Junýior ieagu:e at the iari The first performance was Saýturday morning. y Pork Loin Roat Pig Pork 18@Clb The choice. he., moats sold in the Josecph Nielse'n, ait officiai of flhc E iiploy ers' Association of Chicago. wil s'eak on the subject, "The ~Price of Racketeerin g," at tho, ,nonthii' meeting of the UWilinette Chamber of Commerce .1onda v n.iqht, Febritar* v2, at 8 o'ciock ini the tFiiue te IMasonic tcm pic. 1010 Central ti vee. Aiir. Nieisen is wîeli inforuned on fuhis suibject. <and his taIk is ex.tPected ta. draw a large mette and the city of Evanston: After the recent fire at the Baha'i temple, when the Evanston Fire' de-, partment assisted Wilmette firemen in fighting the blaze, the Village of Wil- mette flot ouly thanked Evanxston f or this assistance but stated that Wilmette Would expect 'a bill for services ren-7 dcred' by the Evanston firemen.> In reply, this> was thée letter that President Earl E .Orner received, f rom Edward W. Bell, Evanston city clerk:, IYour letter of Januaryr 15 express-ý ing. your appreciation for the. service. rendered by ogr,-fire departmeflt during .your recenit conflaigration of the Baha'i temple received. "As our towfls are very ciosely aofihli- ated and our friefldÉhip te such that. we feel obllgatedl to ssist one, another. we wish you to accept it: lr this manner and, that there .Will be norelmbiirsement as far as ica sh leconcerfled. "if the occasion presents- itseif thrt we are again needed, do flot hesitate to call on us, as we'deem Ilt a pleasure to ýbe of such asistatnce to you when- ever the,,occasion arises."1 Recently at the Commnity House, lfire in Winnetkca the samne spirit lof f riendly cooperation was shown be- tween Wilnxette and Winnetka. Win- netka offered to pay. for the service's of Wilmette's ire department in help- ing to figbt the fire, but the'Wilmette ~Tlaeboard voted to refuse such re- inibursement. Paul Cole of 717 Greenleaf avenue bas returned home after a seve.n montbs' absence. He spent threé months ini Denver and~ four montfis~ winni - p iac l to oler oly d.- pendabletouniform que lity tooJ at mnney saving Pices. Leg o' Lamb. PHARHACY C. C. Renneckar.: O»iiituSt.joseph SchdPoe1*imggi1 pho Wilmait e . iý", ý ý) !ý