E. Gamron. is directing the ilch promises to bé one of ever presented by this group. t. is as follows: a, a neWro sevrant - Clara Gailya, aui adôpted daughter-MaEr- garet Eggert Reeta, a frlenid-Helen Rbeinhardt. *ut Wade' Reeta's. brother-Gog E. Cramer. mrsa. Barry, Gallya's foster-miôthe- Elsie Rheinhardt. Lora, a llvely houÉemald -Marcle Baker. Clark, a busy butier -Elmer G. Piriebe. Judge B3arry, Gally's, father - Rex Afhdow n. (Mrs. Ashdown cornes tô 'the, cast through the ctrtesy of the J3arnum, *Players of! Chicago.) Royal 'Manton, Burt's rival- -Howard Bieser. Jirn Rankin, the nanacled man-Earl FORM READING CIRCLE ýMrs. E. D. Snydacker anmmoneed. the opening of a Reading Circle at. her home on Chestnut street, in Ken- ilworth, Thursday niorning of thi >s week at 10 o'cloclç., She issued a gen- ;eral invitation on Thursday last, at the meeting of the League of Women Voters, saying that she herself was eager to read several books which had suggested themselves to ber and would be glad to share them in a group. The first to be considered is the story of Mahatma Gandhi. - ýJL'AAA%; vç;liu , 4UI L LII . MrI. Sorsen was~ attempting to lift à heatry tent up into the rafters of the garage when he fell to the' cernent floor of the garage, suffering a skull fracture. He died a few bours. later at the Evan.stOn bospital.M Mr. Sorsen is, survived by bis widow, Mrs. Lifllian H. Sorsen, a son Williami, who is- a sophomore at New. Trier High sehool, a.daughter Mar- garet, who is. in the- seventh grade at Howard sehool1, and three brothers. The. funieraL services were held Monday afternoon' at, 2 o'clock at Scott's funeral. chapel, 1118' Green- leaf, avenue, Wilmette., Burial: took place. yesterdàyn ear Calumiet, Mich., Mr., Sorsen's- former home., Mrs. Helen M., Loring« Ta.ken by Death. Here. Mrs. Helen- M. Loring> w fo Georie F. Loring, died êarly Wednes- day morning of. pneumonia at er home, 1001 Linden avenue:' She hiad been a resident of Wilmette four years, coming, here from Chicago. Mrs. Loring was the mother of Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, 1001 Linden ave- nue, With whom she lived, and a sis- ter of Mrs. Johni W. Iliff, 1115 Green- wood avenue, and of Mrs. William A. Mann, 1121 Greenwood avenue. The funerai services wiIl be held froni her late residence this afternoon ýFriday) at 2 o'clock, with burial at Memorial Park cemetery.. ing, February 7, at 10 o'clock, at St. Mary's church with the Rev. F. J. The girls of the gyrnnasium class Magner officiating. A wedding break- of St. joseph's schooi and theïls fast will follow at the Georgian. teacher, Miss Jans, gave a sleigh ride Miss K ittie Camnail is to be her. party last Tuesday evenung. NEW Automatic -Comb mat ion RADIO-PlHONOGRAPH ~3O8 Comhplet. wifh tubes O Trade in allowanc. on your old -adio or phonogra ph. $2281 Net ic Liberal trade-in aIlowance on ail sets in our stock consisling, of 1WESTINGHOUSE AND SPARTON RADIOS Celi Us for Deponda ie Radio Service TERMINAL HARIDWARE 411. LINDEN AVE. PHONE WILMETTE2843 GOLNG SOUTH? LET US: REJUVENATE YOUR WARDROBE cau f<##5* oring one oy our aravers I THE VILLAGE CLEANERS 1ac Telephone Wilmette 78t,1 Evamnton fboue--Greculeaf 7441 I