= )noenc4. oe ardts of than*u, pi$tu- .mtetahiments or other affaire Laecagelapublimhed, viii b. r aéertilngrates. Grade Sepaiation will Savelif e I Let'. bave immediate action! In our -north shore comm unities, as else- where, the church is. the one institution. whose piincipal function it is to cultivate The Curchas -the. religlous, side ChtirChOf. human nature. Social Cen fer- If the minister of, anyof Our churches' *neglects his duty so far as to: forget thal this; cuitivation is the. princi pal function> of his -church he. is makiing a vital* mistake. -Religiouscducation a.nd inspiration m~ust be the duty of every church. But among the church's manifold minor activities there is one, which, though mi- nor, is closely related: to its religious activity. A church is'a social organizD,-, tion, and the pastor and officers of every church regard it as. necessary to provide for frequerft social mneetings of its mem-ýý bers. "Socials," as they are cal-led, do. mucn to uniy cnurcn memDersnîp. In many communities, and to some e tent on the north shore, the. meetingsi the, church on Sunday and during the we( are the only occasions on which indivii uals can meet one another and make a quaintanceships that often- ripen into c and abiding friendships. Were therer churches in- some toivns, childreri. vouti men, and.wotnen would ýtravel.aloiîg:l1f- pathways. alone,' unaccompanied by fir or even aýcquaintance.' Many a man beo fig back. over bis carlier yéars, finds t& he owes to the church many of bis hal Pi;t and most profitable human associ; tic ns. Even dusting and the paying of buis may occtipy one's time and attention pleasurably and profitably. D)on't killi.a child! This sounds like an appeal to inhumnan mùonsters,. not, like an appeal -to normal human motorists.. No normal humnan being'would' Dont Kli inteûtionallY run over a a Chi!dI helpless, innocent.,. child. Still, how can he help running over a child if that child, darts suddenly, entirelywithout warning, onto a crowded street or highway? Or again,. how can a'drivfr avoid striking a cyclist who is wobbling fromn side to side of a concerete highway? Enspecially if it's.a.fter, sunset and the cyclist is ca rrying no lights.; We: venture to assert*.thatwhenever.-a. child is injurcd by a mtotorist,, the- fault should not be charged against* the mo- torist. Nor can it very wcllbe charged against the child. Most often the fault lies with the parents. Parents should ini- sist, forcibly if ne cessary, with a razor strop if necessary, that the child must flot., ride bis bicycle, on streets where there is considerable auto'traffic. 'They should also, Sée to it that if the child must ride. afterý nightfall l'show a hea'dlight. oughtares umore or ls gnral aIUU;$ULF»& community, is providing more than a ripple of interest now thatother controversi al matters iii the village remain somewhat dormanit pending the seasonal thaw. Two years ago the Village board approved a Majorý Street Pilan. outlined and, proposed by the Village Plan Commission. This comprised a part,'of*a general'zoning plan for the sparsely settled far west area of-the, village that. is 'to' be. included in. the Revised Zoning ordinance. wbicb, the Plan, commission is soon té bring forth. for, consideration by the Village Board; Now, some of the folks wbo became irked over the 'apparent absence of debatable material, have bit upon the Major Street Plan as a. logical issue. So, strenuous bas been the "deplorinig" that the Village board saw fit to. authorize an ordinanice. revoking the ordinance enacted. two years ago. Protective organizations are beinýg formed by property owners on various streets that were scb.ediled for wideninig sornetime in . he next, hall -century and, well, it promises to be an interesting winter after ail. The January.issue of -theý Public Service Maga-m zine (flot power ý,propag4tida),anune that Miniiesota's open season for- shooting deer- eleveni days-mres.ulted in the death of fif tee» hunters, witb the number of deer killed still in doubt. *x People can acquire the habit of cheer- But, our1 playful Chicago gangsters. boast a X-fuincss by practice. If a considerable mnucli better record. ofk nuniber of people keèp ont insisting that ck we arc on the threshold of id- On the better days. it will nfot MUSINGS 0F THE NIGHT EDITOR ~e Threshold olbcre rvln A prominent Englishîhan was recently .quoted no., significant, the very belie.f itself -will hclp as retnarking -that at the begipning of each day lis 'create those "better days.-" bis:outlook on life was ,rosyenlouLgl, but that, "S If the kingdom'of heaven is vvithin truly every evening he: was binrthnbue V ýnd le W religious people, then each indiividua1 -can, bumbly suggest thiat said Englishmnan change bis do a' great (leal tovvards making 1931 a schedule anld start working nights.. If be feit, atvear of happy promise and welcome per-,. that he were beginning bsdyec ihh : i ormance. T-he assurance of prosperity is certainly should be able to look at life tbrougb rose* colored glasses each evening; and as for biis niornings, be sirnply could rýmemnber how chieerful be uscd to be at daybreak. and son are rrow's home- at intervals., r bas ýsaîd that life is the doing tg and important things. And' nities., F.or Wilmette 'and Glencoe ta aid Winnetka in extinguishing' the Sfre in Community House and at the same time give this service free. of charge, should increase the civie pride of eve ry north shore: citizen. You've heard no doubt of -the fýmily that de- rives its income from the iron and steel bus*ness -in which mother does the ironing and father -MIQUE. k. la-