$ of modern art. It might, thete fore. he of consequence to art lovers to have his or her impressions on this suibject adjusted. The Most advanced art just now happens, to 'be the 'contemplative art. During the- last devades inany schools have been disputing theý relative dig-. niyof the different movements. The German school s. have excelled. in 'the Most hilarjous' vulgarity in concepi- tidon as well as in execution and some of the Russian painters, have. fol-ý lo*ed, hoping to become Modern iy throwing 'pure colors withont dis - crianination on the canvas., The modern races have always had inclinations to 'the dramatic -ini their art while .the people of %the :South strongly took to the Byzantine, it being more, in tone with their- coi- templative, mysterious faith. Cimabue, the Florentfine painter, %vas the first. to sec with the spiritual. eye. Descendant of the N4orthmen he united their strength with the Ro- mian and Greek refinement and con- templative mind. But at the close of the last and, the beginning of the present century we find, following close upon imipres-, sionism, the school of expressionismn' taking a very decided leap forward. Dm0... Expressieni.t The expressionist eliminates the great masses and sees only certain objects on which he builds lus coinx- position. He observes only the Most prominent part. A hand might take * gigantic proportions or a head. It is the saine when a large nose or miouth takes his attention. The expression- ist, paints flot .the subject as it ac- tually is or appears, to the spectator, but the objects which to himi seeni the Most outstanding. The mind's eye sees something differènt f romi that caught by the mat erial vision In an imp re .sonistxc portrait onle-. haîf of the face might bc. missing al- together while the nose is made very, prominent with black holes ,where the eyes were supposed to be locaied. On the other hand, the expression- ist will paint a village f rom an ele- Committee Plans City Tour on February 17 The second of the tours which are conducted by the ways and means committee of the Wilmette Wom- anos. club for the benefi tof. the building' fund is planned for February. 17.ý Those, Who knoie the success of former tours. will be. very glad to have another opportunity to get better: açquainted with. notable' fea- tures of the great city. The firstob- jective of the next tour is the Civie Opera Building and, guests will be led behind. the mamtmoth stage for a demonstration of the: entire mech.- anism of the opera. Fromn the Civic Opera Buil,1.di ng the tour goes tô, the Merchandise Mart,ý Wbere luncheon will be served in the Governors' room. N. B. C., the larg- est broadcasting. station in the world extenids the bospitality of, its studios to the visiting group, but can ac- conimodate no more than 100 people. Tickcets go on sale january 28. Mes. Harry Barnhill is chairman of the tour committee and reservations may I)e made witb her. CLUB HEARS ABOUT INDIA The Kenilworth Study Class met at the home of Mrs. Rufus Stolp, War- wick road, on Mondav morning of this week and had the pleasure and privilege of listening to Dr. Herbert Willett talk upon "India." This is the second study'class under Dr. Wil- lett'Is guidance, the first one occur- ing two weeks ago when lie told of "Greece. " His lectures are nost i»n- formai in presentation but. most 11i- structive in content. Added t o the broad and comprehiensive picture of India there was the added touch of an account of a personal interview with Mahatma ýGandhi which Dr. Willett had when. in. India last vear. Itwas a most timiely and interesting study.. Importance With our compliments we. are offering, to aduits only, as a n additional service- a useful and .Practical, FRE-XEY RING-FREE This .ring is tagged and numbered-if Iost the finder wiIl drop it in 'a mil box and through us your keswl ereturned toyou. 81w ReaîtSrvlce. The best work at most reasoitable >rices.. TWO SHOPS. 1185 WiLmETTE AVE.. 403l LINDEN AVE. One Phone--WILMErrE 4354 GOe"LDEN DAYS »3Y EvANS Drawn for Wilmet te Coal & Material Yard background often solves the problem. The isupreinatic art is fourid je the very latest. art movements of the- daY which deal oônly withspiritual values, Tu.iaw* fr o RETAUN IMN NEALTN Q.v~. eut.m.gp - j4200