ruary 3. Last Sunday afternoon the mcmn- bers of the Wihnette junior Auxiliary held a very successful tea of the. north shore junior auxiliaries me-- bers of the Tenth district Federa- lion in the lounge f h Woman's club. MorFe than one..hundred girls Were present, representing junior Ip aux iliaries f rom' the north >shore and northt eide ýof'-Chicago. Resrvtinsaré being -made very Srapidly for, the bridge- party and show «Which the juniôr auxiliary is giving on Saturday after- noo n, *February 14,-, St.. Valentine's day, lat 2-in the afternoon, at the. club. They should be given to, Miss. ~çFlorence Branson, 817 Central ave- Apue, with'accompanying check. The regular board meeting for February will be held on Monday. evening February 2 at 7:30'at'the home. of tfhe' president, Miss Helen .On Thursday evenjug February 11) Mrs. George N. Lamb of Wilmette,, $~a member of the Woman's club, will' be the guest of the. Junior auxiliary and will 'give a review of a current play. Has Dinner P arty Mrs. C. T. Scott of 117 Broadway had ten guests fromn Chicago at diii- ner and cards Saturday eve ning. January 17. ý or. a her favc at the1 school, 1Evanston, of which" schôol she is a graduate. Will Give Play The Drarnatic committee ofý the Kenilworth -club of whichi Mrs,. Hen- ry Zander is chairmaù, is busy.with the plans for 'the coming dramatic event. Already the cast for a three- act play te, be presented is practically mrade up'and rehearsals begun. The' "dramatiic event", of the club, alivays one: of the rnost popular on the. year's calendar, is looked for- ward te with keen interest. At NortheidgeClub" "The Relation of the Nqewspaper to tht' C ommunity," will be the subjeet of a talk by Lloyd Hollister before. miembers of thc Northridge Womnan's club on Monday evening,. February 9 at 8 o'clock. The me eting will1 be hield at the hoîre of Mrs. R C. Quit- leven, 1928 Tho i iwood -avenue. As- sisting hostesses wti be Mrs. William Edmonds and Mrs. William Hughes. Hfas.Din.ner for-Classnates Ceorgianna ýMoore of, Highland Park gave a dinner party for mcm- bers of the Senior class of the koyce- more school Iast: week, Friday, at Club Vista del LagQ». There were over sixty guests.- pects with brother in Wilmette. e ex-1 homne Senior ChasEntertatining The Senior'girls of the Roycemore school will- have a dinnier and danc- .pg, Party at, Sha wnec Country club ItI-U store.q for Quick,l IBrown FriueCo. *Mr. Veil is starting Sundmy, Feb.> 1, at 3:30 p. x4, aSeries Off Lecturesuo the Ideals of The Baha'ïi Temple !Feb. 1,une.lic ndependent Search for Truth; the Secret .f: Progres. Feb. 99 "Univerad Peace-Political, Economic, Edu- cationai, SpirituaL" Feb.4 1, "fac Union off Science and Divine Religion.", Feb. "2 Religion Made. Social; Social Service Sipir- Services are hield in the ]Poundatioui hall of the 'temple, which *as whahrnted' by the recent ire. The entranee is on Lindena ernue, Wilmette. Ever'yone is invited, and there arc no collections taken. TATMAN'S The last week'of our annual, sale. Excptoal value - ENGLISH CHINA CRYSTAL YCLEANI.NGý SILVER FOREIGN NOVELTIES PEWTER Cleanets to the Discriminatilg 1152 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 51 7 DAvis STRME EVANSTON GwEENI.zAiF2450 625 IN. MIcHiIAN, AviL. CHICAGO SupEmoR6330ý TH-E. NhJC. a work.