Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 24

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LeaersGather *to Outline Work On Cub Program january 19, twenty-seven. Leaders iepresenting twelve different ch .urches of the north shore gatbered at.the Boy Scout headquarters -in Highland Park to discuss and lay plans for. promotion of the new Cub, prograth. Cubbing is a recent program for boys,9-10-11 years old. This program is sponsored by the Boy Scouts. of America, but is in no way like the Boy Scout program, but a newand different type of program adapted to that age boy. Already five "Packs" of Cubs are -registered with 151 boys. Dr. C. V. Nichols of Highland Pàrk is Chairman of the 'Korth Shore Area Council Cubbing Program committee. .The following institutions, were represcuted; St. Mary's Catho- lic church of Lake Forest, Wilmette Methodist church, Wilmette Presby- terian church, Wilmette Congrega- tional church, North, Shore Meto dist church of Glencoe, Glencoe Methodist churc h,,First United Evan- gelical church of Highland Park, Highland Park Bethany Evangelicai churcb, St. Paul's Evangelical church of Deerlleld, Libertyville Presbyter- ian church, Libertyville Methodist church, St. Norberts church of Northbrook., The following. men. were present: M. A. Herriges, T. J. 1Ferrenz, A. H. Seddon, S. M. Mathews, R. J. Till- man, F. G. Piepenbrok, T. Mayer, J. .E. Baldwini,,F. Wogoman,. Bruce Gil- lisJ j. Wr Bird. W. . -Webster, J. J. Kartmani, H. 'C., Toeppenl, Harold .C. Case, F. S. Wichùian,ý C. V. Nicholas,, S.. Mulding, Myron C. Ryboit,' Carl McMaiiusr,Harold Boltz, jack Dem- orest, Mr. Gieser and Mt., Girnnell. Aldrich:Talks to CreW of Good Shi*p Albatross At the meeting of the 'good ship "Albatross"' of Winnetka held Tues- day, J aniaary 20, the crew met the. new Christ Cburch deputy commis- ]EXECUTIVES COLUMN We find that. the people of the North Shore are not ail aware that every Scoutmaster is a vol- unteer leader.. Not only do thèse men give one evening a week to troop meetings, but other eve- ninigs are. given to planning pro- gramns,, attendinig Scout Leaders' training courses and to special: Council and District a ctivities.. In addition there are t he afternoon and overight hikesý on week-ends and holidays, and mny leaders spend, two weeks in camhp with .their troops each summer. Some. institutions make availabie to the troop and, Scoutmaster funds 'for the troop's. activities. Several churches flot only provide this support but have furnisbed a "Scout Roomn" for the use of the troop where ýthey may keep the trophies, handicrafts: andý the, equipment that accumnulates with' the growth of the troops. New Game Sends Scouts in Search Over Kenilworth TÉuesday, January 13, Troop 13 of Kenilworth played a new game which appeaied to ail Scouts. A sealed envelope was passed ont to every Scout and at a given word .he opened it and read, the instruc- tions inside-some were in signaling code, som >e backward and some up- side down. Each 'told you to go, to soime. place in the town where you wvouýld find another note 'to follow. Thle second note directed the Scout to another.place about town where he would finudsomtething,, such as a carrot, potato - or apple,, and return to the meeting place.. IL was loads of fun and on that nigi-t you could, have found members of Troop 13 ail over Kenilworth. Prizes were given. to th.e winner. -Defrees Holmes, district editor, Kenilworth. Scouts A re Praised for Donating Service Several S4couts of Troop 36, High- Ivood Catbolic church have given a good many hours of volunteer service in the. past week in helping folding and sorting letters and other niiscel- laneous work at the Scout headquar- ters in connection writh the financial drive now, in progress. The council Wants to -congratulate thefol- ing Scouts for the fine spirit of uni- seifish service:.. Black Bear patrol-Arthur Driscoil, Frank Shelton, .Francis' Cantagailo,j limmett Burke, Edward Brown. Fiaming Arrow patrol - Andrew WVaIch, Robert Golden, Lucien Car-, ani. Eagle Patroi-Stanley Smith, Xii-,' lard Smith, James Garrity, Cecilj Notagiacomo. Twins,, John a~nd James, are Both Patrol Leaders -c Scouts Rewarded for Achievements at Court of Honor Troop 13 of Kenilworth held i ts monthly Court of, Honor on Tues- day, january 13 at 7:35. L D. Jones was, the committeeman in charge. Bob McCloud, Arthur. Carlson, and Bruce Granstrom received, Second, Class; Menit Badges given were: Charles Bemus, coOking; Cilbert Mc-, [ntosh, pottery,> handicraft; Peter. Gilbert, scbolarship,. pathfinding; Tom Hildebrandt,, woodworking; Russell Cooke, pottery, Jim Fitz- gerald, woodworking'; Hugh' Peter- son, handicraft,' metal work; and Carlton Ross, cooking. Tom Hildebrandt, Bob Cutler, and Russelli Cooke received Star Scout badges. Bob McCloud .received a handicraft medal, and so did Carlton: Ross for the'ir exhibition in our last hobby ghow. Carlton Ross also re- ceived a cooking meclal. - Hugh "Peterson, Troop 13, Kenilworth. Two of the, best w9grkers in Troop of Wiimette are' thie:twins,ý John Troop 10 Now Building and James Luke. They joined as Scouits on January 1928A and :were Bird Houses for Exhibit, made Tenderfoot scouts at the samne Our Scoutmaster. Mr. Hell.er, ex- timie in March 1928. Then they trans- piained at our last 'meeting January ferred Irom Troop 853. of Chicago to 13 more about how. to make bird Tfroop 1 of Wilmette and were both houses. Every Scout is to malke at mùace Patrol Leaders. They-were made least two bird houses. Most boys First Class Scouts togetiier on jan- were very successful in making the-M. uary 10, 1930. They spent two years There were many different types of of camp, one year in 1928 at Camp bird bouses, some matie of flower Dan Beard in Owasippe, and the pots, some of boxes' and of ail sorts other year in 1930 at Camp MIa-Ka- of things. We hope to have a large Ja-Wan in Wisconsin. Both of themn number of bird houses for the Hoeb- are Star Scouts and have ten mient by Show.-Cari Frankeli, Troop 10, badges eacli, which they: both got L.ogan school, Wilmette. togethier. James is now Senior Pa- trol Leader and john is Patrol Leadl- StuttNigtiEjye er of the Eakie Patrol. Theyv are noe h)oth a great. help to the troop.- by Patrols of Troop -4ý ia.y. January 21 at the St. Augustine's HoId Training Coulr>Ses h li. ,1The Quartemaster, Bill on Monday, Wednesday Leuire aled theomeeting ceýrey The fourtb csession ràfthe.i,rn11IThat nizhlt .,.... ..:.lntncf- NED O 1FEBUAR 17 Kaes nd tuded -ur e-s- - 1 - lMuee a!cn.-Bjjj towen., Troop 5, game an stdie ou tets. -one Wimtte IPresbytranj churh. AiL DATE SET POSTPONE OFB I, 7 aeeP,,cially was y.ery interesting. whl ,Camrp-O-Ral, The annual council meeting of the We divided into even' sides. Then IT WON'T BE LONG NOW in lst spring wilI Ie North Shore Area council, which was Mr. Relier asked Gerald Zopp how Anniversa.ry Week, from February ispring on May 16 previously set for January 30, will be to say different words in Indian sign 8 to February 14, is only about ten [s an ovcrnight coin- held February 17 in New Trier High language and'asked also other things days away. 'What bas yurtro r cntet b ptrol, schoo.Frhrifrmto nti but Scouting. We had a very good pianned in celebrating this 2lst birth-' i cach troo. tat big annual affair. wili be published meeting.-Bob Kreusch Troop 10, Lo- day o cuig~sotn eoe w# and prepral o .later. . gan school, Wilmett. of age.

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