3--Show Starta y7. . TONIGHT's PICTURE AMOS "ANDY ~Iak RdDoubleChk SATU RDAY, JAN. .17 WVALTER HUSTON, >*tk Evlew end Oswald l roen MdIAUCh&mpItn"..-C0 Mdy Matliree. OnlY-"-The Indlans Are Comino"-Bplu>e xnea SUN. & k4ON, JAN. IS.19' "AeordianJoet"Talkairtoon .Stwage s tSeeins JulvrSal TaIking News TUES. & WED., JAN. 20-21 e ut L U .... ................n ........ .................. ................................ i EN ~~~..........................c Rovenmga Duig Wnk Doora Opmn cession at the Teatro del Lago this week during the showing of mighty pictures which critics heartity recom- mend. Each film being featured at this beauti fui amusement center rep- resents the utmost care in production and direction. Setected short subjects also distinguish every program. The wild and lonety west is the settinfo magnificent entertainment in "The BUig Trail," to be shown 'at the, Teatro del, Lago :on -Sunday and Monday, January- 18 and.19. Raoul Walsh, who> directed "What Price' Glory,"'a.chieves' another, dynamic' triu 'mph in this niighty epic of pic-, neer days. This picture shows. the caravan of adventurers. in their trêk from Independence, Mo., to Oregon territory. History is made to tive as Indians and, pioneers- ba.ttle. "The Big Trait" is a viid record of the nations growth. John 'Wayne and Marguerite .Churchill provide the romance, while El Brendel wins, laughs by his efforts to. cross .thecointinent on a tired mule. Tully Marshall, Tyrone Power and David Rollins are other featureci players iii this film of .ma'gnificent scenery, 'blood-curdling, action,' com- pelling romance* and deathless hero-" îsm. The picture just, isn't h eing nissed-that*s ail. Anliss Triuoephs Agamni White theatergoers are'stili talking about "The Big Trait," thev, wilt be getting ready fo see "Old Engtish," offering George Arliss at the Teatro del Lago on Tuesday and Wednes- s'.Yea in tnIglariu uuring thee hlming 1 'lis. es1141 Lracezafion., of the plav, he kept ini close touch b("Zd nglish" can b e compared with actual production by cabl e. An-. est, perhaps, to the epochat "Dis- other notable -who loaned his tinie raeli" of Iast season, whichi introduced, and talents to make sure that "Old the genius of George, Arliss. to the English" should be the great su es talkinc2 pictture ol. Icietl it is, is Winthrop Ames, retired, pro- "Old Engtish" is the first Galsworthy ducer, friend 'and -patron of Mr, drama to reach the talking sceen Arlis. .Locomotives will thunder toward the audience at the Teatro, del Lago Travel for 4,3W0Miles on Thursday and Fridav. januarv 22 etad23, during the showing of "'Dan- in Filming "Big Trail" ger Lights," featuring Louis Wol- Thefilming of the western erïc heim, Robert Armstronoe. ean Arthuri "The Subway Express," whîch Wil. NOVARRO IN -DYRAK am Nigh wilI direct~ 'will offer Aiteen Ramon Novarro!s next picture is-to. ringle and James 'Hall. be "Daybreak"aate *o anv! "Check and Double Check"....... ......Teatro del Lago "Africa Speaks" .Coinmunity House Saturday, Januavy 17 "Onty Saps Work".......Witmette "The BadMt" ..Tetodel Lagi> "'Afi*icaSpeaks" . .Community House Sund«yi, Jabary 18 "Laughter"..........Wilmette ".The Big Trait" . .Teatro del Lago Mouda, Janary19 "What A Widow". ...Wilmeëtte "«Thé Big Trail". .. .Teatro del Lago Tu.sday, JAauary 20, "What, A.Widow" ..ý......Wilmnette "Otld English"..... Teatro de! Lago' "ýAtlantiC"ý..............Wilmette "OId English" .....Teatro dei Lago Thuraday, Januawy. 22 "tatc. ..............Wilmette' "Danger L ights" '.. . Teatro del Lago Friday, J"aray 23 "Let's Go Native"....Wlet "DtgrLights" . Teatro 'del Lao "Animal Crackers" Conimunity House Distinguishèd Persons Work on "Old English" A mnost distinguished staff of col- labotators worked on' the producticin of "Old EnigIi§h," the picture starring George Arliss, which cornes to thea Teatro del Lago on Tuesdav and Wednesday, january 20 and 21- This 9 staff was headed by none other than.d J?ýhn Galsworthy, the famous Eniglish