Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 37

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* i 4 ment ini the nature of song groups was giveii by Princess Tsîanina, Indian mezzo-soparnô, an~d Raymcnd Hentschol, lyric tenor, and dances Ibv Virginia Fissinger, revue star and operatic danseusç'. The cabaret, arrangement of the tables,. which enabled hogts to pri- vate parties and their guests to have their own table tbroughout :the 'en- tire eveningmade of. the affair as, a. whole ,a, series of smal, friendly gatherings- congenially blended to- gether. Appropriately the soiree openeli with a dinner and at midnight.a buf-1 ftsupper was served., WELLS. CLUB MEETING The North Shore WellsCoeg Sgroup is to meet at the home* of Mrs. * Theodore Rockwell, 277 chestnut ~< street, Winnetka, Tuesday afternoon. SFehruary 3 at 12:30 o'clock. Miss Katherine Cornelison will give a talk on Interior Deccorating, 'whi1h willI be followed by, tea. The members wil q also discuss plans for Mrs. Merrill's annual lecture courses which will take place in February. The Vigan club wiIl give' a benefit, card and bunco party Monday eve- iing, February 2 at the home of Miss' M;tr Huerter, 2008 Schiller street. Frcderick- William Bond, .99 Ash street, Winnetka, Chicago ad- vertiser ' and former vewsPaper moqn, in a private edition of 250 copies has uqritten "ALitle lus tory of a- Great City.' .The bo ok, whick is handsomecly bound, vms pû in type, >rinted, and also bound by the atr and Mf, the writer su vs, au informnai presentation of his impýressions of thle most sig- ijlcant episodes in the birth, strug- gles, and grotuth of Chicago, thse Wonder City of the W'orld. It is sblepndidlv iflhutrated by Robert E. Bartieti. Mr. Bond writes ini his foreword Cncago-that vague, but eompelling pirit, ,wbich. dominated Captain Wphistler gand b is.handful of troops, wbho buit the first Fort Dearborp; John Kinzie, Antoine Quilmette, and many others. After ail, th.e history bf Cbicago is flot only written îiii such events as the discovery by.Marquette' LANGUAGES he aly lamsmageschool FILEN<JH - able té read. write. speak aDOr unGet- SPANISE stand the foreigu language. Couver- GeRXANK sational instruction. SmiaII classes of II2ALTIN 5 menibers. Also prn'ate tessons. ENGuEFue emna rtin Ï,on Wtite. Cati or Mhont Harrison 0392 BERtLITZ,,StHSL AudItorIum-gm Hi. comgaes st, <hc 20 to40%y SAVINGS ON LEATHER GOODS goàusd for di plu7 Il w~ tv massn VICTOR. RADIO At Reductions You Cann ot Afford ýýTo Pass By! Victor Combination in beautifully designed Cabinet. RE-57, former prc., $285.00. (1.....Tubes) $169- Rm 57,, Vi ctor, Radio0 742 Elm St. Wintka 16 Phone Uni. 3474 380 Central Ave.. Hfigrhland Paré 3474 Highland Park se rA

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