yen )r Two of Scouts * Troop 1 has com <pleted 1*their'.troo: re-registration- for 1931 including 100 r*e. Magaz ipi ,,o for, the Scout agziie the Boys'Lide. xvery ByScout, troon to register ýso far assubscnibed 100 percent to Boysp Life. ý Sea Scout Ship.7 has also cout- Dtted their registration. Both Troop 1 and Sea Scout Ship 7 are from. the Wilmette Conogregational church.. Following is their complete roster: Troon 1-Scouhfl'aster Kari D. King, Jr., Assistant Scoututaster Ar- thur Pearson, chairman , Troop tom_- mitteée, Herman E. Lersch. Members of Troop comnittee--red S. Rye, George R. ,Harbaugh, V. L. Brown, George A. Calton.% scouts-Edwin Andrews, Jarvis .and Vernon. Brown, Wayne and. Stanley Cochran, Georg Çoiton. Franklin Grinnell, Paaml Hoff- man, Robert Knepper, Jack Lersch, James and John Lutce, D~onald Lynch, Carl Mich~elson,- John Pearson, and Bill Shearer. Sea Scout Ship 7-Skipper,, Ken- netb R. Borgen; Mates-Philip Born, James E. Baker; Committee-Edward H. Burge, chairman, Myron H. West, Louis N. Brenner; Scouts--George Berscb, John Brenner, Henry l'aster, Martin Herberholz, Royal Martin, Grenfel Older,., John Shank, John Warren. New- Scouts-Theodore Buck, Hugh, Carrington, George Wood., S.Couts Honor Townley With Gifts f or Holidays *On Tuesday, December 16, "Bob" Tow-nley was presented with a sutal token of appreciation from» Troop 13, of Kenilworth. The Scouts had col- lected $23 with whiC117.'Bob" ,should have a Merry Christmas. ,on Friday, Decemnber 0, "Bob" was presented witb a fine engraved wrist watch at th~e Father and Son banquet given Yý the Kenilwortbi club. Most of the were Cubsi Stags Win Contests SHeId at Scout RalIj At our regular Wednesday meeting pf, Tl'oop 13 Kenilworth -we were scheduled to have a patrol raliy with contesta in llre-by.-fint, ,fiie-by-frie- t 'ton, w.-a an semalphore signal. r. ingý, first aid, kniot tying, drill,1 and rO'Grady drill. Theý patrol having the Most points w-as the Stags, 1 Who re.. ceived the can ýoL buttered taffv as a, prize. T1he other patrols1 finished ini the following- order: Beavers,ý second; Moose, third; Bats, fourth;,and the Eagles An Black. Bears, fifth and sixth, rspctively.. At the-close oi the meeting Scout- master Townley was presented by, Senior Patrol Leader Paul T. Gil- bert with -a Ghristmas gif t froin the troop. He will spend the: Christmas vacation in Plorida, with a frin, Edwin Gilbert,"athletic.director of a private,,preparatory achool ai Beaver Dam, Wîs. Merry Christmas,- Bob 1- 1'ck 13,Scars school, IGives Boy.Scout Diaries To His Troop' Members Thursday, December 18, Troop 19 of the Winnetka Community Flouse talked about their exhibit at the Big Scout Rally in February. Our patrols are getting somewhat underway too,' The Scoutnaster gave us each a Christmuas iPresëut, which was a Boy Scout diary. We had'some good games in the gym before assemibly.. It was announced that Mr. A'i4ich was to go from Community House te Troop 14 anû,45 ta act as deputy commissioner for'%-those two troops in the Episcopal Parish House. There will bc no meetins nthe next two ThursdaysCristnsand* New Year's day. - Sidney 'Craig, Troop 19,. Winnetka Community louse. Troop 8 Plamns Evening [n the opinion of those who are mnaking the closest study of Char- acter Education, the repeating of oaths, laws,, promises, etc., has but littie value, in comparison with "lf e situations" whe-rein the, Scout actual- ly doesthe things outlined in these formulas. 'If you desire to get the Scout Oath and Law built into the lives, .of your Scouts, provide activities in which they will actuallydo these things. To develop the "Good Turn". attitude have the Troop help sonie family in distress,; to help develop a vision of the Creator and his handi- work run a strong outdoor prograni out where things are just.' as God made, them and left themn for us. You are, building into the lives of the Scouts in your* care the, atti- tudes. you yourself have and the activiies you furnish will be their interpretation of the 'Scouting pro-, granm. Editors of Pres Club HoId Meeting In Highland Park The second monthly meeting of the North Shore Area Council Press club was .held Friday afternoon, Decem- ber 20, at the Udeli building in High.. land Park. The editors of ail but one of the eleven districts were present. 1 Thiis meeting .was a luncheon meet- inig held at the floward-UdeIl cafe- teria, the guest being John Udeli, whô was our speaker. 1After the luncheon, John Udeil, who is oneC of the owners of the Highland Park Press and Scoutmas- ter of Troop 30, Highland Park, dis- cussed with us and. helped us 'pass part of the Journalism merit badge, "A tour of the Udeil printing plant was conducted by Mr. Udeli. Hei told& about each part of the printing1 jepartment as w-e came to it. Amiong, Scouts eAwards Many troops in the North. Shore, Area counàcil have been awarded Scouting Advancement Awards. This' award isgiven each those, troops.who at the end of the quarter have at, least 25 percent. of their: Scouts: of Pirst Class rank, and 4î'ot more than 40 percent of Tenderfoot rank. following are listed troopa. earning this award. Second quarter- ending June 30, 13-T:roops 2. 3, 5, 13, 18, 21, 22, ý23,' 33, 43, 44,, 52, 57, 71. Third quarter ending September 30,- 1930-Troops 2, 3, 4, 5. 7, 8, 13, M8,21', 22, 23, 29, 33, 43, .44, 52, 55,,57Y 71. Members of Troop 17.> Awarded Menit Badges At the start of the meeting, De- cember 18, lTroop 17 of the Winnetlca Commnity Houme was divided into two divisions. The second division. were the guards. They had to guard. the park on Elmu, Oak and Maple streets. The first ..division had notes and they bad to get to the man in the center of the park without bein- caught. To be caught you had to be' held down w-hile they searched youl for the note. If you could get away after being caught it was al right. The second division won. After 'the game there was an assembly, at which merit badges were awarded. Mir. Aldrich is leaving the Commun- ity Hamac troops to .help the Parish House troops, by acting as their commissioner.-Charles Dunlap,. dis- trict editor, Troop 17, Winnetka. Eagles Osfer Pantomimes To Amuse Other Patrols Troop 40 of the West Ridge school opened their meeting with- the Scout Oath and Law. Our Scoutmaster then told us ta give the stunts we were to have prepared, but neither patrol Congresational enur( feteseerçtary id.-J.1 s club.' Ia .stunt oy the Static pati, tying, drilhing and a gaz l3oen Trop5t Wilmette teri an ehurb ce of witb lcnot -Bill ,esby- A ýL- 1