Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 11

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pranO wuio nas won rtexs aa scholarship for. three successive years, and Edwin Kemp, well known Chi- cago tenor, who substituted at almost the last minute for Robert Long. James.Allen acted as accompanist for Miss Baset and1_Missý Bassett was, M.Kemp ?s accompanist. In these musicaleýs. the club gives Amnerican artists a. good opportunity IIi to be heard .by a discrimi nating audi- ence. 'Miss Bassett, and Mr. Kemp. zave a scholarly prograni of. solos and duets. in:.solo unbers,ý Mr. Kemp, pleased witb his musicianly inter- preatinsof such diffilcuit airias as Bach's "Bist Du Bei Mir," which had the long, sustainedl phrases and the even tone for which Mr. Kemp is noted'. His diction ini German and Eniglish is. above reproach, and bis method of projecting bis -songs al- ways makes an audience -comiforta- l)le, for there is no straining to try to :hear thewords. "Blue Are Her Eyes,"ý by Winter Watts, was sung with that grace a-nd delieaey always assciaedwith Mr. Kemp's voice. Ini some of his other uumbers, though, one did niot find in upper tones the usual clarity and sureness,. but,,this may have been, due. to a cold. Miss Bassett displayed a voice that %vas musical, loose and flexible. Her aria, "Depuis le Jour," fronm "L.ouise," wvas best . liked, perhaps, aud it was suug with sympathetic feeling for the particularly cvilrmuing. Mr. Kemp and Miss Bassett sang a duet, "O Lovely Night," by Ronald, which was appreciated for its good tone and lyric mood. James Allen, gave. exquisitely -beau- Éiful accompaniments to'Miss iBassett. One could not help fastening the at- tention upon bis tonle, whiçch was, sof t and' fulli. f color.: Seldom does an, actompaiist display the rare quality of.. tone Mr. Allen has.. Here was a, pianist Wvho, tbough:' very yôung possesses the soul,,of. ail artist. VanDuerm Beauty Salon O0pens on Central Ave. VanDuerm's Beauty salon opened, for business . Thursday of this w eek at 11 15!/2a Central avenue, Wilmette, ini the Nelson building. The formal open- ing will be held Thursday,. February 5. Miss Phyllis McBride, f orme.ry witb Cheelc and Himes in Spaniish Court, wilI have charge of the new beauty shop. T1he sbop wi11 alsb have an expert operator, William Wyletal of Vienna, f ormerly of Cheek's Beauty shop on Sheridan road, Chicago, near the Loy- ola "L" station. There are seven booths ini the new shop, each decorated ini green brocaded! sanitas with silver trimmings. The fur- niture for the shop is done in green, black and silver. Mirrors anid other furniture are of the modernistic type. Thei shnn isequinoed with the most ENTEItTAINS VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutter of Morral, Ohio, who have been visiting Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Wild of 628 Greenteaf avenue4 Wihnttq, have r eturned to their home. Charles H. ,Wild of Baltimore, Md., is visiting his brother andi sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wild. MARRIAGE -ANNOUNCEDb invitations, have been. issued this week by Mrs. Gustav Kaspar of 215* Fifteenth street, to the marriage of ber'daughter, Chr-istine, to Harvey C. Harloif, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, F. Harloif of Evanston, Whith ýis to take place, February 14 at 8:30 1.ini., at St. John's Lutheran chutch.. On Tbursday, Fébruary -5, at 4 p. in., Mrs. Frank Oelerich of 1201 Greenwood- avenue who is chairman of Indian )Are1fare for the tenth dis- trict Federation of Womens clubs will give a talk over radio station' WMAQ. PIIONE WILMETTE 0848 Sales an&d Servicoe. THOR WASHERS THOR IRONERS Terminal Hardware 411 LINDEN-AVENUE Jeaaud the boi have as"cated Rlable Ruliber G ods with the naike You'I a-re tata Prduct whlh cntlualy Inereases- Inpopularlty for 25 Ye«» mue »oses unusu4i merlt. ICntiereRu b be r Goode have acliieved such, a repu- tation for durability and dependablefless that thou- sands o! peopie each year pass up opportuflittes to yet blot .water ,botties which, seemn to be good on the sur- face at, hait the price of a XaoU*.lek.You'D 8M dthat $2.00 Invested 11% a Kantleetc Hot Water Bottie wiII be the soundest lnvestmeflt you have ever made. ,veau DON'T WORRY-The VLillage CLeaners'.SPectiaize, In -Removing Sp otsan'd;S tains. miany THE VILLAGE Telephone Wilmette 781. ýEANERS, lbic.-, Evanston Pfr>ne--Greenleaf 7441

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