Corne in today ami let us d.rnonstrate o u r complet. servce facities. R * g u 1 a r p*riodic ýbatt.ry thspection prevents unexpet. bott.ory failure. Wime te Battery &Electrc Service 740. Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 6 66 CýOAL-Yo)u'11 Need- Plenty During, the Hoidays During the rush of Christmas shopping, don'+ forge+fto phone us your cool order. You will want a warm, cheerfut home wth plenty of cool in th. basement'during the holidays.. You can't go wrong wh.n you order Consumners Guaranteed Coal or Coke-"every ton. must satisfy you or w. remoye if and refund your money.' DULERY BUY YOUR COA L ON E] Cosumers impaxhy YA R DS A LL OVE9RO TH-E NQRT11H'ý o, APPROVAL *WILMETTE 13001 IWIN#4ETKA 33851 I GLENCOE 75 ýH 09R E D I.S T R 1 C T . I