power conmpanies throughout the Uni- jted States is shown by a recent re- port of the Public Service company's pares the local company's. figures for the.pastyear with a statement from the .hegdquarters of thé, National ElcrcLight .association.. "The unusual sbowing of the Pub- lic Service Company,,. said J_.W. Ke- hoe, local district. manager,. was made esiedepression, in 1business ,con- ditions. generally and despite a major reduction made during- the year in rates for electrical service. This re- duction saved, customersof the con- pany $928,000 during1 1930., Had it nQt been for, this reduction, thé Pub- lic S ervice company s gross earnings would have, been tbree turnes the avý- erage for the electric light and pow- er business. of .the country." According to figures recently re- leased by the National, Electric Light association, constimption of electricity' * by the average residential customer increased during the year frôm an~ annizal rate of 5(0» lilowatt-hours * to 550 kilowatt-hours. The average consumption for the Public Service * company's household customers rose f rom 534 kilowatt-hours to 585 kilo- watt-hours. The company has also mnade- cou- siderable progress in the e1ectrifica- tion of farms, the report shows. Dur-. ing 1of0,Ithenoi re ocated faii the ompa*n'serior2 apterclot s co 1929 th many adonaig ines of8.5lyperpecentonaltheformtheof the state which receive electrical. service f rom central station çompanies. A substanitial incrýease in the coin- pany's gas. business also is revealtd ini the report. Despite the no ticeable slack in home building activity, 350 bouse heating customers were added to the company's mains. during .1930. with Mrs. Clive Bishop, social chair- man, 828 Reba place, Evanston. Miss Clara Belle Baker, director of the children's school National. College. of Education, will be the speaker, on Saturday's luncheon prô- grain., Miss. Baker will tell. the story of the student play -to be given at. the, college on February 14. This will. be .,the., annual presentat io n of the North Shore alumnae ýof the Na- tional Student'.Players, and, as usual, will be a Valentine ëvent, with morni- ing and: afternoon performnances and a. Valentine luncheon. . Kch year this. occasion gives Eveanston and North Shore children a.day. of pleas- ure. Mrs.ý L.-L. Lane, president of the North Shore alumniae, will pre- side-at the meetintgon .Saturday. NEgW H*1BBY CLASS, A new hobby class for par ents and oldtr children, wiIl be started* at. the Howard school on Moriday night, Jaluary. 19, under the direction of Lowell F. Todd, principal of. the- Howard school, and Lester Bail, nianual training teacher. The class will be more or less a continuation' Pl PHIS MEETING The January meeting of the NortCi Shore. Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi will" be: a dinner at the Chapter house, M3 Emerson street, E vanston Monday evening, January 18, at >6 o'clock. The dinne~r reservations are~ to be made with KCatherine -Biggert. 142Asbury ,avenue, .1»vanston or with Mrs. Fred .Schroeder, Jr., 1om~ Lake, avenue, Minette, by Friday, January 16. . A settiement- school program .will follow the dinner. Mrs., Joseph B. Marshiall of 1040 Elmwood avenue. entertained ber bridge luncheon. club Tuesday of.this week. V. ZEK& SOINS Retait and W1VAetieslo lriats 221«WdWILtte Avenue 1. T.l.phome WiL. 100, Studio i MEATS at. Prices that National Tee C4>.,@MO& T hi Week Only %.%jlulul * an tue. ua- mental service that it renders, will enjoy a prosperous year in 1931.' Mortimer McChesney, jr., who has been attending Purdue university at -,Lafayette, Ind., .is a guest. at the S home of his,.mother, -Mrs. Berenice Violé McGhesney and his grandpar- etM.and Mrs. A. E. Viole. SerWnlg North Wilmetto &'Contrai Ave,. OpenuSundays Una'il 26 Years Phones: Wil, 4M.401 10,P.M. 1180-Si WILMETTE AVE., 1105-07ý CENTRLAL AVE. 300LINUN AVE. ]Km-W, s*BT PorktLoin Roast PIG POôRK