theater. Students of the new dramatic UO.3a school of DePaul university are pré- were b senting the play. The university's land, paper describes Miss Krupnick's home. work thus: "The scenery and cos at Rut] turnes have been proclaimed by 27, at 2 authorities on the subject as marvel- ous examples* of. true art- and the Einst, work of, an artist whose îndividualityVi alone merits her recognition in -the highest circles of creative, art." Dr. Eç A graduate .of New Trier. High whe Hec Sschool- and of the. Chicago Art in- mri stitute, Miss Krupncwautlas the Noi spring, .a costume designer for the Lincoln Roxy studios, New York.' This win-. coe. ter she bas become costume and Dr. C scenery designer for the dramatic «Is E school ai DePaul. David Itkin,? hea d quateil of the school, directed students in récent. Alice Qersténberg's dramatization'of sen thue lçwis Carrolihstory-i- Eric. De- Lamarter of the Chicago, Symphonv orchestra has charge of the music, and the dances are by Diana Hubert, instructor at, the Goodman theater. 3Crashes Into- Parked Car, Is Fined $10 and Coste *Eugene Pearl, 2327 Church street, Evanston, driving an automobile. east on. Wilmette avenue last Saturday, night about 11 o'clock struck another car parked in the 1400 block on that street.ý Mathew Mowsel of North- brook, owner of the parked car, signed a cQnlplaint against Pear ' , who was arrested on a charge Of reckless driving. The case came up Monday afternoon before Judge E. A. Pettibone, who fined Pearl ten dollars and costs. W. C. T. U. Invites to Meeting on Monday. The Wilmette and Winnetka chap- ters of the :W.C.T.U. wil! meet iri 9 thé Woman's room at the Minmette 'Parish- Methodist church, 1024 Lake avenue,- Wilmette, Monday, January 5, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. L. Fergui- son, national director of the Depart-. ment of Temperance and Missions, will speak on "'Worid Outlook on Prohibition." As she has spent more than thirty years as a missionary ini India, Mrs. Verguson's message Wifl rougflt east for burial al Vt., Mrs. Poronto's f The burial service was .land on Saturday,. Dec :,.30-o'clock in the aftern loon. :einl ' Religious Ws Discussion Thi2me: Samuel S. Cohon, professor at >brew Union college, Cincinnati, .nduct, the services Sunday g, Janüary 4, at Il. oclock at :rth Shore Congregation Israel, n and Vernon avenues, Glen- oéhon ýwilI take. as his subject: nstein.'s View of Religion Ade-. Dr..Cohon believes that the statements of Professor Ein- ublished recently in the Forum PERSONALITY 1,N BEAUTY, Iv ery woman has her own i- divdualized type.That liswhy we make a fin. art of adapting our bat service to.ý each. patron. A comnplet e rsona ,l ied service, iS ofFered you et moderate cost.> ALBRIGHT BEAUTY. SHOP 167 Wilm.ffe Ave. Wilmitte 4517 LINGERIE CLEARANCE, SALE; k of, Stockc on I-and Hosiery Red uctions $ 1.00 Fulli Fashioned Service .:89C $1.00 Futi'Fashioned Sheer Chiffon . . . ..... 9. $1.35 Picot Top 45 Gauge Chiffon $Il $ 1.65 Grenadines 45 Geuge ....... $1~.35 $2.95 Ingrains, sonne shades, att sizes, $1 .65 75c' CROUP.. Bandeàusý of kn*it$ed ra.yon tcà panties and bloors. R.duced +to........... )0 CROUP 0matclf 5c bock sti $a5 on Ch.irismas, Froxessor and Anton, J. Carlson and their fa Cfhic -o.. - . *- --- - We have a reputation for having quality merchandîse et ow and ree.gnebIe price.-.41,eefore, wiII be worth -Your while, as in th*. pest. to el$end th' s'le. Asta-Ma rie I139 Central Avenue Januer'y to lOtIi I