Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 9

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A cotuprehensive plan for draining the grounds of Skokie Country club and the installation of a modern sprinkcler system to water fairways, tees and greens is the resuit of a year's study- by a special committee 1appointed by the board of directors. This comm*teem chosen from the. rnembersbip, consisted, of John C. Hlornung and joseph C. Markley., both engineers, and James G. Mc- rMillan, who acted as chairman and secretary.- After a c -areful survey of. sprin- kling systems in, the Chicago district. and elNeWhere those in charge gave much study to the project, selecting the best features of other systems, working in ýclose collaboration with the greens committee and George Flaskin's, Who recently retired f rom the presidency of the club. Messrs.. Windes & Marsh, well known. localsurveyors and engineerS, were engaged. to provide a topo- graphical survey and to work out the plans and specifications as wefl as supervise theý installationl. Nicholas Santucci of Niles Center who bas done considerable contracting in the ne.ighborhood was awarded the main .contract; namely, the water distribu- tion system. frDang ProvidefrDang *The drainage system, which re- quired first attention, was installed by the club's own staff early last year under the super-vision of Messis. Windes & Marsh. This provides for thei drainge of storm water falling drained as welI as fairways and lo1w lying spots so that witbin ýa very short timie after the heaviest downpour there wi11 be no standing water on the course. The water -distribtiin system is comprised of some 20,000 feet of cast iron mains and laterals, ranging in size f rom 6 inch to »'/2 'inch pipe. Most of this system has been already laid and as soon as the weather i s favonrable it will be tested and comn- attractive to the members ofthtRe club. It is also in the general plan to divert ail storm water around the lake, provide a gravel bottom and Sand beaches so that wben cotipleted a clear water lake will resuit suitable for more extended summer'sports. Much credit is due to tbe Village officials for their'helpful cooperation, on this important imp.rovement.,The improvement is. one of very definite mutual beneit to the. village andtoe the, Skokie. Country club. Glencoe is fortunate indeedto have witbin*its borders, such a well conducted club. It is a reai assetto the village and tindoubtedly isan important factor in maintaining real estate values. In the capable hands of Edward R.P Johnston, the new president, bis fel- low officers, and the. new board of directors, al of whom reside ini Glen- coe and vicinity, the. continuance of the traditional high status of the clubv is assured - League Women Voters Publish New Handbook A pamphlet bas been printed by the Illinois League . of Women Voters entitled "The Juror's Handbook,". which will serve as a handy refer- ence book on the functions of a jhror. sketching the various kinds of jury, court rules and procedure. Observe Birthday of Beloved Scotch Poet Trhe Robert Burns. anniversary sup- per of the North Shore British- American Social, club was held inthe, Legion room at Community- House' Saturda eening. O0ver one, hundred members and friends were .1present. AÀlex Millar, president, was in. the, chair. 1)r. J. W. P., Davies,- A. Canning of Winnetka, and P. Miller, of ýEv- anston were- the speakers. Songs were rendered. by Miss Bin- nie and Mrs. R. B. Jamieson. Mns. P. Macdonald gave a reading of "The, Cotter's Saturday Night." A.. McPadzean and' M. ýMillar .contrib- uted a piano and -violin duet, and Mr. McPadzean also gcted as accompan- A very enjoyable evenlng was bought to a close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." PARFU M s A new perfume- beciutlfui and rare as a perfect gem. -sold. only by jewelers.. (4 àmr F. A. Dock i167 Wilmeua Ae IlNumero 7 la Th ree Lwel Odurs a - Jasin- 1166 Wilmtte -ANp. Wilmette li ABig Wêek'iýn Stationery Section!. Monogjrammed Paper wifh .plain envolopes. 60 shoots of heavy White rippe. finish paper with raliée!los, lec foring-nd 50 n$ velopos fo match- - a11 for .......... Deckled SIationory 60 Sheefs--50 Envelopes A fine quallity of ivory $ whie papai in an at- i$1'.00 tiactive shape and size 100 Calling Cards --many styes of I.ffering néi Sharp, durable Reief agref Iettériong *h o w s up IîeaufifuIiy on tii I .49- White cards........... J 1 00 Calling Carcle with engrvd plate 100 plain Cardés in two slzit&s engrav.d itîh you r name. And the. engraved plate. Ali included iibsSpécial ' for 5 à liaited ime only. $ ) 5 :HANDLER'S EVANSTON TrEL WILMEMTE724 'l :UI Ti ls ],m a- I

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