*None of the structura! framework in the dome of the Baha'i temple now under construction at Sheridan road *and Linden avenue,. Wilmete, was damaged by thé fire which swept the upper portion of the partly completed temple early Thursday orin 1o Iast week, according'to, Benjamin B.. Shapiro, structural engineer. This a nnouncement by Mr.. Sha- piro was corroborated by, Allen. B. McDaniel, chairman-'of the board.'of trustees of the .Baha'i Temple asso- diation and secretary-treasurer of the Research Service, Inc., of Washing- ton, D. C., which is representing the temple trustees as managing and su- pervising engin eers. The opinion of the enginieers that the steel frame-M work for the dome of the temple was lot damaged by the fire was ex- pressed following an inspection-early this week. Restame Work Soon. Mr.-MzcDanieL-stated further that' the insurance adjustors are expected to be here this weelc, and that wôrk on the construction of the temple will be resumed as soon as-an ap- praisal of the damage. is made.- The fire broke out shortly before 5 o'clock Thursday morning of Iast -week. Work had been started a few days before on pouring cement 'for the dome level of thie temple, and salamanders were lighted to keep the cement from freezing. Apparently the fire started when canvas used to cover the cement at night was blown against one of the salamanders. The Wilmette Fire department re- ceived the -cail to the. temple at about .4:50 o'clock. Fire Chief Walter Zib- ble responded with fourteen men and the, two Wilmette engines. Later the1 -Evanston Fire departrnent was called, and three engine companies and a truck company responded. Thirty-six l.ire fighters from Evanston assisted the Wilmette firemen. Firemen Handicapp.d The top 'of the -dome is 150 f eet above the level of the first flo9r. Fire- m en were handicapped in figÉting the blaze' not. onlv by the i-i~ht f the in the dome of the temple on whichi was stored glass and aluminum ma- terial for thé donie dropped to the first floor as a resuit of the fire, which. also damaged wooden forma for the concrete work. Than i Fre-fighters- 'On behaif of the temple trustees Mr. McDaniel, chairman of the board. expressed appreciation'this week. for ,the worýk of Wilmette and Evanston firenien in fighting: the blaze under hazardous circumstances., Mr. -Mc- Daniel feels that excellent progresas has been made in the construction of the temple, and hie expressed bis, appreciation also for the cooperation of the Wilmette Village board 'and the community in general.. GUEST 0F HONOR Grover C. Niemneyer, junior grand warden of the.Masonic fraternity in Illinois, was, guest of honor -and speaker at the metfing'of Wilmete Lodge, No,~ 931, A. F. and A. M., Thursday night of this week. Mrs. Oscar Hebel, 1210 Sheridan road, wi ' h her daughter, Miss Marian, Will leave the latter part of next week for Palm Beach, FIa., to be gone tintil April. >: 1 ýýý1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Luther Belshe, 530 Forest avenue, departed last Sun- day for Mount Dora, Fla., to be gone until spring. m WD mmmA w.NQ IWe pride ourselves on ont ability * to do expert work.- decorating îi *that stands the test of years and gives complete satisfaction. M. Portenhauser ai I Pointer and De i.Ito S1030-Creenleaf Phone 2764. i. - - -T continued patronage that'has .nabled hlm to. enlarge his shop ..and assures his cutmrs that he ýwil coninue to I give the same high ýquâlity, of beaut y service. I III" The v.ry lot.st .quipmnt for facial work ... The new facial couch ... thot assures absolute relaxation and the best resuits i - No change in address- .ALBRICHT BEAUTYý SHQP. 1167 WiImelte Ave. WiImel"1. 4517 PEPSODENT TOOTU PASTE, 39 SOc tube ............. ....... ..........39 SQIJIBB'S PETIROLATUM,8 $1.00 *ize ............. .......... .......... ..... 5 PETROLAGAR, $1.60 botle ........ ........................2 VAP0 JWB, 65 EC lie sitep .. ................ ....... ....... In the Church Edifice, Greenleaf Avenue and. Beach Road Monday Evening, JanUary 26. 1931I t 8 o'clock. The, Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend C..C. Renckar Opposite .St. Joie» chIPh 4401seu 1 316