Newslbulletin for the -6,000 members of the institution, reveal. 0f this number, 1,332,799 were visi- tors to the museum, while more, than 716,000, were school chiltiren who par- ticipateti in the extra-mural açtivities conducteti by two .special ,units of the museum organization-the. N. W. Har-ris Public School extension, which circulates. traveling natural his- tory andti economic exhi1bits to schools and. community centers,, anti* the, James Nelson.anti Anna Louise Ray- iiionti Foundation, which provides lecturers, motion pictures and other mneans of supplementary education. The 1,332,799 persons visiting the luseumn itself representeti an, in- crease of- 164,369. or more tlian- 14 percent over the previous year. 0f these, 'app>rokirniately one-third were chiltiren, accortiing to- Stephen C. Simnis, director of the museum. It is of great interest -to n ote: that of the total number, of visitors, only 160,924 paid theý 25-cent: admissioni çhargefi to adults on Mcrndays, Tuestiays, We4lnestiays anti Fridays; while 1,171,875 persons were admit- ted free of charge, this inclutiing tbose attending on Thurstiays, Satur- days anti Sundays, the free tiays, anti ail the chiltiren who are atimitteti free every day. SThe activities of the Harris Exten- sion reacheti more than 500,000 chul- dren ini 430 schools andi other gather- ing places. Those of the Raymond Fountiation, including both programs presenteti in the museum anti those presenteti in the schools., reached 277,245 children. For atinits, twenty- seven illustrateti lectures on science anti travel were presenteti, anti in addition, various series of guitie-lec- ture tours, which attractetia- total attendance of 37,031. Former Church Worker to.Assume Pastorate The Rev. W. E. McCormrack is giv- ing up bis work as director of the- Pilgrim Fbundation at the University of Illinois late this motnth, andi Febru- ary 1 he ivili assume the, pastorate of The golden text was, "O Lord, thou art my Goti; I will exait thee; I will praise thy naine; for thoul hast done wonderfui thiangs; thy counsels of old are faithfulness anti truth" (Isaiah 25,1). Among the, citations which éolil- prised 'the lesson-sèermoi 1.Was 'the' following from the Bible: "6 Praise the Lor.d,al' ye nations:, praise hiii ail1 ye people. For bis merciful kind- ness is great- toward Us; and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever" (Psalms 117. , ) The lesson-sermon als'o included the' followinig passages fror tfie, Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with, Key to the Scril)-7 tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mor- tais try to believe witbout under-- standing Truth; yet *God is Trut' (p. 312). CHANGE CONCERT DATE Mischa Levit zki wili giy:e bis Chi- cago re cital on TIursday _ëve-hing, Pehruary 12, at the Civic theatre, under. tbe direction of Bertha Ott. The date has been changeti hecause. of a rerouting of his tour. .Arcl'aeology" and "Ai ,WILMETTE LIFE. assemble in the n( -WINNETKA TALI< CLENCOE; NEWS" WANT.-ADSTATION,, IN LOOP For, lhe convenience of o0rp atronsw.hav now ýesablished àa"Loop offce you en' place your Wanl. Ad, SUITE M2.21213 TOWER, BLDG. 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CICAGO, IWNOIS C'OR. MICHIGAN AT MADISON STREET C OWIN MAKES DEBUT Frances Cowin, young Chicago so- pano, wil nimake ber -tiebut on -Sun- da fternoon, february l1,at 3 o'clock , at ý the Civic theatre, under the direction of Bertha ýOtt.' EXAMINER i = i - --------- ...... ....... . .............. ....... .......... iiiolitiolim assemble im