for miini*mizing the effects of a potenj- tially bad period. Throughout the entire range of construction, building efforts are be- ing pushed as relie f for unemploy- small additional cost for protecting the operations froni the weatber, cani assure the owner of perfect concrete.. TJIhe essential thing to reinember in using concrete, for bouse construction during cold weather, is that thé freshi- ly placed material must h.e pratected until the concrete bhas sufficient tipme to harden without danger of damage by freezing. Protection is ustually provided by tarpaulinis, wind breakers and'salamanders 'ta provide hieat. An additional precautioni is taken.iii-beat-i ing the mnaterials and nîixing water1 that go into tbe batch, Highest.,Gradei UPHOLSTERN Cabinet .WOrk Drapeirg and' Upholateag -Fabrîcà ANTIQUES IYIIIIIIJIIM hhI? We speciaIize in Antique Furniture Repairing and. Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made ta Order H. G.'LINDWAL L Higheat Grade Upholstering 8M O*k Street Estabhished 1895 Ph. Wznnetka 145 "Good Times," everybody belleves ii profits from ail transactions, in de- pression, or deflation periods, they see nothing but losses. Facts. how- ever, are. always in existence and are considered by a few, only, even though. an advantagç may fall ta cither the:optimist or the pessimnist. Real. estate facts are, and bave l)een for years, effective on values. True, nmarket cônditions mîa%- varv the final figure,- nionopolies, rackets. etc., niay influence cost, 'but. these items have ta 'bce firnilv intrenched 1)efore they are r ecognized as. per- nianent. Replacenient, cost. less the ever- present depreciation. chargeable to aIl man-made structures (this item determined hv age and neglect>, then thle very important factor of obsoles- cence, how. soon the public says "ioIT wilth the old and o~n with the ne%%." so,_ again I say that- this, facto.r. niust l)e considered. carefully, by experi- enced people, who' can mneasure ta ,what :degree the property inust be rnodernized ta equat comparable' properties ili sirnilar neighborhoods. There are mnany other important fac- tors, such as neighborhood trends, habits of people, accessibility ta life's rnecessities, such as schools, churches. shopping, transportation, parks,'plaýy- grotinds, civic affairs, etc. Ne.d "Douible Check" After proper consideration. of these nagny. factors and numerous, otherts place. for so? much, A cash, and, we say that, if his place is worth that mnucb, ours is worth a few thousand more, and, frorn there on, we buil.1 a value which, at its very beginnin.g, was not baseci on fact, as, in all probability, Mr. So-anid-So did net seli -for the price mentionied and it is possible that henok ioe property in .exchange, the price of which ivasý iinfiated, then, too, the îiatter of long teris may have played anim iiportant part in bis realizing a part of an> ex- cessive price, so', by the, tume thesýe tbiing% are cornered. a,(lifferent pic.- turc, quite frequently, ,Wîil be seen. if not, w >e have built upan arhitrary price that iîhav, neyer be realized. Then, what. is said 'about real estate by the saine "we" wvben the dollar is Worth one hundred, cents, and nôot 79c, or whatever it Was Worthb-a short tileago? Iiiimediatelvaslepie at a lôw. figure. attracts the atten- tion, regardless of what inay have induced the. low price (distress,- ne,- cessity, or foreclosuire) and,' again. comparison is miade between our property, at the arbitrary high price, and the property which bas 'our at- tention, tbeni, we hear "nleyer again wvill I own real estate, nanis worst investment, etc.,a my place Was Worth, so ,nuch and, today, if 1I sell, 1 will. lose. sa-and-so.» Realize,' folks,, that 'the preceding is not an isolated case but quite coin- mon, and bow ridiculous.. Bear.,,lu I ' REAL, ESTATE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES' The term "Real Estate," in connection with BAIRD & WARNER,, reveals mainy activities closely related and essential ta the buying, selling, andexchanging of prorties. The- classification of sreis brod in scope-the range of individualssre swd-inditedb the interts CO-OPERATIVE SALES. 1120 Lake Shore Drive 3240 Sheridan Road PROPERTY MANAGEMENT -RENTING Preserving the. investnient in incomne producing property. Serv- ice ta tenants. I646 North Michigan Aveniue 528 Davis Street, Evanston 4545 Broadway 349 U rmeAxr.m%.i- 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe I al .