Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1931, p. 42

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L01ANS ON: REAL ETATE wel lcated and carefuly selected, arc alWayè acceptaledl to conservative. investors. As Baird & Warner is in the, market for such. bans, it wili be to your advan- tae i refinancing your present b1an to write or oel this office. BAIRD&WRE SM Dvs t Greenleaf 1855. EVANSTON %Id"% N DAYS 19 By EVAN. Drawn for Wilmette Coal & Material Yard, *-y 60 o *t ê44-I' BRU I(i NEAWFUL PSOME )RI : Thiur'sday evening, JanuarY . Eighteen members attended the, December meeting at the home Of Mrs. R. W. McCafldlish. A great deal of work waàs accomplish.çd and a jolly time enjoyed. Ii is hoped that the January .meeting w'ill be equally suc- cessful. The Sewing comniittee, under the management of its chairinan, Mrs. J. S. Barcus,lias te itscredit eleven layettes compléted and sent out..dur- ing the last year,, with three finished and ready for use. at thé. present tie.Te committee. ias .achieved for itself a reputatiOn for having a * laàyett e ready, whenever a cali for one was. received.. Mrs., Barcus' com- mitte,: which has *served through 1930 and Uill. continue te serve dur- iiîg 19,3.1, is comprised of -the folloiW- ing: Mrs. Georg e Bassier, Mrs. E.V Cuilison, Mrs. A. W'. Froedhe, M Russell Johnsoni, Mrs. C. A. Hall, MIrs. H. T. Reiling, Mrs. S. M. Peterson, Mrs. ýF. von der Lippen, Mrs. R. W. McCandlishy and- Mrs. tatnVan Inwagen. Christmnas and 1.Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.4 William Holmes, -622 Central avenue, were. Mrs. A. .A. Willson, Miss Virginia Willson, and Mrs. Helien Wood, ail of Milwaukee, Wis. -Mrs, W. H. Smnythe of 43 Kenil- Worth avenue, Kenilworth, is at the Passavant hospital under the care of Dr, H. A. Richter. She will undergo an operation this week, 0o- Mrs.-George Murdoch, formerly of Wilmette, Who bas been residing iii the east, bas been passing the Christ- mas holIdays with ber daughter and famiily, the -Coleman Clarks of Glen- coe. 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS ar i U i a,8 & u lv- . ul jall.. v z and a program will be given- by Sarah Kiffel, soprano; Annette Ros eiberg, pianist; and Mrs. Ma- tilda 'Fenberg. Mrs. Fenberg will speak on "Divorce in Contemporary Society..' Pràiýes f rom the, Horowitz recital of January 28, wîll go towards the charity work of the club,* which has buit a solarium at the Sara Morris hospital, and which does, so much to aid handkicapped children. The club supports a motor squad for transport- igthe children to and from hospitals* and, clinics, and it arranges outirig's and amusements for them. Mem bers make -surgical dressings and sewfor: the Michael Reese hospital, and par- ticipate ini many worthy projects. Mrs. 1. Schuman,. 890 Greenwood avenue, Wininetka, is in:charge of t he sale of tickets for north shore patrons of the Horowitz recital. IL oganf-Howard P.T. A, Tuesday, January 6 is the date -of the niext meeting of the Logan-How- ard iParent-Teacher association to be held in the auditorium of the 14oW- ard school at 3:15 o'clock, mothers, of fourth grade children acting as hostesses. Percy L. Clark, JY., will speak 011 "The Parents' Part in Sex Educa- tion.» The Logan-Howard Pre-School Circle wilI meet at the Howard scbool Wednesday evening, january. 14. Mrs. Featberstone will be the speakçer. The* Babies 'Friendly Will Imeet Thursday afternoon, january 8, at 1 :30 o'clock «-at> the home of 1Mrs. Donald Maxwell, 1414 Forestý av e ue. M r . an d M1 r s . G e or me R - I a rb a tiàll,, The bible and Worka of Mary Baker Eddyand al @iber awdaboezed Ch rit iarn Science Literatu e m y b r d .r w d r P rh " Readinmg Io omya bro. o tnm.da THE PULIC 18 CORDIALLY I -TO 1~ATEND11M5 CHURCE SERVICES&LAND VEUT :1115 REiadIg R

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