To Ail Our. Friends w 1* and -Ma' 1931 Bring Joy and ealth:to Everyonie With this NewwYar we renew our pledge of -servicetohecm ni- alwys, striving t0 give. the, mcd' in valu-e and satisfaction to every customer. Je, E. WORTH EN, CO, Saturday, JanuaryOh Sta rts, Ou r Sales of P rog ress, 1931-Forward. M'arc hl IAmericon Business Fail in Lin.!! Let 'the, Baffle Cry b.i "More Business!!!"- A huge volume of. saes--wilI. bring about dep leted stocks. Orders, vmal, -W. will.contributte tlifis worthy move- ment by off ering during this "Sales of Progress',' Event the great est values in our ldstory. It's up ta* us! lt'S' up to youi! Corne prepared to see the 1 148 Wilmtt. Avenu. ýý, ý :