bo0 Stat, 7;Fp. fn. SATURDAY, JN.24. GEORGE. BANCROFT s"You're lis,,the Atuiy Kow"-JlrnBrle 'Patue Revlew aund Aesopm Pabi N.a ulOn Tbe Indiana Are Comlmg-Epod 1 SUNDAY,ý MONDAY and: TUESDAY. JAN. 2-62 JACKIE C00A Friday~, Jaauawy 23 "Danger Iights" . ... Teatro del Lago "'Let's Go Native" ....... Wilmette "~Animal ........... ........I..Community House Saturday, Jamwary. 24 "Derelict"........ Teatro del Lago "The Silent Enemy"...... Wil mette "Animal'.Crackers'"......... .Conimunity Houjse "'Tom ,Sawyer" . . ..Teatro del Lago "Her Wedding' Night" .... Wilmette Monday, January -26. "Tom Sawyer" ....Teatro diel Lago "BiIly tbe Kid"........ Wilmette Tue&y, Jaauary 27 "Tom Sawyer" . . .. Teatro del Lago "jBilly the Kid" .....Wilmette W.deday, Jarnmary 28 "Man to Man". .... Teatro diel Lago "BilIy the JKid" .. ... .Wilmette Il.,1Thuradae~ Jaquary 29 ý ".Up the River" ,. . ..Teatro diel Lago "War Nurse"..... ..Wilmette .Friday1 JaMMUT U3 "Up the River...... Teatro ciel Lago "War Nurse" ........... Wilmette Jackie Coogan Inherits His Brilliance ais Actor Inberited characteristics have had their part in the career of Jackie Coogan wbo bas bis first talking role in "Tom Sawyer" at the TeatrQ, del Lago on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, january 25, 26 and 27. Hun lre I and Aunt J'Qlly, Injun Joe and Muf f Potter at the Teatro cdel Lago on1 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Jan- uary 25, 26 and 27, during the show, "Tom Sawyer." One of America's Ieading chilci actors, Jackie. Coogan, lives ýthe role of Tom Sawyer, while, Mitzi Green h as the part of Bécky Thatcher. Huc'kleberry Finn' is portrayed by Junior Durkin. These are but a few, of the stars who respond to'the mar- velous direction, of John Cromwell. Critics tôss5 stars in favor of this film, -praise its fidelity, to> Mark Twain's classic, commenci the pictureé for its wholesôme fun, and land Jackie Co6gan, for his fine performance in his first talking picture. junior Dur- kmn and Mitzi Green are also pointeci out as skillful players.Evroe from little junior to. grandpa, wifl tocidle, run, hobble or ride to the Teatro del Lago for a squint at "Toma Sawyer." Laugli Riot On 1Way The. Teatro del Lago has a lauigli-, riot for its patron~s ini "Up tbe River," to be featureci on Tbursday and Pri day, January 29 and 30. Unquestion- ably one of the funniest taikies ever made, "Up the River" sets a neiv style in comedy. Director John Ford bas taken a. sprigbtly tale by Maur- ne. Watkins, haîf farce and haif * irom his mother. jior.n egan thcir histrionic careers at the age of four and a 'haîf years; Jackie in "The Kid" with Charlie Chaplin, bis mother in, the role -of Little Lord Fauntie- roy in a San Francisco stock com- pany. Little Lord Fauntleroy is saici to, be one of the most difficult -parts ever written for a child of that age.* Mrs. Coogan was required to rnem- onize 112 speeches at an age when she bad flot yet learned to read. has seldom been approacbed. It'deals primarily witb two amateur Cupids, tougb eggs and champion ai-break- ers who appoint tbemselves custo- dians, guies and, mentors .toaý pair of, youthfiql inmates and conduct tbeir romance to a satisfactory con-. clusion. Tbree new talking picture stars, Spencer Tracy, Claire Luse and Joan ("Cherie") Luce portray featuredl ng,,,rriay jauar Z, at Aeatro a dense fog. Ini addition to this del Lago. Locomotives wil thundier mighty picture, an episode of the ex- toward the'audience, while fine work citing seriat, "The Indians Are Con-' is doue by Louis Wolhecuu, Robert ing" wilI be shown in Teatro'. del Armstroug'anci Jean Arthur. flgo'ai the'imatine. i>nIy. g- ~ i thief, the.Smnof bd hiurdeel Did