Ail Teiso. sMd, C... D. Ordue Carduly *Bd QdiIy Dol v.wd; Charge Accmtxs olct.d ýfrom Reli.PM96i QUALITY YOU ý-CAýN I - L_ 'I I.- s-EE AND Thse more Y« mknow about food-purity the more YO'U wiI approclate PALACE. MARKET quality. Following Pricea Prevail at Al 'Our Markets' POT RoAsT ................bez h .........l bo lean. 8 to 10-lbs..avg. ................lbo 29,, ..... oneless. AK ...... ....l b. 390 ,JohtDz&igkt Sample, ten or, UPill bce at Shawunee Country club Sun- day af ternoon, Januezry 25, to pe- sent the concert ukich, due to illness he was unable to give on Nov.ember 30 a.s originaliy scheduled. The program wvill be given in the au- ditoriumn at 4 o'clock and, will be followed by tea. Wh is this opera i l taly. Aiihough lie scored numerous t'ri-, umph9 upon the operatic and concer t stages .of America and ]urope, Mr. Sample gave up singing as a-caree r and turned bistalents ta the teaching. of. music. He is a pupil of. Vincinzo Lornbardi,' world renowned'teacher of voice, hav- ing received the first seven years of bis training f rom this master. His, she has had in the Wimette scnools under the direction of Miss Erances Donnelly, art supervisor, and M'rs. Betty Mason, art teacher at the Howard building,~ she has studied for twQ years at. the Saturday xnorning classes at the Art institute., ,Miss Donnielly states that, Margaret has unusual talent and that if this talent is. developed she*might somei day be- corne an illustrator of children's books. Uer illustrations now on.dis- playý at the Wilmette library were done without assistance by: older persons, Village Board Abandons Street Light: Proeeedings ,The Wilxnette board. of local im- provemnents voted Tu*esday night to abandon. proceedings for the pro- posed in >stallation of a'connected edec- tric ,Street lighting. systemi in the'suIb- divided area west of Ridge road in, Wilmette. This action was taken fol. iôwing a ptublic hearing ohi the matter. The total estimated cost of this pro- posed improvenient was $127,867.45.. The board of local improvements also decided to abandon proceedings for sirnilar ornamental street lighting sys- teni in the Kenilworth, Park, addi- tion to the village., This latter irn- provenient was to cost $7y,847.43. Amend Code to Provide for Fireproof Buildings TIhe Wilmette Village board took steps Tuesday hight to insure the érection of fireproof buildings only in-the business districts of the village when it passed an ordinance amend- ing the Wilmette code of 1917 with reference to fire limits. The ordin- ance passed Tuesday night designatesý "B" commercial and "C" industrial districts as withi n the ýfire limits of the village, and' provides that alU buildings1 constructed in those' areas. must be ireproof. Mrs. Raymond A.' Kiken, 1341 Ash- land' avenue, entertained members of her luncheon bridge club on Wednes- day. as .guest artist, Priced $4.95 and up Hosiery, Gloves ad. Undrgarments.. 1139 Central Ave.Wimto40 Stress