Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 39

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and plunged into n iL'>1.4V oAti > a mov- ing freight train., Miss Koepke, who was graduated f rom New Trier Uigh school in 1929, was a sophoniore at James Millikin university at Decatur. She Was 19,I vears: old. With a sorority sister, Miss Char- lotte Conklin of Decatur, she started out for, a horséback. ride. When their horses becane, frigbtened and started to run away- Miss Koepke tugged fiosyatý the reins of her horse which.p!ulnged against thie sideof the mVin. freight train. Miss KoePke was, hurled, against a box car and fell to the grounid, suffeing >injuries that caused h er deatbý a few minutes ater'at St. Mary's hospital., Miss Conklin was thrown from her horse and injured islightly. She is sufer- ing from nervous shock.> While -a- student at New Trier High schéool, Miss Koepké was a memnb er 'of the German club and thie Commerce club. She was a member of thie honor sooiety, aànd as suc-h ranked in the upper ten percent of the girls in ber class in scholarship. She was a meinber of Pi Beta Phi sorority at James Millikin university. A brief funeral service, conducted by, President J. F. White'of the'uni- vers ity, was held at the sorority house Sunday morning, at 9:45 o'clock. Besides ber parents she .is survived by a sister, Mrs. Louis K. Chronis, tiodge substltutecl for rsIE. D. Snydacker, the president, who repre- sented the league elsewhere on that day. Luncheon was served by the Wilmette league after which the entire council listened to the eficien- cy expert for Cook county,' J.- L: jacobs, speak.on the ."Consolidations Mf the 'Governments of Cook Côunty."ý The Board of> the. Kenilworth. league will meet ne xt Monday af- ternoon, FePbruary 2 at 3 o'clock at thée home of Mrs. E. D. Snydacker. This is a changefrom the usual day owing toý the fact that five, of the inembers wili* attend State meetings on Tuesday. TO GIVE, BOOK REVIEWS In the third of a series of book reviews spoitsored by the Literature .department of the Womans'sClub of Weilmette Dr. Hubert, Carleton will review on Wednesday morning, Feh- ruary 4, et 10:30. o'clock, "4Greený Pastures" by 1Marc Connelly and "WIo Moved thie Stone?" published under the pseudonym of Frank Mor- lion. and a brother, Charles G. Koepke of-ý Wilmette. The funeral services, here, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30' o'clock from her parents' residence,ý 414 Washington anvenue,. Wilmette. Burial took placé at Memorial Park cemnetery. I d VAL.ENTINE SPECIAL Bernie Captures, the Elusive Czarm of Childhood Cliilclren Smile fo off. e nd t. quota, rates for tMe w1,l.. or aoy part of fMat1 ToI.phone LONgbeach 6000-o.~4nager's Office." DIIEFLVYER Route toDý. *HISTOPJCaVIL WAR, UATTLEFELDS *MOUJNTIM, .MEADOIVS, FORESIS *VISTAS OF THIE 0W SOUTH'AND THE NEW e Nature and history -have combined to give the Dixi Flyer Route a background of absorbing interest. On board the trains, every provision is made for your coinfort. The rueis restful; the scheduleas fast-aud reliable. for descriptie lit erat urev and Iurthr ifrmation addresaa Di#ie Flj'.r Route TraoelDur.qu. Room, 705j, 112 Wst AdamsaStreet, Chiagq ar. < raton o ilta, <ail Stat. 8850. DIXIE LIMITED* Darbur Stat(io(ja C. & E. L.) Superb adt-?,imntn f, cperatllkg on fast ichedule, with through cmr to àl pincipal resort cities. Club and tin Carm. F aumous Dixie Boute meuls. DIXIE FLYER I*aocia Chicago 10:30 p. mi. Daily, Derborn Station (oia C. & E. L.) Twin flyer to th. Dixie. fmited. Serving thse resort regions in Floeida with direct Puimnan 8ervice. Draw- inrosowmpartmentsindividuai sptions. Observation-Iounge cars. Southern mme. Moderns coacheÉ. 1 1 1 F L'Y R R0 UT E C.E.1. LA N. N. C. STLi "iBetter Pictures-&ttçr Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., EanstonTeUN.88 me have p.rlod. .......... TeL. UNI., -8998 -

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