Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 41

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E.J'.'jK8LA No piece of legislation is worth- the paper it is written on unless it is ad- ministered thoroughly and irnpartially and is strictly enforced, according to. the National Safety council. "t is to be hoped when the pro- posed Ilin ois drivers' license law comes up for final passage before the legisiature that that bodyr will, give serious consideration tthepolmo successfuL administration," reads a statement f rom the council. "lu nine states baving a strong driv- ers' license. law with exami-nation,re- quirteents, tbere bave been 29 percent fewer fatalities since 1916 than there wouild hâve been had these states had the same increase as the non-license states . These. states are California,' Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsyl- vania, New .York,. New jersey, Mary-ý land, Vermont, and Arizona. "Our national expérience indicates that a weak drivers' license lawiv s about as bad as no law at al. Thé- strong drivers' license law on tbe otber baud, bas saved 22,000> lives in the states mentioned since the enactment of tbe law. "The rigbt kind of a drivers' law,* backed up witb the right kind of en- forcement, certainly carnies a knock-' out punch for the incomptent driver."* Chevrolet Annourices Convertible Cabriolet Addition of a new Convertible Cab- riolet to the 1931 line of Chevrolet sixes was announced this week by W. S. Knudsen, president and gen- eral manager. The new body type lists at $615 f. o. b. Flint, Mich., and brings the number of passenger inodelsin the OChevrolet Uine .to ten, providing an unusually wide. range of models'in a Iow priced car. The new Convertible Cabriolet' is- a de luxe type car, with sport acces- sories as standard equipmient. Finish is in new Duco combinations of Eng- lish gray, with an upper panel. in SDaphnis green, and trin stripe and whee1s in cream. Lower UhiId.Ueath, Toli; Adult Rate Up Fewer Chicago c hil1d r en were killed by automobiles in 1930 than in any year since 1919, and fewer. children were injureçi in 1930 than in any year iince 1924j according to thé Chicago police departmet. 1the number of cbildren killed in traffic accidents in Chicago in 1930 was 150, as compared with 166 in 1929. This reduction in deaths wag, 9.6 percent. The number injured, in, 1930 wvas 3,117, as compared with 393in 1929. This -reduction was 2.38 percent. While the numhber of, children killed and injured in the past dec- ade bas been generally. reduced fromn year to year, the: number of aduits killed and inijured bas gen1- erally soared f rom year to year. The number of aduits killed in Chi- cago in i 1930, was, 736, 'the largest tolon record, for any year1 and 15.5 percent more than in 1929. Sil enèLi*g Device Makes Show Debut Cars at this year's Chicago auto- mobile show were "quieter" than any ever seen on display. kùbber insutation contributed to quieter bodies and the new carbur- etor intake sil encer which made its, automobile show premiere, bas elim- inated "power roar," resulting in much quieter erigine operation and more pleasant driving. At wide open throttle "power roar" was arinoyiùig. Engineers have been devoting years ofl work to elini- ination of this roar which wasýacconl- plished with development, by AC Spark Plug company, of the carbur- etor intake silencer.. Thé silencer eliminates noise by. setting up*othe noises. It is base.d on the scientific principle that under certain condition s opposi ng sound waves will néutralize each. other and produce quietness. The silencer bas already been adopted by ten pro.ift- inent cars, and% it. is predicted, ivili bel used universally on niost cars withinf a year. Thse: sew fardi&as More. tian twentif ilsEauud raflerbeariaga EVIDENqCE of the iigh qwallty huât lito the, new Ford b the, extensive us. of hal and rouer bearbugs. Tier. .r more thon tweuity i ai - an uusually large nuin- ber. Each bearing is adequate liulamuind carefuliy elected for the workit has to do. At smre points inithe. Ford chas you wiil id lhai beuriuags. At otiers, rolier bearings are used regardless of thefr higiier coesLflihe decidiug factor is the. per- fermantce of the 1 cor. Thi.e exensive use of halmand rouier bearings in the. uiew Ford lisures ernoother operatioui, aveu gasoline, increases speed anid power, gives qiuler pick-up, de. tresses noise, auid gives greater reliabllity mund lounger tIfe to vital rnoving parts. Other outstaumding features tliat unake the new Ford a value far above the price are the Triplex ahatterproof glass ýwindshileld, silent, fuily ,nclosed four-wheel brakes, four Houdailie double-acting hydraulie shock absorbu ers, aluninuin pistons, chrome silicon ailoy valves, three-qtuarter floating rear axle, Rustless Steel, the ex- teisive use of fine steel forgiugs, and unusual, accuracy fiuuaufacturing. Oliver, Cuuan consul, Whlo bas just returned f rom that republic. "At thej present time one, oan drive from thei West endi of tbe island tbrough Ha- 1 vana to Santa.; Clara," -declared the1 consul, stribution cof road i unds,' theigfl- iy division plans to pay out for >ad construction this year, approx- rately $47,000,000 and to distnibute 1000000O more to counties, providing ie st#te ,saupreme coôurt.-raies against e, lat est attack uçqo the gas tax. .-- $

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