Dru peqy and Upholstea'y Fabrica ANTIQUES, ýWe specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing andý Refinisbing Hait Mattrenes and Sprigo Made to Okder H.G.LIND WALL Higheat Gr-ode UpholsterinL Streot est18md US Ph.Winntks145 OwpolIcyIs ta I.- NTOA r uand yor »40>TE C m dit b.eb of lower commoditp pluiv. lb p1 y i. Pisw on. 3 cma23C b.25C picture is said to ne repiete wïth thrills, pathos, hurnor, and romance. Do not fail to attend. Part of the proceeds wiIl go to the building fund. January 15 was Mallinckrodt Day, the annual holiday. of the school. The. students. attended High 'Mass in the couvent chapel at -9, o'clock during which they received Hl Commun- ion.. They. enjoyed breakfast, and were dismissed for the day. Tuesday, January 13,ý the annual inter-class basketball season opened -with a ga .ne between theSophomores and the Juniors: Alter a tie, and an extra period, the Juniors won with a score >of 18-16. Miss Margaret Lewis, who spends week-ends at the Kenilwoth Inn, bas returned after bavîng spent thé- halidays with her parents in Kansas City. Miss Lewis is assistant. to Dr. Hlerbert *WilIet, pastor of the Kenil- worth Union church.: V. BEZDEK &SONS Regail an.d Jholesale Fierit 2246 WiImette Avenue Teloplon. WiI. 1065 The new teachers are Miss EIleti Lorîner of Winnetka, who >will teach in the commercial department, and Mrs. Marian LaMetre of Rogers Park. whio w111 teach in the home eco- nomics department. Bpth of these inistructors, have done substitute teaching at New- Trier. i'-here has been a fifteeii percent increase, in the. number of elections for wnork -in -the ýcommerce d e part- ment at the high school, Acting SU-., perintendent W., L.'Brown stated this week. The de.mand for- courses ini type writing is above the capacity tliat the school bas to'offer. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Trusites Ernest ÇC.,Cazel, and. Carl E. Renneckar were appointed by- Vil-' lage President, Earl E. Orner Tues- day night.to. attend a legisiative con- ference of Illinois municipal officiais to 1)e held at Springfield Wednesdav. Feh)ruaàry11. Mrs. johni P. OlIesoni of 240 Woodl- stock avenue, Kenilworth, has had as. her guest for a few days, Mrs. Burt Olney of Rochester, N. -Y. Mrs. 101ne is expecting to return'to her home soi-e tinie this week. .Perry L. Smithersý of 711 Lake ave- nue, has just returned f rom, an ex- tended business 'trip to the> northwest. Sawy~ T.natoes Pamolive GuiY Homse 1.51.1 S@.p 2 PHONE 21c 6cakOs35C R*.x Minerai Soap 9c. For More ThIan Fort>y Years MIIk 4 131.19O,