Wednesdayr, Miss Stevene gavé. us a test lu, scie nce. T 'uesday she gave us timé te read *over the Current Science, thée magazinefmom which neme ot thé questions.were taken. She gave 'us a slip et aper witli a lot ot werdé typed on lit.Wle. were te take the hlcomplete sentences on tlie board and flnd the Word ou the paper that completed them, andi put the number eto the sentence 1 1 front of >IL. We are ail hoping> te gel a goed grade. Tues day, .tanuary 20,_-le tihe deadlilu tor ail science projects. You muet, have *Il thre projects lu, by then te' recelve ceffit où themn. We are geing to aver - mOour scores and sec wliat oulr grades wlllbe. Some et the projects that we -are working on now are the mnaklng 'of bird-bouses and feeding stations. You cmii aiso write on several wiuter birds. Othero are maklug tiroir eveningg pleas- -ant by experimenting with their chem- lutI-y sets whlle they rececve crédit for It at sehool. TIhon theme are scientins eo look up, Yen eau make science cal- carda corne eut we are ail hoping te biavé geod grades lni science, - Elene Weakly, 7B, Howard school. Battie for Championship;, *Stolp, Wins First Round La9stWednesday 7A liai a champion- *sip, game with Stelp lu voleyliall. We went to tirir scireol te play. The girls Whem we picked are: Jane Brandt, ]Dorothy Helmes Helen Pearson, Dore- thy Massig, Leutse Jane Reberts, Fran- ces Colin~s, Helen Scliwall, Jor'rino I'rornm, Dorothy Brynu ani two extra larri for substitutes. Whèn the gamo ,was verlie score 'was 28 te 18 ln rofda.ytheya0celgeert u tondyteyaecmpgoert u ool to play the* second game. If Ward wlus, thre team captais will vo te chooso Btraws te decide at which sehol tire next gamo wlll lie played. -1 hope 7A2 Howard lias luck and will 1 et tire champlonshlp lu volcybll. They gave a pennafit hi kiekbaii aud thcy ,can get oee ývpi1eybt_&'If tliey will tvy.-Zleano*' S redaa, 18Howard. 'Red Streaks Win, Cage Tilt Froin Shooing Starsi Visit to Planetarium. Lin gers in Memory i-One day during Cliristmas vacation, 1 *ent down te the, planeta.rium to hear La, lectu'te., I got there a. littie eariy, so 10 went around lobklng ut telescopes, 4modern and anclent, pictures of the e, sun,. moon, stars, pianets .and, manyý Et otlier thlngs. Then I went Into the -lec- Iture room. In the middle of the room was. a bilg ma hîne, very Intricate and e >cGmPosed et 107 m rovlng picture ma- 4chines.' Arund the, rooÔm (for tlie room was round with a domc-sliaped roof), wasf a - ilhouette ot the loop. Then.the lectulrer liegan lts talk which was about Lthe planets. Tlie room slowly darkened Iand atter a whiie lie turnied on theeliuge 3 machine and Venus,- Mars, Jupiter and *Mèeury appeared aliove usI. on -the Idone-like celllng. Then lie turned on ail the stars and tlicy aiso were shewn *above us. Tlien.lie made a whoie ycar Pass In four minutes. Tlie stars changed but littie, thougli the planets and moon raced across the sky. Then lie made a, year pase ln seven seconds and the planets and mnoon went taster than ever. -Virginia Green, Hloward SA. Writers ar Stolp' Will Put School Into Print Again' Stolp echool la iloslng Its good repu- tation, and 1 don't inean maybe. Per- lisps Howard's puplis will say that Stolp neyer .had a good reputtIton. Well, It did have; in fact, it stililihas and always wlll have., Maybe You'll want to knowwhy Stei p l1a losing its good reputàtieri. ust- for one reason. We ar~e not contributlng to the Junior Lite page In the WILMrrr Lzmn. Do you know ail the articles with the exception et one, last time were from thé Howard school? jStolp lias got to keep up with How- a rd and we're going to do It. Prom no 0Won, Stolp is golng to have more I han qulte a few articles on tkie Junior ttce Page,-Julia Carroll, 2c stolp. FrankEnjoys Wafching MYany Fish at Aquarium The aquarium ts a big building lu' which tliey keep fish. They have water lu .it that came from the sea and will asat twenty years. Wlieu You corne into tlie aquarium there Is a big round place Honeybee Has Its. Home i Run in Systematité Style The lioneybee le the only Insect whlch r makes a contribution, to the food of man. It.le the moat hlghly developcd and intelîligenit.of ail insece, andne, other Inseet besides the alt. can compare wlth .It for the* power, ot developlng *community lite. The ant lias only the. necessary things to its living, whlle the bec lias Its home furnished quite elali or tey -te home ls run moe system- aclytoo. Tlie hivé.e. les not a native of Northi America,« but was brouglit over heme by, some of the early European Colouista., It lias been kuown aud appreclated. for tliousands of years In the -Far: East. The Fburteenth cliapter of Judges tells liow they tound "A swarm of becs and lioney lu the carcasot a lioni" anid of the-riddle derived tfroit.ILThe classics of Greece and Rome have numemouS iretemences to heney. 1n those early days sugar was unknewn; the liouey, fur- iiislied liy the becs took Its place.,Wliat its Ii>poYtan!ce was among the. ancient people magy be describcdl by tlie troquent. use of'the expression, 4A land flewlng wtth milk and honoy," to déecribe a Becs native to Amnerica are the wild honeybees, which fasten their cumbs to overhanging rocks and the limbs of trees and are *reverted swarms." Tliey are descendants which escaped long agao- from their man-mnade hlves.- Ellene WeaklY, 7-B Howard school.à Howard Seventh Grades 1 Vend Sweets for Culture Priday, the sixteentli , was the date se t by the seventh grades of Howard for liavlng a candy sale. We hoped to earon enougli moncy te continue Our s.ubscrip- ton to the "'News Revtewî." It !qa F 1ovely paper and w6 use it a lot In our social science work. It lias ail thp latest happenings of the world that are niost Important- lu It. We anuounced the ca.ndy sale lu ail the rooms and we hopud that ail the grades would cooperate witli us aud lielp us buy our paper liy buying the candy, We had I tables at both ends of tlie hall. Please1 corne Friday and buy our candy, was 1 Our siogan.-Eilene WeAkly, 7B Howard. Posture Tests Are Given to Girls in Gym Class Mouday morning lu gYninasiIum class t we lied a Posture.test. :We were ail: Volleyball Team of Stolp School Defeats Howard Wednesday, Jranuary 14,, the 8B- girls of Howard went over~ to* Stolp to play. one of the three games tO decide who la champion of théefeghth grade- in voley- bail. The, first- hait was very exciting and this gyjnnasium was sô différent from ours and the n'et stretched so much higlier ý than -ours, we Were not sure Of' ourselves. But at least-we won the ftrst hait, 19 to 16.* In- the second halt we were flot so gond- for some of our7 girls were very excited.* We 'kept bit- tlng the hall into the net and then the whistle. blew. We ruslied over ^to, Mrs. Bai, tbeý scorekeeper, and she said, *'32 to 31" ln favor',of Stolp. Sucl aý blow! The' girls piaying on our teami were- Editli Gordon, Mary Gordon, BettyliKny Mo*'gani - Dorothy Robertson, Haie] Ward, ftuth Chatard , Mildred Haugh, Lucille' Holm Hanson, Mary, Meaker and Catherine ReYnoldsa--Catherne Reynolds, Howard SB. Students Croup Pictures, Then Write About Them Lat Monday we started. on our. pic'- turc study for thée eghth grade. Every year we. are to put together ten »Iictures and vOritc about hem. This year ls the first year that the wliole class didn' have the same ten pictures. They are ail the same, except tliree. Most of us got this set: Mona Lisa, Fall ot Man, Portrait et the Artist, Syndics, Avenue of Trees, The Figlting Temeraire, The Vaùlley Farm, Dance of the Nymplis, Angelus and Churcli at Vernon. We ail are trying to mak.e our books as neat as we can.-Jane MacMillan,. Howard 8A. Silkworm Spin 1s Cocoon Bei ore Going to Death The silkworm cornes frc»p the eggs laid by .the moth on mulberry 'leav4ps. The littie worm feeds on mulbcrry' leaves. Wlien it la full grown it is three lâtches long. It then begins a^ Cocooni and It takes three days. It Btays'lu the cocoon twenty days and then it breaks a. "doorway" se *it can corne out. *In order to keep these sIlk coooons tliey aYe Put ln hot water iu order te kili the metl.-Ruth Meusel, 2B Stolp... ,Az -In a We .- Jthat I wi th grade, )o iýè mnayi an.uary 12, . T 15 ISWON By 1B v bout rnilk. It showed tlie steps yniilk Mua bteelBsd2. wTire roe toI' r list otruuleoeIt le erved that won was te, play the room that Bto te us for breakfast. It le wonderfui the vins3 at Heward. Iu tire end oftire lUne. vay tire machlnery verks Wo al cn- tiret hait lB was aireai 15 te, 9. At tire ftea' joyed the mevies and thank tlie dairy enhd eof tie ame tire score *as 28 te 22 w5n02X cempauy aeyme....oehl fry. n1'avor. We hope te play RHevar vin 2 Stlp .Wedueday.-<3orgeteBeckcet,11lB StôiP. entral. t