Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1931, p. 7

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lounge, and dining rooni. Beautiful pastel shades were. developed by plac- ing colored electric Iight bulbs inside the inflated balloons. In the center t of the ballîron and dining room were suspended >t1wo large revolving* wheels, each carrying a. hundred in- *flated,'.illuminated balloons. These wvheels were set in. motion during each dance and at intervals duriug the evening various attacbments re- leased sniow balls, serpentines, and hundrëds of ,balloons. At each, table were one or more caudlesticks each containing a little battery and the bulb incased in a faincy balloon., The 1Pacemaker-là Instrumental quartet greeted, the guests inu the lobby with its melodies and then en- tertaincddùring dinner. After diii- ueýr, members. of the :ballet distributed favors and noisemankers. Danc~ig started at 9:30 and was interspersed with entertaiunent be- tween ecd dance. John Burdette, winner of the Chicago~ 1930 Music festii'al openêd the program by ap- pearing in~ a janitor's uniforni witb dustpan and broom. He later ap- peared in a plantation costume sing- ing "OId Man River." The applause brought him back time and again for encores. Next appeared Charlotte White in a solo dance, followed by I4ucilIe Long draniatic soprano and radio star. Several clever dance solos were the better donc by Evelyn Belot, Marie Sniall, Margaret Wil- finger, and Virginia Worthington. The Klretlow ballet furnished several numbers, cadih with a complete change of costume. Their "Strut" number was very snappy and well done-the girls ýbeing costumed in ostrich feathers.. J. Henry Phillips. %rith his remarkéable tenor voice bad no difficulty in satisifying the entireý party. Gladys Minz capped the cli- nàiaic of the evening Wheu she gave her oriental dance. J'ust before midnight, to the or- che i.in aconnimnt arnneared th e Tise.gros> of playersWhMo r;enty successftidly >roduced "The Duseovpery," a consedy of 1762 by M*s. Prances»Sheriai tthse F.vanston Country club, wil repeatit etai the National Colle -of.1 Edocation Wednesday. .veodng, Jais. 21 for ýbene it oft the Mare Cranse Nursery .chool at HuIl house, âtid under auspices of the Evanston Mary Crane league. Philip Knorpps GiVC Entertainment Satw'day Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Knorpp of 685 Sheridan road, gave a novelty enter- tainnient for a large group of friends and relatives last Saturday .evening, january 3, at their home. There was dancing, singing, games, and some original features introduced byr the host. A buffet' supper was served at midnight. Among tbose preste were: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. )4cPherson, Mr. and Mrs.,C EdIlmond Roth, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Uerkert, Mr. and lirs. George H. $eery, Mr. anid Mrs. Ralph Mark- land, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Flick, Mrs. Elizabeth Early, Mrs. Charles Gegen- heimer, Mrs. J. Blattan, lirs. Wil- liam Morrisey, lirs. James Booth, lirs. jules Huguelet, Miss Rose Seery, Miss 1Frances Hugulet, Miss Lillian Devoe, William Morrisey, J ack Morrisey, and Edward Hugue- let. Confers With Evantson. on Water Supply Matter This scene froin the first local 1pro- ducttion shows the foôfnan, Hleman F~aust; Lotisa lieduvay <IFlemnor Grif- feu), Sir Antbopy Branville (Leslie M. Parker), Mrs. Knightly, (lira Parker), Betty (Eleanor Heinenway> and the Creditor (E. Grant Phillips). ,Others of the cast include: Susan, Carolyn G. Tuthill; Lady Meclway, Carroll C. Huxley; Lord Medway, Samuel G. Creden; Sir Harry Flutter, Frank W. licCulloch; Colonel George Medway, Berkeley Leighton; Lady Flutter, Uarriet C. Fenner; Clara Richly, Elinor Rew. William Zieger Nourse ie directung the cast. Cazel to, Confer on 1West Traffie Inlet The Wilmette Village board has instructed the street aud alley cona- mittee of the board, of which E. C. Cazel je chairman, to confer with the Cook county board and the Chicago Regional Planning association rela- tive to providing an adequate outiet for traffic entering Glenview road fvnni Crawf,,rdavenue- hig action tKIus5sts of the village and orgaù?j zèr of classes for chess playeWàvl aIso act with Mir. Stone as drect# of the. touÏrnament. The two dfirectors 'touc the juniors' tournament will heiuq pla at eoclock. and the adui o~ Ilmn will begin a half, hour-4.ter. Some pairings have been màde'dý bthers will ,be,'announced at. a. liteir dàt. Pirigs made to dea>e are~ Junior tournament: Jams L b V&. Rolio Gullleon, Jr.; Bud Bensoon *. Paual ôGlieikon., Aduit: touruamen t: Mm. folio:,Qui. lickson Vs. mms.H. LU Beach.; .RoU* GuIllikon va.-11Md. . HAMM; Wiér Hfaas va. John Dernohi; Peycy Atterk vs. Charles FP. Mcann; Mias eizahUi -IfcCann vs. -misHelen Igimabçth IBeah; J. C. Bl'aylock :vs.- -Humner Mason; Dr. George ID. Allison vs. Jame Othor contéstants entorel lin the tolus. Iaament lwhoes itagg have niot.ts announoed oInelud: ontgmery t le-I~ C. W. Bickwoil, George Luck, C.Hr bOrt Jones, Gordon Buohol., lavfteueé Langdon, Solomon Jonas, John dis Haydn Jones, Gerard shalbach,1 Williams, fRoger Williams, and Georg Stone. Participants In the tournanmeal are roquested to bring their own est.e o cheus men ince sets for. tournaný"t play ivili not be furnlslaed. Classes In chose have been In opork- tion f« ïseveral weeks Includlng sep- ara.te classes for adults, hlgh sehool gtu- dents, and younger boys and girls. Most of the membors of thon clJass have ilegistered folk the tournanient*. mient.. Kenilworth Women Vôteri' to Hear Mrs. (j.Wright The Kenilworth League of Women Voters will hold the first' meeting of 1931 on Thtmrsday, january 15je at the Kenilworth club at Il o'cloclc in the morning. lira. Quincy Wright, a leader in the work of the national and state leagues aud a speaker of ex- cellent quality, will discuss "Our Foreign Policy." Mrs. Wriicht utn at the engineruig. scUUoI at UWIa away forth on tGross 1' State university at Aines, and at the tbrding to the police University of Illinois,ý respectiveiY. Royal had been visiting They,, too,' wpré at home -d#rine.theit Frankeil home, 15WIN at the Carl ilmette ave-. la the Die] speut the1 'vaicoa wnere rie ar- pal Iiuaneaug= kinson Normal schobi. jtied wuýreada laolidaya with bis fam. I thisw"ekatthe ree .7 i~ , ?t...jthe Wilmette Village

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