Sfor hoe of n woove. 11.1. I darker winflerj course. . .,. rin TiIIUI Crepv., urixini priflt.patterns and featherw.ight woolens in thle smartest colors as wetI as black and whte. Ail in tlhe n.w silhouett., mode f r o ck s - repreuenting praciculy .v.ry success of the. season--cmn b. offered for so httle. Fashion-wise women witli un sys f.o fhrift ère buyins threé mad four. Lordfs 44»arý"-S.ond Ftoor xxx xxxLmxxxz n G reatestý Ja.n uary Sale Success! arance Iquick orecognize the ph- e y they are floclng fo this h.cted by Mr- S. K. Jorjorian, er of bea ufy. dure .biliIyand Exemples: Scatter Grs' and Junio rs' Woo'l Presses - S5izes. 8'to 17 $3-50 to $175 Values from $5 fo $22.50. WooI crepes, tweeds and com- binations of jersey and tweed-mostly one-piece, some, two-piece tuck-in styles. In practical winter celors. ( ,.jirs' nd Juniors' Ju'mpers $4.50 to $9.75 $695 fo $15 valuesi Jerseys, flannel,baskcet weaves. novoity ey and velveteens. with and witbout blouse. Brown, navy, 1:e .nd green. Sfr.es 10 lo 17 years. Lord', Junior Section-econd Fluor Clearance. C ooýd- Books A Grea t Sale frslTimne et New Lower.d Peicei.. Men's White Broadcloth. Nt' ShirsbfLr" *aMous-- $1.95 WhiteBrae- Floor, = ...Umm