Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 49

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First Con gregational James Clair Mead. DIrrector of religlous educatlon The pulpit next Sunday wll be eccu- pied by Dr. Nehemlah .Beynton.. Dr. BoYnton la onle 0f thé. most dinstin-, guisbed preaehers in the CongÉregational church, and we are decldedly fortunate to sécure hlm. He wfll aise preach.on Fçbruary 1 and S.' The Church echeol wIll meet ln five departments as follews: Prlmary (grades 1, 2, and.3): 9:30 to 12 a. m.. Junio!r (grades 4, 5, and 6): 9 :30 to 10:45 a. lm. Intermedlate (grades 7 'and ý8): 9 :30 to 10:45 a. m. Beginners (pre-sehiool),: 10:45 te 12 a. M. High se, hool '(ail four years):' 12 to P. p. . It Is felt that a very close relationship should exlst bétween the teacher and- the church sehool and the home and parents. The teachers belleve, that -tbey can do better work If they -know home conditions better. The parents feel1 that. they dan b1i of more'service If Lhey are better acquainted wlth the teachers and the program presented. In response to this, mothers' meetings of each chu rch school class are being held at which teachér and parent unite to Improve the religious andi moral development of ttbekr-boe-fkn -gl rls.ý On .Tuesdayr evening, Janua'ry 27, the W11lmette- Standard Teacher T'raining celass for faculty members of the Rap- tist, Methodist, andi Congregational churcb schools wlll begin., These six Tuesday nlght sessions will be helti ln the Co'ngreffatinnl ch. Tocus The second of six trips to the Chi- cago Art 'institute by sixth, seventh and eighth grade pupils of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth was made Tuesday of this week wlier the seventh grade pu1pils visit-. ed the institute. The sixth, seventh and e ighth grades each, will make' two. such trips. Last week the sixth grad'e made its first 'tnp. Miss M. Louise Robinson.: art teacher at Joseph Sears. and. Miss Edith M. Stryker,9 social sciencèe teacher, accompany thé' pI- puls. Ancient and> classic art was studied by the sixth grade pupils on.thèir, first -trip te the institute, andý next time they will study the art of the medieval perioci. The seventh graders will study the,,Renaissance and Euàg- lish eighteenth -century and early America.n painting. A study of -the development of. modern art and of modemn American artý is the work nuipped out for the eighth- graders on their trips to the Art institute. Women Voters Hear of "O >ur Foreign Policies" The Kenilwprth League of Women Voters held a large and enthusiastic meeting Thursday of last weekl at the Kenilworth Club rons, with Mrs. E. D. Snydacker presiding. Af- ter a buffet luncheon with Mrs. B. G- McCloud and Mrs. Edwin HT-L.. MoneyfloLôan on improv.drosi- -donc.eand bsinetsprop.rty.. Constructio'n Loans AiI b. made l'o owners. REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT STÂAT[ BAýNK ANID TRUST COMPA&NYI Orr inglonet ID avis Evanston, Illi'nols tôo take tee nunch of the. teachers' .time during any eue week. With* Professor McKItýben as leader one, Is.assured that the course .will bo practi cal, Iuteresting and extremnely valuable.. 'The high sehool folks are takiug au- other trip Saturday, Jauuary 24. They aire te visit. the Boys' Court, In Chicage and observe the cases brought. there for trial. Dr. Frauk 0. Beck ef Evamston, Protestant boys' worker lu the Cou'rt, eke before the highseoel departmeut last SUnday ceucern!ug the werk there andi wll be at the Court Saturday te img & c.. *M PwsaM 1144 FL . PuSal mi cy Wrighit. Alt. thle close et hier talk questions were askeçl and a general discussion followed. Mrs. Wright is not oniy a weil- informed politician, and a clean, in- teresting speaker, but she is a.wom- aneof great charm and personality. 1Thii was the regular. meeting for the month of January.. The board of the league meets reg- ularly each month on Tuesdays. ICODY TRUST COMPAýNYI 105 Solmi La Salle Street RondIlph 6600 ÇCH ICÇA GO it.

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