S a ttIoaàL. Pr.êa.I !ncreasing artistry in both singing, and staginiz was especially noticeable in productions of the Chicago Civic Opera company this season,, which cses n Saturday evening of this week.: The eSaturday afternoon pa- trons are to hear "La Traviata," with. Schipa, Muzio and Bonelli in Ieading rôles; and in the evenng Mary, Gar- den will sing the title rAte of "Le * Jongleur de Nôtre *Dame," and the third act. of "The Bartered Bride" will follow it, offcially :closing the scason. * Aithougit the repertoire this, year wasn't as wide as ,during* previous *years, ýthe operas that were inicluded. *received better attention, and showed a iharked imiprovement- from the 'staging standpoint. Tbe strengthen-, mg of. the German wing -has sided considerably in drawing good houses, "Die Màeistersinger" being the great- est success> both musically 'Lild, it would seem, financially.- The addi- * tion of "Die Verkaufte Braut" was a happy one. The third act of it, par- ticularly, catches up opera patrons in its whirl. of glittering gaiety and bright lyricism. Praise. "Don Giovanni" d'Don Giovanni," the German work which is sung ini Italian, seemis a. stimulating mark for future produc- tions of some of the older works in the repertoire, for flot only was the ainivni om rniendahte for its zrce1 lyrîcal îmagInsflgs, the Mozar muste' ftted with tbhing appropriateness. A revival of "Mignon" might have bee nenhanced with scenery similar to:the d'Don Giovanni" settings. Mu- sically and dramatically it was so -superior to other remnembéred per-, formnances of 4.mignon" as to appear to be created for the ;first time. Honores to Garden "Peilcas et Melisande" was added titis week, tôoy late for reports here. the Friday afternoon, January .0, and Saturday évening, January 31, concerts of the Chicago Symphony orchestra at Orchestra hall. There wiIl be a first performance ini Chicago..of two modern works, "Chanticleer," a festival overture for orchestra by Mason, and "ýMaross- zecer Dances," by Kodaly. The or- chestra wilI also play the overture, to "ýGenoveva," by Schumann; Haydn's* C niinor: symphony, and selections from act. three of "Siegfrie4," by Wagner. Thi s week Josef Hofmann is solo- ist with the. 'orchestra, playing. the Chopin-E minor concçerto for piano- forte. The orchestra plays the Bach >G major co ncerto for violin, flutes and string orchestra, and Bruckner's unflnished sympbony. Josef Hofmann is soloit for theý Tuesday afternoon, January 27, con- cert, wheni he- will play Rubinstein's 1)D minor concerto -for pianofortc. The orchestra will play Straviensky's «Petrouchka" suite, BeethovenWê overture to "Die Geschopfe des Prometheus." and the Mozart C. minor symphony. Hlorowitz in Concert Wednesday, Jan. 28 Vladimir Horowitz will give bis benefit recital at Orchestra hall for the Dorothy Kahn club for Crippled. Children on Wednesday evening, January 28. Uls program will be as follows: Organ Prelutatainod ...Bc-Bsn Fugue, DMjrj Bah~sp Chorale In G Miner Capriccio ..... .... ScaI'attl Rondo In EWIiat Mjii ......Hummel Sonata in B Minor ......... ;... Chopin allegro maestoso scherzo (molto vivace), largo cantabile finale (presteoima non tanto). Six Visions Fugitives J. ....irkolf 'Toccata v ... rooei Sonetta del Petrarca, No. 1231 Pagnini Etude, E Fiat major> ..Liszt Polonaise In E MajorJ Beniaenino GigIî; tenor. of thse Metrqooitit..& Ppra comnpany, wil give 'a bene fit n'ttl on Sund4ay afternoon, Pebruary 1, at the Civic Opera house, under the direction of Bertha Oit, for the Olivet In- stitute of Chicago. Gigli tWIl be assisted by Eulalie Kober Stade, Wilmette pianist, and Josef Rosen- stein, violinist. New York critics say, that Gigli possesses a voice very much of the quality of Caruso when he first ar- rived in-America, as 'welI as a skill in , song and power to do *with his voice practically anything lie wishes, which also recalls thse young Caruso. The tenor says, bowever, "I, don't want to be called the successor of Caruso, but only a 'good Gigli'." He says that Enrico Caruso bas no suc- cessor and neyer will have one, for whepi any supreme amtist dies he leaves, a place no one can 611li. Gigli- began b is musical, caree1r. 1Whefi hé was a lad in Recanati, Italy. Hie sang as the choir boy for one of the largest churches in bis native town, and soon became the chief soloist. His clear soprano voice was * BE. N. Music, chosen appropriately, wlil greatly enhance Branson deCou's "Drearn Pictures" which- will make inelgustnight and, iram at the Win- netka oman'9s club Friday, January 30, at 8:30 .o'clock, under the aus- pices of both the Music and art coin- mitteýes, of whld Mrs. Floy, Little Bartlett.and Mrs. Johný Vennema are, the respective. chairmen. Mr. deCou poetizes his pictures with Music chosen to create and. sustain an at- mosphere fltting to, them. "Myst.erîous. India" will be his sub- ject.- And' his synchronizing of in- terpretive music with the disp!ay of exquisitely colored piîctures will inake thjs journey to India one of unusual charm. Mr. deCou is the only lecturer who bas been invited to retumn to the U.niversity club of Chicago four years in succession. The Union. League çlub speaks of bis lecture as a "new art- istry" in travel. talks. His pleasing personality> is characterized by a, naturai manner and genial humor. Evemywhere he meets,*with such uni- versaI. approval that his eturn en- gagements an.d extra performance%, are numerous. For guest night and 'family night àt the Woman's club, fhe commit- tees in charge are glad. to offer such an appropriate program. - Tickets must be presented by everypne. As tickets will be issued only up to the capacity of the hall, members are urged to send in their.. applications promptly to Mrs. George S. Parker, 200 Liffden avenue, or to Mrs.. William 0. Kurtz, 1229 Scott avenue. qoPllowing the' program there wil be a social hour. Ensemble of FoUrteen at the Art Inistitute The Ensemble of Fourte en will give two concerts on Sunday, after- artists wouIG sacrinic a o "pi "mune orin'5 i asweilas UetwCVJi GUnlGach, lbas been rented by Mr. 3 toües to sectare. thcm. The Cfric Opera company. îs and Mrs. F., Proschowski of Evans- RETURN ENGAGEMENT opem ff too fine to keep f rom growing in ail ton. Mr. Proscbowski is a professor Mary Wigman, German danceir, he newnes of thse opera bouse f its branches, and in spite of caus- at the Chicago Musical ccllege. O. wil1 give a new pormatOchs 00, patrons will raie that it tic criticisms, will undoubtedly con- Ekstedt of the Winnetka office of the tra hall onàWeclnesday evinF- epossible for thern to enjoy tinue to give better performances IStuIts Realty,. company epres entedray4 drtedirein SBetba ,alparties.to the transaction. Ot L