Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 43

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r power and endurance. These models are also being displayed at the Damp- mnan ,Schmitt Co. headquarters, 1820) Ridge avenue Evanston, Ithe local representative. 'New SnaOOthn.s" Thère is a new smoothness, in the swingingstreamlines of the Hudson greater eight than is instantly appar-1 ent. This is really the smartest carý that bas carried the populartriangle since that emblem was introdticed 22 years ago. It is available in two. çhassis lengths, 119 inches and 126 inches, and fourteen body, types. Six of these body type are on the 119-inàëh chassis and 126-inch, chassis,, these ýbeing the standard sedan, toivn sedan, four-door, sport roadster, with boat type rear deck and.five-passen- ger -phaéton.; The touring sedan, seven-passenger family sedan, cluby sedan, brougham, with landau rear quarters and seve-sengr, phae ton, are on the 126-inch. chassis. New Body Tpes The new body types are the faiih §edan, seven-passenger, the club se- dan, a new -Hudson body silhouette %vith sweeping lines, for customtrade and the sport roadster, a speedier type with boat- type rear deck. The Essex super-six, with greatly increased quality in' body, chassis, motor, upholstery, fittings_ and ap- pointments, takes thé place of the successful Essex Challenger in. -the quality at low price field," for 1931. The 'Dampman Schmitt compan.y conducts the largest salesroom. and service station north of Michigan avenue, Chicago. Mr. Schmitt, has been identified witfh the Hudson Motor company for the last ten years, formérly being manager for: the, branch and now vice-president. Having just returned from ,the fac- tory -at Detroit, he has installed tie' lowest service charges ever knownjii Hudson-Essex history. Mr. ýSchmitt, assures ail owners the finest expert rearwork, havi.ng engaged Ted- Paris, formerly f rom the engineering departuient at the Hudson-Essex fac- such impetus. in the last few years thàt the coming flower and garden1 event gives promise* of being the Iargest and most successful ever hield in the west. ni Bea remaiui TUE BAR This friendy heatpd cornes in a usefll cedar box.. Painter, and Dco raor N03 Creenl«f Phono 2764 -M' 0-N ir, 95 (a$10.50 value), his cornbintion of a Hotpoint Emctic Hear Pad and cdumrnng cedar dico, is easily the, Bargaia of the Month at yoiur Public Servie Store. And yos can buy th.rn for only 95c dova ad $1 £a oad wich no a=7iyg cbaq> -lhe fleecyý Hocpoînt Heating Pid cornes quicdy ro the rescue when dwWts a toothache,, headacheo, carche or alnost asykIdnd of ache or paianlantthe fauiy. it a" makes a good bedfeliow on wintry alghts. Màle Wpd soft and pliable and ca lbc set to loep three diffmo een rrpemume. Dous recomouend it for lus thepeui qualities. Wik i k comes a handy wm*imb. dipcove. plans for the event. Mr. i'red »uueY represents the Home anid Garden Club of Kenilworth and i8 the presi- dent of th*îs grouP. John -Servas i8 again manager of( this flower, show and everYmne -wfl JOSEPH W. KEHOEU Dlsfrief Manager 1141 C.rlAeWh.f 4 --41 and Àle- Pho» WîkmdM 2899

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