-be asemlauge wihler song and. It is colon, as interpreted by char- actes and scenry that Miss Field' wili eraphasize as- with lightning strokes on her, canvas, she will de- .pict favorite characters or familiar scenes f romi opeéra as.- she singsaa soft, musical.baclcground of cherished -m-as. The Aàsociated Oer lusspon- opring the, progran considéir this, the fourth prograni, ie repiete with color and. unusualness. Miss Field made her first. appearance, in the Chicago district recently at the Ken- iiwürth club where she, the singing "rtcharmed-ber--audience. .Reservations for the dinner are to b. made at the Shawne club office, not later than noon Monday. JVoman'"s Cath Olc 0lub Plans DinnerI 1'btwédayr evenlig, january 15, à dinner, arranged by the Church Building Fund committee of the Woman's ëatholic club will be served : fromu 6 to 8 o'clock at the Wonian's clubhouse, Greenleaf avenue and Te'cth strect. Motion pictures of the, children ini sehool and at the play viii be shnvn.,V 441t is anticipated that ail whco cant possibiy do so wili arrange 10 bring the famuly and enjoy a splendid din- 3&o urescent Drive, Glencoe, Illinois. January 6, 1931. Mrs. Janet S. Cordon, President, New..Trier Board of àdction, Winnetka4,:Iiis.: Dear Madam -,-As- a tax-payer in Ne* Trier Township for sixteen years and an aichitect, 1. would appreciate an explanation as to wbyyour, Board of Ukcation -found it neceàsary to g to Cleveland for an architet o re pare the plans for the pooe addi- tions to the New Trier Township High schoolpa4icularly i- iW--fhe fact thàt ini New Trier Township are mgny cýapable architects, and in. Cook ,connty,ý we bave, withoutquestion, more well trained practicig architects than in OPEN, CAGE LEA GUE Large Croup of Rooters Witness Conteste; Three More Suuday Tbree more gi Shore Amateur which opened aus ton witb a group Sunday, are on Copy of abovel Hiollister, Imc.,i Wilmette, Ill. Editor, WILm1xTTEg Lipz: The Philathea class of the Methodist church wishes to tbank WILMziTTE Lm' for its fine cooperatiojn in helping to distribute ,the children f rom the Lake Bluff orphanage at Christmas tite. We also wishi to thank, the. people who, took. these cbildren into their homes and.gave them a Merry Christ- mas. Josephyne Haskin, Chu fman. I Engaged..I Firetj the North aIl league, rin Evans- rooters lest L.eader f rom Boy Scout, Camp- fire Girls, and Girl Scout unuits in Wilmette vere iuvited to be.preseut.' Colon' and interest.ceàtered around, "'Chiliabos," Chippewa Indian chief, who appeared in f uli costume witb head-piece and ornamented with more than 100 tegle feathets.S.H Peters, president.'of Grand Council Fire. of American Indians, gave a very interesting address relative Wo the, work of bis organization and. complimented the Optinist' club; on' the work so well begun.- He then introduced Chibiabos, whosel numnbers included a long sung in'the Chippewa language, a s9igu . language interpre-, tation vwith a. recitation of- a deer hunt by a' youn g- brave toid entirely by. signs which, foliowing immnediate- ly upon the explanation of the dif- ferent signs, vas easily understood and, agerly.followed. '<By thewters of Minnetonka" vas weli sung. His final nuniber, "the dance of victory," found its theme in the, return of Uie yeung brave after successfully staik- ing a deer. To stimulate juvenile interest and encourage research in ail matters pertaining to the Indians and tbeir, early occupation of this territory it is planned to outline at a later date an essay vriting contest. Ail Wil- muette chiidren wiii be invited to comp ete. Suitable prizes will be The Comniitte in charge> of the plan.s is as follows: Mrs. Samuel H. Moore, chairman;' Mrs. G. Beau- din, Mrs. D. Coyne, Mrs. F. Daeg- ing, Mrs. H. Davies, -Mrs. P. Fieberg, Mdrs. W. FitzPatri*ck, Mrs. A. Hughes,. lirs. J. Janiette, Mr. W. J Kenney, Mrs. >W. F. Krippes, Mrs. F. Kutten, Mrs. W. D. Leary, Mrs. J. Lechner, Mrs. R. Marlcham, Mrs. G. W. Moore, Mrs. G. Ortseifen, Mrs. A. Ruby, Mrs,, J. Tracey, and Mrs. C. Plic Su ervice stockc Iooicedup vith its victory over the strong Wolff- Griffis quintet, last Sunday, and Spencers were equally impressive' in trouncing the Northwest Cards. Jarvis A. C. and Wolff-Griflis vil1j plav at 3 p. m., both trying for their first league u-ctory, and at 4 Schultz- Nord, victors over thie Jarvis quintet in the first round, will p*lay the North- L. Mrs. Bruce P w ood avenue, ÇIL feathers. :'s Enteriaini program ir ýd Indians in --An In- vitli an ýng only mues and Firemen Make 3 Runs New Year's Day Morning The Wilmette - ire department mnade thre!e nunis on the morninoe of vens . 01i 714 m ig his holiday re- 1'. i, uuuuuce the irth of a r Wednesday of, last weekatU ;e'à hospital, St. Louis. Mis. tbefore her marriage vas Drothy IHartmua of Wilmette. R. Gi