at the Evanston gym by grabbins Woh ends of a double-header at 1Ev. aflston's çxpense, the green and gray lights tiosing out the foe in an over- time thriller, 20-19, after, which the Ný T. hea-vieés. tbwarted the southern- ers' titie aspirations, 22-15. The lights from New Trier were ritcd 'as. easy, victors in their mieet- _ing, but met .a stubborn. de'fenst through which they were. barely able to tke out a victory. Neither teaul held more than a one poin t àadvan- tige over the other at the period ter- minations, ônly a Garrison finish giv- ing the gzreen and'gray their iargin., New Trier bad numerous opportuni- tdes to 'go into the lead, if the free tbrows had found the hoop, but this was evened up by the large ixunber of field shots the Evanston lights ussed in the extra period. [t' was Borino's foui tons comieng, late in the overtime which decided 'the gamne. He als. accounted for twelve points on four field and four charity heaves, with Heitmnan and Warble t-ach con-, necting once from the floor. Bel- mont, subbing for Heitmail,. was suc- cessful in four foui goals to complete the scorine for New Trier, At haif time Evanston Iead, 12-11, while the score stood knotted at 19 apiece at tfiè end of the regulation tinie. 1The Evanston heavies were .heavy favorites to take New Trier, but the dope was upset. when New Trier won handily, 22-15. Probably Church's excelnt-guardinig of the widely fouted 'i.ivey" Goach er, was the cause of the upset. It was very rare- Iy that Goacher could get a chance to try his eye, his 'scoring being held to two field goals, b)ut "Tivey" didn't cover Çhurch, witl the resuit that the New Trier - forward garnered ie Points. Munsoit of E. T. H. S. was the star performerJ;or the losers with a total of mine for the eve- ,ning's work. For the duration of the first hall, the 'lead see-sawed back and forth with neither team Raininz the unner 8 15 P. nm. Meri's Voileyball. Hoft- Mans Il vs. Gym Clans .11., Howard gy Mnanluni. > 15P.. Girl's Basketblil. Frenh- mien Il vs. BOX. Stolp gymnasiuni. 9:05 P. nm. Girls' Basketball. village Cleaners va., Chicago. Stoip gym- TUESDAY, JANIJAIT27 7:00 P. nm. .Grammar Sehool (0 i r 1 s' gymnamluni clas.. Howard gym- 7:00 P. M. Junior -Ches Touirnament. Stolp sehool library. 7:30 P. ni. Girls' Baalcetball. - Schultz & Nord vs. TNT. ,Stolpgymnaslim 7:30> . i.en'e Horseshoes. A Làeague. Howard school attic. 8 p. ni. Granimar School glirls' gym- Snanluni clans. Howard. gYmnastuni. 8:15 p. mn. Girls' Basketb4ll. - DODS vo. Ohio. Stolp gyninasinni. 9 P. mi Businessý Girls' gymnastuni clans. Howard gyninamluni. 9:05 p. ni. Girls' Basketball.* Browniesi vra. Wisconsin. tolp gyaInasàunL 7p. m. Men's Basketba.ll. Shanirocks vs. Schultz & Nord. Howard gym- nasium. 7 p. m. Men's Bàsketball. 'St. Francis vs. Blackhs.wks. Stolp gyninasiuni. 8 p. m. Men'a Basketball. X. ef C. vs. ,Wolff-Grlfilo. Howard gymnasluni. 8 p. ni. Men's Baskethail. LYnia'n's vs& 'Hollisters. Stolp gyninasuun. 9 P.nm. lMen's Backetball. State Bank vs. Methodist. Hloward gymnasluni. 9.p. mi. Men's Baaketball. St. Joseph vs. littes. Stolp gyninasiuni. THVRSI>AY, JANIJARy 29 7 p. m. Granimar sehool girls' 'gym- 'iasiuni clans. Howard 'gynmnasIlum. 7 p. ni.IJuior b*isketbfl league. Brulns IV vs. fllackhawks. Stolp gyrniaelurn., 7:30, p. ni. Men's Horseshoes. B League. Hoftman Florlsts vs. . Ly- man's Texacos. Howard school attie.. 7:30" p. mi.lien's Horseshoes. B Longue. Ridge Confectionery vs. Hornes. Howard sehopl. attlc. 7:*30 P.rni. Men's HOyseshoes.- B League. HBF"s vs. DPW's. Howard school attic. 7:30 p. m. Men's Horseshoes, B League.1 Optimilats vs. Bruins. 'Howard school attic.1 8 P. rn. Ladies' gymnasium clans. How- ard gymnagluni. ,1juniorA. u. s. 30--7, Elites vs. B. ary 5-7, Juniior A. C. oIp; 8, Freshmenl va. "Friday, rEbru!î'y 6-7, East Siders vs. Irish, Howard. Thursday, February 12-7, Irish VS. Freshmen, Stolp; 8,- East Siders vs. Blackhawks, .Stolp; 9, Elites vs. N, T. .',Stolp. Friday, February .13-7, Bruins IV vs..Junior A. C., Howard, Thurs3day,, February 1-,Freshanen vs. Blaickhawks, Stolp,, 8, Bruins, IV vs. Mlites, Stolp; 9, Ea.4tSiders vs. Junior A. C., Stolp. F'riday, ,February 20-7_ Ii'ish v. N.T. B.'s, Howard. Thursday, February- 26-71 Freshrnen, vs. Junior A., C., Stolp; 8, Blackhawks vs. N. T. B.'s, Stolp; 9, Irish vs.,Elites, Stolp. Friday, Februalry 2à-7, Bruins IV vs. East Siders,Ho r. Thursday,,March 5-7, East Sîders va, Preshmnen, Stolpi'8j Blackhawks vs. Mlites, StolP; 9,'N. T. B.'s vs. Junior Aci, Stolp. )!riday, March 7-7, Bruins IV vs. Irish,Howard. IRecreation Leagues I MEN'S BASKETBAILI J3lckhwks(A 'League) Blchws(19) K of C- (18) William' Webster Jack Harrison Char-les Megînnis Tom Obermeter R~ussell Borne Vincent Meter John Ouse .Robert Meter. Robert Berndsten Phll Callanen Kanrning, referee. St Francis (34) Sbarnrocks (35) Jack Kalkhurst Ted Buck Jack Casson Winfleld Roge'r Joe Joyce. Carl Nordberg William O'Neil AI Bown Joe Dempsey ' Vernon Wyle, Ka ang eferee State Bank (23) Wolff-Griffs (30) Tony Varney George Salter Harry Stone Ralph Welch Tom Klng Fred Herber Robert Smith George Speyelr Càrl Clitton Herbert Woiff Bal Robinson Kanning, referee Schultz & Nord (44), Methodists (24)' Bob MeLean' Charles Varne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. MEN'S VOLLEYBALL U-offman Florist~s 11 HowardY . (51 3) (15, Ray Hoffman Ray Tq Wlliamn Schinler John Bat Robert Evana Martiri Robert ,Calvert Charles. P AI Christie Clyde Gathercoal, referee Baptist (16, 15) MeIthodhsý Bari, Carlon Leslie Han F)rank Guthrldgeý Dewey Ar George Williams William 8 AI Heerens Otto: AI Gruhn Staver Mçi Walter iHaas A rt Youngberg Gathercoal, referee HSecreation ,Leagues Gym Class I Carl Geppert Walter Doose William Willfamson Ralph Perdue Dewey Anderson P. T. A. 15) Robinsoni .ughniait ri Lynch 3etersoii ýSmith oeppert. gouiding Alex Hoffnian Jake Hoffinait Ed Phillips., Earl . Miller, Ben Thalman Stone, retere, 1. JV NIO R , »A ISNETB A LL Bruins IV (69) Freshig Wlnfleld Rogers Phil Carl Nordberir Bob Hert Fank Wenter Ed- Joe B erol Hlenry Hol - -1 Freshmen (24) IrhSh (82) Phil Hoelz Jack Durbani Bob Waters Ted Buek George Wldener Bob Youngherg Bd Born Martin Johnson AI Brown Lowell* Johnson Bob Hernianson 'Ëodd, referre ep (10) I i-Ioelz manson Hornv fimeyer Brown Junior A.' C, (63) George Waldener Bob Waters Charles Williams' Henry Specht Don MeIntyre Bruins IV (45)' East Siders. (58) Frank Wenter Tom Oberi-nielier. Caýl Nordberg Jaek, Harrison* Charles Wllliarns Vincent Meter WInfield .Rogers, Bd Mooiiey. Bob Meter John 0'Neil Joe Blaha Dick S -lian TQdd, referee Elites (21) Dick Huck Vincent White Joe Kraft Steve' Kra ft John Zopp WOMENWS BAS-KtTBAL Trodd, 16-7 :80 Pni.-2Bsptist vs. siders (29) 1 ; Howard P. T. A. vs George jones . 8:11' p. ni.-Methodlsta Robert lioran ns il; Gym Clas 1va. GYM Briaii Moran Jarett Lake 23-7 :30 P. L-G4ym Clam Mlndir, referee SCF's (84) Charfles LaI'ner Tom Thursby I Tack Lorenz SerwoodPalmer r'ter. ,-, --eno gie, referee (61) Preshmien il (3) r RUla.lla Barker Suzanne Karels, Mary Frances Schwal E~lsabelleFIMtzPa.trick d Jeanette Scbaefer Lorétta Sterti 'b reter. Toddi refereeý rie, .1