ALL PROPERTY Board, of Review to Make Re- assessment - of Ail Realty as of April .19 1929 Revaluation: and, re-assessmnent of. ail the real estate in CookCouhty as of April 1, 1929, is tô be made by the Cook Couinty Board, of Review',. Declaration to that effect was made in a stateme nt issued last week by the -Board of Review and ad-, * dressed to ail the propertv ôwners -in the, couity. in the stateinent the Board of Ré- view takes into consideration that the material fluctuation of land and building values downward since the revaluation was nîade-affecting.the, taxes paid for 1928-lias been so marked as to make tax-lbills as of 1929 on the samne basis approxima-iteI%ý 2percent higher than those of 192ý, or virtually prohibitive. The Board of Review in its decision. to revaitiate and re-assess ail proper- ty calls. upon the varlous taxing bod- ies to "audit" their budgets -and -nak-e * mteia cus iiasisting to, reduce the assessmielt. The Stàtoeuent The statement follows: ..To.the Property Owneérs of. Cook :County: The Conistitution of- Iliios pro- vides: "The Generai Assenibly shall provide sueli revenuie as may be needful by levying a ta3é, by valuation, se that every personand corporation shall pay a tax in pro>portion te the value of bis, h er of its property. such value to ho *ascertained by seme person or Versons, to be eiected or appolnted in, such, man- ner as the General Assenîbly shahl di- rect, and flot otherwise.". The law requires the Board of A-.;, sessors- to value and asseos-for tax- ing purposes-ali iii Cook counity. Thereafter.:the Board of Re-, * viéw. shall review 'such value andl rorrect the sainea shall appear just As te the, method employed, the Iàw says.~ Reappointed Jàoph E. Shantz, Wilniette posti aster .ince Decemîber,ý 1922, has been reappointed for a foier- v'ear terni. His reappointrnent u'as. con flrmed by the United States. Senate Iast F>-tday and approved by President Hoov'er on reconi- *nendation of Co,gressmnan Carl R. Chip dbflomn of thc renth Congres- sional district. Mlr. Shantcs first be- Me posinmaster of Wilitette dur,- ing the adeninistrationt of President H-ardIing and tva: reappointed by President Coolidge int Decem bier, 1926. Ie is Presidènt of the Illi- noîs. Association of Posttnastcrs. Case of Uberculosis le Reported Here This Week :'Oe ncw case of tuberculosis was reported in Wilnette 'for the week ending Tuesdax-, Deceniber 23, ac- cording to the report of the Wil-* mette Health departnîent. In addi- Choir and Sunday School 0f Wilmette English Lutheran Church to Pregent Christmas Festival The Christmas program of the choir and Sunday 'school of the Wil- mette English Evangelical Lutheran church, Greenleaf avenue and Sev-. enth >st reet, wiil be given ýSunday af ternoon,, December 28,: at 4'o'clock. "ýFear Not," by W. C. Thiel, a can- tata for wonien's voices,. will be sung by thie women of the choir. This portion of the programn isin charge of -Mrs. A. D. Gash, Sr., and'Mrs Hortense Lechier. The. Sunday school children wilI give a play, "The Baby Jesus Fol- lowers." The cast is as'follows: Announcer .... ....... Ruth Memsel First:Poor Girl .....Telsa Hosaeus second Poor Girl ... Jeanne Exupson T1hird Poor Girl .... Julia Lineberger Mary ............... Helen Petersoni First Pupil .......... Robert Strube Second Pupil ......H1-enrietta. Hayson Th ird Pupîl.....Marga Hosaeu s F'ourth, Pupil.....David Melbye Fif th Pupil.......... Polly Reisner The Sunday school children have been directed by Mrs. Frank M. Hayson and Mrs. Walter Reisner. The service will hast about an hour. The public has been invited to attend.ý Eacb one is requested to bring a gift for the children of the Maywood Re- -ceiving Hlôme. The children of the Sunday school will receive their Christnias treat at the close ofthis service. WINS FOOTBALL LETTER Lane Carter, who has returnied' from DIeerfieldacademy, in. Massa- chusetts to spend the holidays with his moth er, Mrs. H. H. Carter.'of 460. Winnetka avenue, Winnietka,, re- ceived his, school letter for football at the rahly heid there December 16. North Shore Real Estate.Board Seeks. Conference> on Tax. Equalization' Members of the North Shore Real estate board bave directed a letter to Gov.>Louis L. Emmerson asking that: he call a conference of representa- tives of the -Illinois. Chamnber of Comn- merce, the Real, Estate Board of Ili. nois, the Illinois Manufacturers' as- sociation, the Illinois Agricultural as- sociatiôn and. other organizatiorns to "work out.a plan for. a more equitable: distribution of the tax burden" in this state. SThe, board decided' to ltake this action at its annuai meeting recently. The, letter, which bears the date of December .15, 1930, reads as. follows: Tce.t of Letter, Hon. Louis L. Emmerson, Goveý'nor, State of Illinois, Springfield, Illinois. Dear Sir: Now that the, tax amendment has been defeated cainnot a conference be, called by you. to. work ont -a plan for a niQre equltable distiribution -of the tax burden?, if real estatemay be àffaessed' at 37%~% of its real value cannot the State Tax Commission order personal property revalued, assesslng It (includlng nioney and mo'rtgages and notes andills re- ceivable> at one tenth of- its real value? A live.peYcent rate, for instance would and. agricultural elemnents upoëi non-con- troversial- probleyna of taxation -and public expendlture$." Would this flot suggest to yeu the wlgdom eof a*conferéece of representa- tiveà Oe, the Ilnois Chomber of ÇCm- merce, the Real E.state Board of Ili- nois, the flllnols Manufacturera Associa- tion, Illinois Agricultural Association and others te work out the problems ç f equitable taxation' under the. exlstlng awWeurge thiat such a conferenceo cýalled.- Respectfully, N«rtai Shore Real Estate Board -(Signed) year, the Board .of Assessors were w i revise their ass essnlents where any changes or iiew improvements in * property had been inade. After such revision, and on. August 1 of each year, the assessment books were to be much if petsôns cogm families in need of fc and shelter will comm C. C. Shuitz, of the E cel the.. TO BE hall. Pltans nave been con elaborate prograni on eve which opens with service at 8:30 fo'be festival of song at 9:15, ,at 10, and a.sanctuary ,ning atil 'lcc