Installation of hiew . officers, recep- tion of ten new members, discussion of the zoning plan adopted by the WVilmette Village board as an or- dînance in January, 1929,. reports of committees, and a brisk review of, the pst y a acoplihments were highlights of the mieeting heldb h Wilmette ehaniber of ommerce on Monday night. at the Masonic'temiple. J. E. Worthen of, Worthen's De- partmenit store, wio was re-elected after serving as president., of the Chianiber during- 1930, officially took o-ver the duties as. 1931 executive -on Monday night,. expressing his grati- tude for- the cooperation% which bas been given by directors and members,' and stressing the value of- the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce in keep- ing cçitizens wide awake to vital needs of the comxuunity. ItalOfficos A.S. Van Deusen, Jr., of the A. S. Van Deusen Grocery compan y, was installed as vice-president, and W. ýD. Leary,,vice-president of the Wilmette State bank, was fiducted ifto office as treasurer. Directors installed for two year teirms.were Leço Mickel of the Dutch Oven, R. M. Johnston cof the Johns- ton Realty company, John Hughes of Millen's« Hardware store, E. G. Petry, north shore manager of the Illinois Bell Teleplione company, and Ralph G. Blann of the Blann pharmacy in Kenilworth. 'B. T. Clark, secretary, read lis re- port, marking the conclusion of the seventh year>~of the Wilmette Chami- ber of Commerce as an organization. Broadening of activity as evidenced --JIwremployment aid; the annual ban- quet, and the increase i inembership received his notice. Clark also read the treasurer's' report, followed by a resurné of work of the following coi-- mittees: entertainment, membership, retail, publicity, and fire prevention.. .,After. President Worthen's: report on the-1 healthy condition of the Chamber of Commerce during the past yýear, Clark gave a summary of the organization's accomplishments during 1930. Di&eusa Zouing scarlet fever, and her fifth grade stui tral school. Miss Laura Ourgin, who is teach-, ing in Iron Mountain, .Mich., is spending the holidays with, her pr etMr. 'and Mrs. William -A. Duý2rgin, 627 Porest avenue . Cen EFirst Church o(f -Chvist, Scientist I entb tr.eet and Central Avenue SUI4DAY SER~VICES -'A. IL - WEDNESDAY - TESTIMONIAL MEETING -.8 P. MK i SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES*- 9:5 . M * - J.'. J I.uAly' l1,1931 "* ~ T * Subjeci: SMACRAMENT READING ROOM-i 148 Central Avuae Open DaiIy (except Wedaudy. and Sae.rday) .M .6 PM Wçdaesdy 9 A..M. to 7:4e P. M.; Saumrday.9 A.,M . 9P .L Open Saan*dfternoona 1 P. iLt.-6 P. Mi Thbe Bible and. Worka 'of Mary Baker Eddy and all other am"hoeizg Christian Science Literature may b. e nd borrowed ýor . purchaud at lthe. Readiotg Room. rTE PUDLIC 15 CORDILLyINVITe!>TO ATI1ND THE CHURICH SERVICES AM! VISIT TRIE READINQ O 101 320 ýMICHIGAN'AVEN UE .NOR kT-H Invites you to a.ur presentation. of WINTER RESQO-R-Tlý FA S H ION S ru oi irv1i.urs ul mmerce is cotn- ýr, flve of wvhom ar for, two-year termel. Directors who served twvo yrs an whose termes expired at the end ôt] 193» sre: A. X.,Nor of Shl:am<p PRICES ARE LOýWER IN KEEPI'NG WITH T:f E TRENDI 0 çzRST MORTGAGE LOANS -on houmes; apaefments and Jbusiness properties for 5, 10 or 15 year ternis.ý CQDY TRUST, COMPANY 105s@outh 4 sale Street Rand@ph ffl CHICAGO B I B. -j, 1~ t ed e . 1