In Tkree GjrouPs for Clearance $7.95 -Regulafion style.coats for-littie fellows up to 8 years. Com-" plt=iernge in fihe lot although, not in1 every Style. Thrfty mothrs wll akeacivantage of the groat saVings. BOYS' SWEATERS-ACLEARANCE Sjz.s 3 and 4 for litti. boys and: sizes 32, 34 and>1,9 36 for older, brothers.- evry on. aI-woo-values to $3.50. Lord's Boys' Sotion-Firsi, Floor, *Pull'-Ons A beautifully made glove of fine, ,oftcapinin ; the.fashionable 4bulon I.ngh . Black and white or brownam white. A splendid valu. J Lords, Gloves-First Floor * Mens5 FaultIess .NOBELT PAJAMAS Think of it-these famous NOBELT paja mas that have soldas high es $3.50-oseason's Most want.d colons -middy, and coat styles-sizes -A, B. C, and D. Buy several pairs. L ord's Men's Store-Firsi Floor BrOOMS Threed $3.50. Good assormnt. Lords D,.ks-Firist Fleor IVORY SOAP Guest Sixe 4od~ 4 C ,kz. Lo4sToiletries-First Floor FOUNTAIN SÇLI End-ft Sales IncIý Friday ad~c Upon.Request Charge. Purc6e Be Entered .on February ýt< Richlyf WINEari COLOR BROWN 5OCj 4 S~L~ '4 j' Il s '5 $5095 I JVe Cannot Valne*1inm p ol Lerd's A