of othte tournament.. Rollo Gullickson, Sr., winner from E. F. Hamm, in the preliminary m natches Wil1 play Richard Wrightson, victor over John Moore in' the first, round. Mrs. Rollo Gûlickson who defeated Mrs. Hl. L.- Beach in the first round last Tuesday evening, wiIl be paired with'Thorne Edwvards, winner f rom Hunter King in Tuesday's play. Buf Williams -and. Rollo Gullickson, Jr., who were victors over Roger Wil- liams and James Lamb in the - frst matches, will play each -other to de- termine which of thein wiIl enter the third round in the following week. Dr. George D. Allison defeateci Miss Elizabeth MvCann in the pre- liminary matches and will be, paired -with _Paul Gullickson, tvictor over Bud Benson. Charles, F, McCann will play the-winner oô te nt , eWeen H. L. Beach and Jon Drei h Beach-Dernehl match resulted in a tie lait Taasday eveaing and will, be played off prior to the beginning of tournament play next Tuesday eve-. * ning. There are three other tied matches to be played off at this time next Tuesday evening and are as fol- Iôws: Sumner Mason vs. G. A. - Ramn- hardt, Gerard Schalbach vs. Martin Sharo, and John B. Boddie vs. C. W. Bickell. An added entertainment to the first' evening's play was a specialmac Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Mrs. john Marshall is to review the play Bflekeley Square." On Monday Mrs. Uenry'E. Greene and Mns. James. P.> Haynes Iwill be hostesses for- the.bridge luncheon at 1 o'clock. On Wednesdayr evening, January 21, the regular family bridge dinner ýWill take place witb dinnerat 6:30 and gamnes 6f auction and contract ffolloÎwing. Mr. and Mrs. «C. P. Bur- pee are host and hostess for the evening. A special, dinner dance is planned for january 24, plans for whi ch flot yet are discloséd..The last $aturdýay in the month a ping pong tournament wil be played. D!etails for the event will- appear later. R. W. McKisson is chairman of arrangements. and another five-year old chess en- thusiast, Lawrence Jones. Althougli the senior matches were schedule-d to begin at 8 o'clcock, ail the contestants were engaged in watching the play of this match and flot until, it was finished were the 'other 'matches started. Thirty people participated ini the first rou~nd of the tournament. A "let- ter" tournament is being arranged f or losers of last night's and next théir arl-th. ad of &C- contuaftng charm, of Iwding n.w *mphamis to Me phra.. "weI-groomd' W. should 1mm to, mreYOU, l" . SPERMANENT WAVES SPECIALLY PRICED,. THIS WEEK /// k Euqeno Fredeérick Gabrieleen NesieI.Mur MONDAY-TUESDAY SPECIAL Slmmpoo-iuiger Wave ... Manc&r ........................... WC .£a (>arita Salon Entr<nce-The Drug Store n the Middfr-of-ti Blocke F1 REW. WIL WINDFtG4 l6c. F7 ~EVEY.j ECLPIl PLEUY 1. BODY I PRESCIPIO11'RA GOOESI REPUTATION FOR G00»D DRUGS 1 8 417 Andonm«Ave. Wih.et., IL______ ÂE ES JÂNU Y SAL NOT Iq We Fit Your Shoes Correctly By X-Ray n - A GoocI Family StoreW 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Ph. WM. 1914 Dring Your SSoUs He e r the Pamous Tee-DeRepai ring IFOR MENJ FIorsheims 1 FOR I