Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 10

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The monthly meeting of 'the American. LegiQn Auxiliary, sewin circle wiII mieet. at the hème of Mrs. H. P. Reiling of 1513 Greenwood ave- nue next Thursdgy, Feb. 5. V. BEZDEK '& SONS Reuail andJVIoieait Firts 2M6 WilmoeAvenue TeleImouOWiI. lus The circle meets proiuptly and lis- tens to the reading for about an hour with informaI discussions or coin- ments interspersed, when s5uggested. Anyone who is interested may cali Mrs. Snydacker.' LEAVE ]FOR FLORDIA Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Bulley of Kenil- worth lef t ont Monday of this week for a month or six ýweeks' sojourlu'.i Florida. They w"'l stop first at Daven- port to make a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Spangler, fornierly of Kenjil- wortb, and then go on' to Miami Beach. stofts lu VOUS co.rnuItye mm ornodm et iawe pSmubie p-ces. NAIOA TAO "Theosophy," "The l3ahai Faith," "Re- cent Phases of Roman Catholicism," "The Zionist Movemenit,'" "The Par- ses,", etc. On these evenings, Mr. James W. Gatherer, soloist of the Kenilworth Union'church, sinigs., The lectures are given inthe Kenilwortb Union church at 8 o'clock Wednesday eveninIgs. Jane Johnson Planning Month's Stay in South Miss Jane Jobnson, owner of the Lit-ý ti.e'Studio, 1159 Wilmette avenue, Wil- mette,' specialist in silhouette cutting, is leavinig où the nigbt of February 7 for a monith's stay lili the sou th. Miss Johnson bas been engaged.to emake *Silhouettes in Palm Beach and Miami iniFlorida. and îin Aiken and Columbia,' South, Carolina. She wilI, first coniplete anl engagement of sil- houette cutting at the Marshiall Fiel store in Evanston. Enroute f rom Miamni to Aiken, Miss Johnson will stop at, Winter Park, Fia., for a few days to be the guest of -Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Dickinson. former_ Wilmettc residents. .Mrs. Julia W. Carrollilias retuirned to bier home iii Boston, MNass., after spending several mionths Nvith hier son and family, the. H. C. Carroils to attend next flu. Tis was re - vealed ini a recent poli taken ini the senior boys' .advisor roomis at the higlh school. Only two boys stated that they did flot intend to go to college next year, whiie the reniain- der were uncjecided. A few years ago Nýew Trier students seldomnmade k.nown thieir definite college objec- tives until, the end of their senior year and the high school0 office. w-s flooded with requests to seüd a rec- ord, pi the students' credits to vario us colleges and universitiesé Now a. nua- jority of *the. high,'scniool students 1)lan their courses to fit the require-. nients of. the college. they expect to Bapist- Societies to Convene in. Evanston The. Evanston Baptist church, Lake, 'and Chicago avenues,. wiIl be the center of attrýaction- to ail Baptis-t womnen of Wilmette and 1Pvanston on Wednesday, Feb. 4. Luncheon wilI bc served at 12:30, f ollowed by a program in charge of the Wilniette women and directed 4y Mrs. Geo. N. Lamb. This is a "recipÉocity" meeting: The' 1gvanstoi Baptist women came to Wil- mette iii January and gave the Wilmette Baptist women a most enjoyable pro- gram. Wilmiette Baptist women wishing to« go by auto are requested to meet at the church, Wilmette and Forest avenues ,t 12 o'clock. 3 cap$ 2 pkgs. Fwms 4 pkosL lOc 20e 13e 39e 25e 4,17 L IDN AVRI .W. WM. WINDFRG9 ic PRESCRIPTION ?IRAEkÂCT, REPIJTATIO1! FOL, OO~>DIDOSU 417: Lin"s Av. Wilm.tb, IL. ci NAIOKAL IA PAM wudBVMR am15 » "M iIFAhU... oâ am

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