Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 14

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GrRIPPEY ache COMING on, IAND your head SEEMS lo b. air p 'STOP.PED: up1 and IYOUR disposition GETS :rolten aàn d TEfamily ae i TO see you corne. WHEN 411th.t HAPPENSl'oi youl ITS high time THAT you g90l'o BED and coul YOUR doctor- IN cases of cold> a,îd INFLUENZA YOU'LL find'il' A quick way ta GET rid of GRIPPE conditions, THAT are so PREVALENT at THIS tirneof THE yar- SEE-your doctor, HAVE him Jdiagnose will be carried by station WMIAQ. wili inaugurate a series oi Sundav' afterinoon -Round Tfable" discussions in which University of Chicago e~x- perts and prominent business mien jwilI devote'half an- houir to questions11 of current news interest. Prof. Percy Hohnes' Boyniton o! the Englisli departînent, author of "Some. Contemporary Aiiiericaiis,~ wil. represen t 'the' "wct" attitude ini the discussion Sunday, Prof., Thomas V. Smith, philosopher anxd autlior. ,f ,',The Anerican Theory of IFquaIit." wiIl takeý the modification stand. Ani Prof., Xinfred'Garrison of the Divini- itv scho Iv,.associate editor of. "The Christian Centurv,", ivili sipeak f or thc "drys." Because the new prograin i wl rej>- resent a free, impartial. and exteri- poraneous exchange of ideas by weil-1 înformed men and wos-nen, it -is !.e- lieved to'l>e the first brôadcast of its type ini Chicago. The program wNili be called "The Ro~und Table" and alnquncements will be made from week to week of the subject undcr debate, together with the iiares of, the participants. The play is based on the science of selling, and is one of hligh pressure saiesmanship. 'The author is said to have made a clever play of special interest to business. men. T.he cast, lias as Ieads Prof. Franklin' Fearing of the psychology. departnie nt of Northwestern university, Winston O'KÇeefe of the schooi of sp eech, and Ralpli Swanson,. Peggy Frank and Liliith, Lidseen of the PLa4yshop acting company. The' ieads are1 backed by an unusuai cast :including Kari Gassiander of theart school faculty of Northwestern. university, Donald Briggs, jack Baker, Mrs. John Bod- die of Wilmette, Billv' ,Nims, Richard Rose,, Roy C., Neuhaus and John- Richards.. The play is under direc- tion of Charlotte Barrows Chorpen- ning, director of the Piayshop h settings for the play, are. being de- signedý by Lee Mitchell of the pro- duction departnient of the school of speech. Mrs. josephi Schmritz of 1936 Schil- ler avenue entertained .Mr, and Mrs. 1Edard Durst of WVaukegan at diii- ner Sunidayv: Qranc) L& Th"le derby wili be open to Kenil- worth residents only. There will be events for chidren of various age classifications as welI as for those of higli school age. An added. feature will, be a f ancy- skating event opento.Ken- ilworth residents only. This wili be the first ice. skating carn*val'of its kind ever held in Ken- 1iiwrth, Mr. Tcownl ey states.. Kenil-. worth residents have been invite&d-to wine sthe event. No prizes will k 1giveén this year, but if the derby proves success fui it may be, conducted' on a more.elaborate scale next year, accord- ing to Mr. TownIey. Wilmette. Boy Stages Punch and Judy Show Theodore B., Robertson,. Jr., soli of Theodore B. Robertson, 21,5 Fourî li street, Wilrnette, and a -Juniior ,at the New, Trier H4igli schoôl, staged a, Punch and Judy show last Week at, a Snow Carnivai held inithe, Parislh House of the Evanston Unitariani churcli. Four performances were n ecessary to take care of the large audience wishing . te se> this cilever. youni lg man's show., Mrs. Benj amin A. Poîzin, 1027 Central avenue, Wilý mette, was chairnian of the carnival., New Third Grade Teacher: Starts Work Here Monday M\iss Alice Washburn of Wauwa- tosa, \\i%. began lier duties Mon- day- of this week as third grade teacher at the Central schooL She is takiing the place of Miss Helen Smith who is to be married the latter part of this wveek. Miss Wasbburn cornes to Wilmett e highiy irecomrnended. She lias, had, severai years' teaching exiierience. at, Akron, Ohio, and ai. W"aUwatosa.' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ives with their daugliter, Virgihia, and. son, Clifford Aibin, 1630 Washington avenue, returned Saturday morning frorn St. Petersburg, Fia., where they MATHEW FRANCIS I STUDIO j Phone1122 Central Avenue

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