions literature and drainla at the ______________Chicago Theological seminary and Sante InianMissonhas gained a nation-wide reputation * Satee ndia Misionas an authority on religions draina. Will Bene fit bg Sewing He is anthor of a number of plays Indians of the Santee Mission are and pageants, has several books to to benefit by thue sewing done at the bis credit, and is contributing writer Woman's club Friday, January 2, for "The Christian Century," "Harp- under the auspices of the club's ers," "The 0O'utlook" and other pnb- philanthropy departmnent. The mis- lications. Hie is a noted interpreter sion is a philanthropy in which the and critic of the theater and draina. Congregational church 1$ interested. His recent articles on motion pic- A colrnittee of club members froya tures have commaiided considerable . . 1 -1 -. . . - - - .1- a + ntan thiùg he does.' These, fragmàentary renqarks are full of .ftin and. wit, with Uésls after flash of good-tempered satire îin>ed at,,himnself or his work. Reis able' to -spring one surprise after another on hie audience, keep- iùg al l a state of breatbless won- der and delight. The fact that many o4 these trièks are inventions of hi¶ own adds interest to thie entertain- nitent." o'ciocic, January 2, at the r-n i-mPace schoéol' in Highland Park by the Goodmuan theater açtors f rom C hi- cago. Tbey are appearing under the auspices of. the literature comrittee of the Highlandl Park Woman's club. Tickets. may be obtained at Gsells Drug store in Highland Park or may be ordlered front Mrs. Erancis Parker, Box 252, Highland Park. -"Oliver Twist". is the second ç> j series of children's. plays the éë# Ail women of Wilmette are in- vited to attend and the committe e is eager to bave a large attendance on .this first day after tbe holidays. Membership in the club, is unneces-, sary for participa.tion in the sewing days. Those wbo cno give the eçntire day imaydrop in for a wbiie eitber in the morning or afternoon or stay and have luncheon, wbich is served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. N. Roberts i.' ehafrnnan, of The departuient of home and, ed- ucation will start its' course of lec- tures on Tuesday tnorning, january 6, at. 10.15 o'clock in the morning, These lectures promise to be vitallyl interesting as Dr. Edward Sebool-; man, the well known physician and psychiatrist, is to be the- lecturer., His first subject, will 'be - "The Psycbologies, of Today" The other two lectures by Dr. Schoolman wili be given on January 20 and, Februar *y 3, tbe subjects to be announced later. Dr. Scboolman bas the gift of in- terpreting the psychological facts and forces to the layman witb un- gsual ability. btRaymond Lambert, social cha e- as arranged'a 'piograi 'of inag music and carols. *.çjvali er season with a dinneir ,> *ý QiMoMjwoyi '4nd girls, o2 prevenilg, Deçeiuber 27. Te nt 'w'lf1 ea w'Inter sports alter Néew Yfr's. '. for

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