4F. Iwo uuuics were also recovereè by the Yacht, Lois Ann, on whict Mr. Bireit, and his daughter weri guests of P. W. Miller. Thue occasion for the yachting party aboard the Lois Ann was thecele. bration of the thirteenth -birthday an- nivrersary of Betty, Jane Breft. The Yacht, Lois Ann ,,beloniging to P. W. Miller of 150 olins avenue, Mia Beach, asancbored abouit thme miles eCast of the Eureka II wben she exploded. "We had anchored and were about to sit down hfor lunch, when we heard the explosion,» Mr. Miller said in an interview with the Miami Herald. "6We put the glasses -on the scene and immediately started for the dis- tressedvessel."l Every guest on Mr. Miller's yacht assisted in the work of rescue, help- ing*,men, womnen and children'from the, water and f rom floating bits of wreckage. One of the heroes aboard the Lois Anti describes the situation as foi.' lows: "We noticed the blaze and went at once to the rescue. On our arrivai at the scene, there was a mass of hu- manity floating in the sea. There were two other small craf t present, which could only take a few on board., With great difficulty we got the re- Imaining survivors, numbering eighty-.' five, on our yacht. It is a memory we'll neyer forget. Many persons were unconscious and throug'h our efforts were rëvived, given blankets, and brought ashore, only two havlng died." hé thât ë h th t s "Happy is, d h hah theGod of Jacob for> ehis help, whosè hope is. in the Lor~d his God:- which madè hëgv*ën,, and ~earth, the sea, ànd àll thàt thereÇn- s- ws hich keepeth truth .for ever" e Among' the citations which C .oin- *prised the lesson-sermonwa te i olwng fioni the Bible: «Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, -to receive glory and' chônour and :Power: for thoui hast created al things, and for thy pleas- ture they are and were,,crèated"' 1(Revellation 4:11). The lesson-sermon also included the- following pass ages- from the Christian SCience textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures,"'by- Maryr Bakler Eddy:- "Spirit is :the life, substdncê, ànd continiiifvi of ail things. We trçad on forces. Withdraw them, 'and creation mthù cëollapse"' (p. 124). Mtisaryk Write. Letter 0f Thanks to A. J. RUtar Albert J. Rutar, Winnetka carpen- ter and builder, received last week a letter of thanlcs frcom T. G. Mas- arykc, president of Czechoslovalcia. Me. Rutar is a veteran of the World war, having been a second lieutenant in the Czechoslovakian foreign legion. His letter frorn the president thanked hlm for an interesting piece of hand.- c rved wood presented recently unon cage, is at 1564 Colli.ns a, venue, Miami Beach, FIa. Miss Betty Webber has returned f rom,,Lawrence college at. Appletoil, .Wisi, 'to spend the holidays. Miss- Webber is a sophomore at the col- lege and is a member 6f Alpha Delta Pi sororitby. - Mr. and Mrs6 lHorace Condit of 1014 Lake avenue spent Christmas at presents froni al p Beforé the Worldv fessor at the. Univ, His wife was a rùéèn family of Chicago. parts ofthe glob.e. war he was.a pro- verSîty of Chicago. tuber of the Crane Mr. and Mrs. Peter. B arton of 257' Kenilworth, avenue, Kenilwort I, returned last week Wednesday from Atlantic City where they had spent two weeks. Their two small nephews f rom Philadelphia are spending the holidavrn wit th 1.bp CHICGOILLINOIS* COR. MICHIGAN AT MADISON STREET b p-44 9 1