Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 34

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eve Ceral. Invitation to Col. farry HiI'saAddress on Clbild Welfare Monday Col. Harry Hl orldwr vet- cran :and chief probation officer. of' the Juvenile court of Cook coun'ty cornes to Wîlmette. Monday, January 2,to address the Wilmette 'League of Women Voters at its open day meeting. Because of his activity and interet ini child welfare 'problems, the league is extending a ge neral invitation to ail interested person and. seats will be reserved for repreý- sestatives from the Central-Laurel.' the Lôgan-Iloward, and the St. Fran- cis Xavier Parent-Teacher associ a- tions. The meeting is to be beld, in the Woman's club and Colonel Hill's talk at 2 o'clock:wïilI follow the lunlch- ton served at 12.-30. In an announcement of this meet- ing it is said, "The Illinois General assembly will have the opportunity titis year of adopting a Cbildren's code which will bringIllinois well to thse front as one of; the progressive states in this field. The Governor's, Child Welfare Legislation committee, which is .drafprng this code. has in- cluded in itsil*ork the classification of existing laws madc by the Legis- lative.Refqq"ence bureau and has add- epcy, cisaen s agencies, illegtmacy, adoption, and, .o14jpo~rtant of -al,' pemsnnel. F1r 4 Chldren's code as ad6pted by thé hýratasebn it will be of tise sîmost importance th&jY a qualified personnel be, pro- vie to administer its provisions,- oince, without adequate administra- tion, laws in -themselves imean little. «'CoIoneJ Hill is well qualified to teil us hLnuwe tcan hli)lnto, eere :me of Mms. Charlt -wick. road, KeniIm evethtng, January. A concert by B/erentice Viole, talented Chicago piaitist, at the Woman's club on Priday evening, Januar' 30, is being s.otsored by. the Womian's society of ýthe Pres- bytérian. church. Miss Viole has plaved wmit/. great success in Paris, Berlin, and Chicago. She has studied prit'ately and in classt: ith stie of the u'orld's most distin- guished leachers, including Arthur- Schnabel, Alfred Cortot, Joseph Lheinne, Rudoif Gatiz, and, Hen- riot Lev3'. She piayed three concerts in Paris and had two appeamances in Berlin, one of thein as soloist with tise Berlin Sympisony orchestra. Site bas played under thse direction of Ber"th Ott and Dema Harsisbarger, appeared as* solo- ist ýrith thse Civic orchestra under Fred- èiick Stock, and with other orchestras in Chsicago and bad concert engage- ments befome .thse Chicago Woman's Athletic club, in Kimball hall' and ilu -various otiser places in and around Chi- cago. are 'nu- Sif o. 1 o. given ra will ftu rwin, h,-o at Miss Cornelia Lunt ,of Evanston,. Who 'is. to be guest of, bonor, will. give a talk on the work and ideals of the MacDowell colony at Peter-, bômo, N. H. and a short program will >be preësented'.by David Van Vactor, futist and composer, with Miss. Ha-, dassih McGiffin at the piano. 1. Miss,.Lunt, a Pioneer resident of Evanston and patron of al ,things artistîc on the- north shore for many. years, is well known for the cbamm of ber talks, Wbicb ýsprings from ber sym- pa thy and familiarity- with the cul- tural growth, of thiscommunity. MissJ Lunt i s vitally interested in the Mac-4 Powell colony and its significance in1 f.osteming Aineican creative talent.« and she is particularly fitted to bring1 this ged ,womk doser to the society.1 Mr.VanVactor, in' spite of. bis y uth, luas-ïiuany compositions to hi;; credit, including a considemable rep-t ertoime of songs, chamber music,. and orchestral works which :already bave. bhad several hearings by, conduc- tors - of distinction. Miss McGiffin, wbo will accompany' Mm. Van Vactor, is an accompflished 'pianist. aànd is well known. Otto Barnet.tt of Glencoe is president of thse Nom h Shore MâcDowell society wbich num-t bers about four hundred memberq.-t d To Sew fOr Episcopal Home at Club <fJan. 3 0 St. Mamy's home, a charitable or- ganization in Chicago supported by a the Episcopal cburcb., is to benefit by C the sewing day at the Wilmettea Woman's club Fiday, January .30, under the, auspices of tise philan- tbropy depatment' of the' Woman'$ e club. A committee of' club members ýd wbo are members, of St. Augustnes Episcopal cburch' in Wilmette, are in 9 charge of tise cutting and planning of 1% the womk for tbe day, and the club e Provides unateial upon wisicb toE work. AIl women of the villa. d titut*, ' 1.1i..iwuuu avenue, Chicago of tise Chicag. chapter of the D A R. who is thse senior presi- dent .0f thse ciildren's society, is in charge of tise tard party. Mrs. Ray- moud Stevens is regenlt of tise Chi- cago chapter. "Why Men Leave Home" Ex- plained at Woman's Club in Building Fund Benefit TIhe anntal dramiatic. production of the Wilmnette Wonian's club is to be presented at the club. bouse on the evenings of March 5. 6. 7. It is a benetfit performance of the ways and me ans Icomfmittee of which. Mr4. Knigbt Blanchard is chairman. Mrs. Bernard Browni, who is. kno wn for ber work 1astyearin "Close-Up" and for ber association with the Ptav- Sbop, Is general 'chiairman of tb*e production. "«Why Men Leave Hoe"cornes from New York andis from the pen of Avery Hopwood, author of ý"The Bat" and other notable successes. and 'it bas beqru aýdapteci to suit local taste. Th1ib nes are snappv and the presentation -stiniulating. The thenie should appeal to the modern 1husband who feels neglected, because the ex- tra-mural activities* of bis wvife leave fier littie or no time for wbat he feels' is, really ber sphere, the *home. For his satisfaction thé frivolous and so- cially 'minded wives of the comëdy. aie made to* see,, thé error of their wvays. tbe deliigbtfully humo ,rouis treatment of a serious problemn and a certain unexpected twist in the1 ac- tîon, make a most enjoyable enter- ýaininent. "Why,-.Men Leave Home" is bein9, directed- by James Bratlley-Griffin vho bas be-en associated witb the Uptown Players for three years and has put on numerous plays for wom- Lfl's clubs in the city. Mr. Bradley- mriffin is an actor and play writer. and is on the faculty of tbe Glen )illard Gunn scbool. A graduate of he school of speech at Nortbwest- erwbeme he studieéd under Alexan- drDeane, he is succeeding hîrm in the direction- of local, dmamatic groups. At. present- he .is womking with the North Shore Circuit Play- rs and bad thse direction of "The Racket." Mr. Bmadley-Gmiffin also lirected thse prize play "Smolce Screen" at the Goodman theater. ON NEIGHIBORS' PROGRAM Tise music departmeut of tise Neighbors wiIl have its neuct meeting-z at tise home of Mrs. Edward Marshall, 140 Kenilworth avenue, Tuesday, Jauuary 27, at '10:15 o'clock e Mrs.: Patal Gilbertaïd Mis Virginia Mir- shhwilgfe t4s rgaa Mb

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