Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1931, p. 51

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'nette 204. 51L37-ltp PL»ASANT ROOM FOR'GENTLEMAN with. privtte famiiY. One block to Hubbard Woods station. $5 Per week.' Sullivan, 90P5 Burr Ave., Hubbard Woods. 5LT3-ltp WARM COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room for one or two.gentlemen. One bloick from. transportation, reasonable. 629 Park Ave., -Ph. Wilmette 2345; 51LT37-ltc FOR RESTT-2 NEWLY FURNISHED anji desirable roomns,- east side, near transportation. Ph. Wilmiette 1940. 51LTN37-lte i OR 2 ROMS, ALL CONVENIENCES. Near New- Trier. 1 block Indian Hill station. Tel. Winnetka 769. 51LTN37-ltc LARGE LIGIIT,. WELL FUEN. ROOM with or ¶wtout buard near trüp .Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 51LTN,37-lte COMFORTABLE AND? LIGHT FRONT room, 1% blocks from transp. and restaurants. 710 Park Ave. Ph. Wil- mette 2088. 51LTN37-lté FOR RENT'- WELL FURNISHED front rooni suitable for one or two. Garage If desired. Ph. Wilrnette 3804. 5lL37-Ite ed room. 'close to transp ness lady. Winnetka 21, WELL HEAT- ;por., for busi-j 176. 51LTN37-ltë VERY DESIRABLE R O O M FOR young men ln homie with other young men. Ph. Wilmette 1184. 51LTN37-itc LARGE SOUTrH ROOM, ALSOj FRONT. rQoomf for 1 or 2 aduits. 731 lth St., Wiimette. 51L1T36-tfgC FOR RýffT-J..1, 2 or 3, R<OMS,. VERY reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 2627. 5ILTN37-ltp FOR RENT - FURNISHE]? ROQM ne~r tr~ansportation. Reasonable. Ph. 340 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 68 54L37-ltc IN HUBBARP WOOJ) AND GLXlN- coe hlgh ci"a*a 2, 39. .d 4 rooma, 'fur- nished, and t uirniahed,.$45 te $110. Mecha'nical renige tîon, 2:.blocks ,to transp.âMr . Thompeon, Winnotk&. 218 Buyer and Seller havefound the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE ôf 'inestimable value. Many a deal involving hundreds' of dollars, bas- been thersuif of a Classified ad wihcs but a few'cents. Classifed ads will be accet devyeenn until. 9. Phone Wilmette40 Wsdnesday befor. 9 P. M. for the. Current Issuj 56 FOR RENT-APARTM<NTS j62 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE$ SIJBLEASE SEASONAL 4 ROOM ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT, D M N 2 chambers, south exposure, elec. re- E A D frig. Reas. IS BRINGING INQUIRY FORý BOTH HOKANON & ENKS furnished and unfurnlshed houses for HOKAN ON & ENKS rent at Two Hundred Dollars per 930 Spanish Ct. Ph. Wllmette 2920 rponth and leas for the summer season 56LTN37-ltc or bonger. We would appreciate hav.. ing listings frorm .owners of homes for APT. KENILWORTH, MO0 DE R N rent. brick bldg. Iv. rm., din. lin., lit., 3 TTTA..Q"vc.îT bedrms, bath, gar. $80.. . Q~UI N & IJXJJN, I.Lf FRED'X B. THOMAS,.& CO. 714 EIm Streot Winnetka 2198 WINNETKA 6LLTNS7-ltc SUBLEAE-2 RM. APT. HUMPHREY bldg. J. H. Bell, Winnetka Post office. 56LTN37-ltp 57 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. IRM. APT., FURN. COMPLETE POR light housekeeping, sultable 1 or à *empioyed. Extra room iavailable. Nr. transp. Pli. wilnmette 3730. 57LT37-1tc WISH TO SUBLEASEMY THREE COLONIAL HOUSE, SOUTHERN EX- posure. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, lavatory. Spaclops porches. H. W. heat. Two- car garage,. Pla.yground slnd pereQnlal gardon. $200. Winn. 2085. 60LTN37-ltc 011010E, NEWLY DECORATED, - rrns., Sunpbrch and garage. Liv. rm. 142,to Prots. Winu., 1&30 oves. OOL'rN87-Itc. FOR RENT-GARAGES FOR RENT - GARAGE, PA RTLY heated. 1017 Vine St. Phone Wlnnetka 3591. 04LTN37-Ite 66 FOR RENT-STORE.& S OFlICUS co Glencoe $tâte Bank IN SUITES 0F 1-2 -OR 3 ROOM& 7W suitable for Doctor, Dentist, Archi- WANTI tect or an3r business requiring office furmi space. Léw rentai. 6Tr6Utie' FINE COLONIIAL RES. 766 VERNON IAve., Glencoe. Good location, beauti- I *ully landoaped. 4 bedrooms, 2Ibaths, large sun porch. 72LTN37-Ite FOR SALE OR FOR. IWN'T-ATTRuÂC-, tiveEaglshbrick hou"e, 4. bedMe~.,. 2 batUm. attached gar., ol1 hat. Win-i netka 119& 8/r8-t a value. MRS. FULLER-HoMps 1618 Chicago Ave. Green 722*0 84 A SA 3 AN]? 4 ROOM moiE) AP)~'< moents newly> deeorAtedý. ..$0t 8 5 ombungaloDw, 2 ta aae;8bek Stores 'and. Shopoi, Igm St. District, as low as $35. Des]k room. i. llght, heat, telepho ne ..............81,0UV 8room stucco bouse South Glenice 'op- posite Park, 1 block sehool, Se- percent, new, e.rnstructlon, best b'uy on Nort Shore.- A real buy S. E. Glencoe, almost, new brick construction residnce. ]Lver- thing modern' except the! rie y.mCi- lete details 't my offic. R. H. SCHELL IAL ESTATU 819. Chestnut, Ct. Wlnnetka 765 Bs om gALU-.4OulmftN.000b0 WINDSOR C HAI~R S, PIýNIAPPLE Post bed, 17@XIS satin velour 'M'Y rug, set deluxe books, and 'Undoerood typewriter. Rogers Park, Apt. No. 1. 1622 Siierwin. 86LtT4-tp FURNITUIW, INCLUDING OAS stove, tce box, piano, chairs, diuing table, 5 chairs, servlng table, *poiých furniture, drapes, rugs. Ph. Winetka 1577. U6LTýq87-1te MUST BELL IMMDIATMY....çjP. fonler, bureau Iwitli mirror, tron be,. niattress. stair lunner. 562 Lincoln Ave. Ph. Winnetka 165, K?.,Weftted. 86LTST7-tp WILL PAT CASH- FOR KITCHEN- Aid. Conover dishwasher, 1929 fer sale $100.. Ph. Wlnnetka .957. 86LTN37Ite SALàE-$100 OAS ltion fr$5 h NED TO BU-KI Robert Anderson, son, of., lMrs. R. H. -An.rsoiof 1 avenue, was home from Akroi, rocentIly to.:visit his paets. ail transp. cÉ erences.Ph 110,

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