liigE 5 o oIlS. z L lfLv l 4 .* SjSt Lt 1 Four clubs: Pauline, Cecilian, Brai!- Washington and twenty are prepar- lite, and Dotter were orga.nized. ing their fifty pages for this purj>ose. YortY=seven mienibers of the schoo! And today, stili othér members of registered for the Braille course the student body desire to, beconme which was sponsored by the jun- Braille enthusiasts; nine beginners Jor Red Cross. Twenity-eiight of are organizing a fiftl, club, whiclh these.. succeeded iný passing their met Monday, jatnuary 26, for the firsti examination and sixteen succeed- time. Miss Agnes.Theobàld, one of ed in presenting "Sandy Joe," by Our Braille students who took up the Waggaman ,as a-nshd Baille course in Septeni ber,. passed, the test, *ýproduct,,last JUneý In 'the course of and had transcrjbed sixty-tliree pages the ,sunimier« months seven Braillerà before Christmas, will preside-over were 'willing9 to sacrifice their vaca- thii new club. tion hours to'thig'..good cause,,with4.' During the holidaya third -book, thé resuit that by September a second "Tom Playfair, by Father Finn, was book,, 'The..Life of Mother Pauline turned in to- the Red Cross. At 'pre5- Von Mallinckrodt" could be turned ent the ýfollowin.g books are being readîng miatter for, the blind. t r a n s.c r i b e d lby thé Mallinckrodt, Moreover, these seven merited there- Braille clubs: ."The Gates f i ve, by a Braille Certificate from Wash- b9Bren "hsNcofcrs"1 îngton D. . . Amog t se were:: I. Benson, "LIucius Flavus, ySiI vynirl will ne repeated. CHURCH CIRCLE MEETING The Cozy Corner circle of the' Wil- mnette., church will hold. an- aIl, day sewing meeting, at the church on Thursday, February 5S. Hostesses during the day will he Mrs. Henry Haach, Mrs. Von Glahl, Mrs. ýMestjian, and1 Mrs. Goode. m an; "The High. Road,' by Keont;' "The Mirror of the Months,"' by .Sheîla Kaye-Smnith. The February card party sponsoreci by -the Mallinckrodt: Mothers' clu!) will be given February &. There iili be the usual sale of bome-made bread and coffee cake.j J g Section4at and Gi J PrizeWinner, Chicago Sunday Tribune Mother-and-Child Portraiture Contée Mlrs. Marguerite Valkins Taylor, ieitcrior decorator, will give o1, Mondai, morning, Febritary 2, at 10:3.? .o'clock the second lecture of * Sà C spýoittored by, the. Art de-ý fPariment of the Womian' clieb, of Mirs. Taylor will discuss the-- his- toric setting of the elements of iii- terior decorating tlirougli the four great sources of inspiration - Eng- land, France, Spain, and Italy. She will tie Up interior iiecorating and architecture through the great crea- tive periods, and IV41l toucli upon furniture, which is. a reflection of thec past and a mirror of religiôus reac- tions, national strength, weakness. whims, and approvals bf monarchs, foibles. of powerful nobles, and whichb occasionially soared to1 great heightsý in. the hands of a few distinguîshed artisans,. The cçanopy bed, the chair. the bench,.the chest,-the cupboard- aIl have ýinteresting stories to tel!. Correct. knowledge of the gregt periods of design, what each stands for, represents ini the past, and ex- METTE TelephoneWimette 650, ItA. ORIENtAL PARTY Miss Audàrey Alberga was hostess at a, dancing party for nine couples at her home, 1623 Washington ave- nue, last Saturday evening. The party. was crried out in Orieëntalt fashion with an East Indian atmos- phere ,pervading.> *l %J- 1 JI îIi p.jg; At the Lakce between land KENILWORTH